Mid Sweden University

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  • Nilsson, Tina
    et al.
    Utförare miljöövervakning, Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten.
    Englund, Oskar
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Ekologiska analyser av skogar och våtmarker i Norrbottens län: Nya metoder för täthetsanalyser och ekologisk konnektivitet i stor skala2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län har samarbetat med Mittuniversitetet för att försöka få en tydligare bild av var skogar med höga naturvärden finns kvar i Norrbottens län och hur dessa är sammankopplade, det vill säga hur den ekologiska konnektiviteten ser ut. Vi har även tittat på konnektiviteten mellan våtmarker med höga naturvärden och ingen eller låg påverkan på hydrologin, enligt våtmarksinventeringen (VMI).

    Arbetet är en del av Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens arbete med Grön infrastruktur och ett underlag för framtida arbete med bevarande, restaurering och även uppföljning av förändringar i landskapet.

    För att få en tydligare bild av sambanden har vi använt oss av befintligt underlag och befintliga metoder. I arbetet har det ingått en hel del metodutveckling då befintliga metoder inte varit möjliga att använda rakt av.

    De metoder som använts är:

    1. en täthetsanalys som visar var det finns områden som till stor del utgörs av skogar med höga naturvärden
    2. en konnektivitetsanalys som visar vilken väg som det är mest troligt att en fiktiv art som föredrar naturskogar och skyr fysiska ingrepp helst skulle välja för att röra sig genom landskapet.
    3. en konnektivitetsanalys som speglar förutsättningarna för en fiktiv art att röra sig mellan våtmarker med höga naturvärden och ingen eller låg påverkan på hydrologin. När den fiktiva arten rör sig söker den liknande livsmiljöer och markfuktighet samt skyr fysisk påverkan.

    Resultaten av täthetsanalysen av skog visar att det fortfarande finns kvar tätheter av skogar med kända höga naturvärden längs hela fjällkedjan. De når som närmast kusten vid Granlandets naturreservat i de centrala delarna av länet. Inkluderas kontinuitetsskogar så faller fler tätheter ut. Här finns dock en osäkerhet kring skogarnas naturvärde, eftersom kontinuitetsskogar utanför kända värdekärnor enbart är flygbildstolkade.

    Arter som är beroende av skogar med höga naturvärden behöver inte bara tillgång på habitat, alltså en tillräcklig täthet av livsmiljöer. De behöver även förutsättningar att röra sig mellan dessa, en tillräckligt stark konnektivitet, för att överleva på lång sikt. Konnektivitetsanalyserna visar troliga rörelsemönster i landskapet. De visar inte var konnektiviteten är högst i länet utan var konnektiviteten är högst inom det närmaste området.

    Konnektivitetsanalysen av skog visar vilken väg som det är mest troligt att en fiktiv art som föredrar naturskogar och skyr fysiska ingrepp helst skulle välja för att förflytta sig genom landskapet. Analysen visar att konnektiviteten är påfallande stark i de fjällnära skogsområdena. Det syns även tydliga stråk genom fjälldalar över hela länet. Man kan dessutom tydligt utröna flertalet skyddade områden, till exempel Muddus nationalpark och naturreservaten Reivo och Granlandet, samt hur konnektiviteten ser ut inom dessa områden.

    Konnektivitetsanalysen av våtmarker speglar förutsättningarna för en fiktiv art att röra sig mellan våtmarker med höga naturvärden och ingen eller låg påverkan på hydrologin. Den fiktiva arten vill förflytta sig till en liknande miljö och väljer väg utifrån hur det ser ut i närområdet. Den begränsas därför av fysiska ingrepp i landskapet. Även här syns vissa tydliga mönster. Stråk av stark konnektivitet följer hydrologiska flöden över länet, i huvudsak i sydostlig riktning. Ett stort område med stark konnektivitet löper från naturreservatet Torneträsk-Soppero fjällurskog hela vägen till Överkalix. Ett annat stort område löper från söder om Torne träsk hela vägen till naturreservatet Granlandet. Ett tredje område utgörs av naturreservatet Pärlälvens fjällurskog och Udtja naturreservat.

    När täthets- och konnektivitetsanalyserna kombineras kan vi få en bättre bild av var i landskapet det finns bättre eller sämre förutsättningar för långsiktig funktionalitet. Vi kan få en bild av vilka stråk som kan vara viktiga mellan skogar och våtmarker med kända värden. Samtidigt bör användaren vara medveten om att analyserna har begränsningar som både beror på underlagen och på metoderna.

    Täthetsanalysen av skog är så pass tillförlitlig att den går att använda mer brett som planerings- och kunskapsunderlag av myndigheter och andra aktörer under förutsättning att användaren förstår hur analysen är gjord. I konnektivitetsanalyserna finns däremot för stora begränsningar både i dataunderlagen och metoden för att de ska vara användbara som ett tillförlitligt planeringsunderlag. Dessutom finns det i nuläget inga metoder för att på ett tillförlitligt sätt validera analyserna, vilket innebär att vi inte vet till vilken grad resultaten återspeglar den faktiska konnektiviteten i länet. Analyserna kan däremot utgöra ett bra underlag för den som är väl insatt i metoden och dess begränsningar.

    Analyserna är möjliga att uppdatera med nya eller uppdaterade underlag. Det är även möjligt att justera själva metoderna allt eftersom vi får mer kunskap. Redan nu fungerar förmodligen metoden för konnektivitetsanalyserna bra i mer geografiskt begränsade områden där det finns mer detaljerade kartunderlag.

    Kartunderlagen som tagits fram i analyserna har publicerats av Mittuniversitetet via Svensk Nationell Datatjänst.

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  • Lund, Pontus
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Knowledge, Influence and Accountability: A Study of Political‒Administrative Relations and Civil Servant Influence on Two Rural Swedish Citizen Dialogues2024In: Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, ISSN 2001-7405, E-ISSN 2001-7413, Vol. 28, no 3, p. 1-20Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    One of the current challenges of democracy is the increasing complexity of governing and, consequently, increasing civil servant influence at the expense of elected representatives. This is also affected by what politician–civil servant relations look like and by contextual aspects, although knowledge about the extent and impact of this influence is selective. Thus, this paper examines civil servants’ influence in evidently complex and resource-intensive processes by conducting a study of citizen dialogues in two rural Swedish municipalities. Expectedly, traits of this context can be recognised throughout the results. The findings point to the position of the involved civil servants as important to the level of civil servant influence in these processes. They further suggest that process complexity may contribute to amplifying already high civil servant influence. However, they also confirm expectations about civil servants’ dispositions towards political legitimate processes, which appeared to dampen the impact of the skewed influence. I conclude that, with these contextual preconditions, the studied form of process can potentially increase civil servant influence. I also argue that, given the size and form of this study, this highlights the need for further studies in local rural contexts and local politician–civil servant relations. 

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  • Tjernberg, Michaela
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Faith-Ell, Charlotta
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Champoux-Larsson, Marie-France
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work. University of Chicago, Chicago, United States.
    Bridging the Gaps Within and Between Public Services Through Samverket, a New Co-Working Concept2024In: International Journal of Public Administration, ISSN 0190-0692, E-ISSN 1532-4265Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Gaps within and between public actors cause inefficient, incomplete, and inequitable public services. A new co-working concept, Samverket, was designed and tested to address these shortcomings in two Swedish regions. This paper investigated qualitatively how public sector employees perceived the conditions for cross-organizational networking, learning, and collaboration when using Samverket and whether they experienced positive outcomes for society. The results show that this co-working concept can innovate public services and highlight which conditions are optimal when designing and using such a workplace for public sector employees. These new findings are relevant to the public sector, practitioners, policymakers, and researchers. 

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  • Fernandes, C.
    et al.
    Aliaño-González, M. J.
    Cid Gomes, L.
    Bernin, D.
    Gaspar, R.
    Fardim, P.
    Reis, M. S.
    Alves, L.
    Medronho, Bruno
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Education (2023-). Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
    Rasteiro, M. G.
    Varela, C.
    Lignin extraction from acacia wood: Crafting deep eutectic solvents with a systematic D-optimal mixture-process experimental design2024In: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, ISSN 0141-8130, E-ISSN 1879-0003, Vol. 280, article id 135936Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Lignin is a complex biopolymer whose efficient extraction from biomass is crucial for various applications. Deep eutectic solvents (DES), particularly natural-origin DES (NADES), have emerged as promising systems for lignin fractionation and separation from other biomass components. While ternary DES offer enhanced fractionation performance, the role of each component in these mixtures remains unclear. In this study, the effects of adding tartaric acid (Tart) or citric acid (Cit) to a common binary DES mixture composed of lactic acid (Lact) and choline chloride (ChCl) were investigated for lignin extraction from acacia wood. Ternary Cit-based DES showed superior performance compared to Tart-based DES. Using a combined mixture-process D-Optimal experimental design, the Lact:Cit:ChCl DES composition and extraction temperature were optimized targeting maximum lignin yield and purity. The optimal conditions (i.e., Lact:Cit:ChCl, 0.6:0.3:0.1 molar ratio, 140 °C) resulted in a lignin extraction yield of 99.63 ± 1.24 % and a lignin purity of 91.45 ± 1.03 %. Furthermore, this DES exhibited feasible recyclability and reusability without sacrificing efficiency. 

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  • Elkin Postila, Teresa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education.
    Eriksson, Christine
    Research prACTivisms–a methodology for a-more-than-educational-academic knowledge production2024In: Gender and Education, ISSN 0954-0253, E-ISSN 1360-0516Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article aims to problematize knowledge production as merely an academic researcher endeavour by investigating how research can invite preschool-aged children to activate knowledge in situ. Informed by Isabelle Stengers’ theoretical framework, we developed the research methodology of Research prACTivisms through three propositions: activating an ecology of practices, engaging a direct democracy, and emerging situation ethics and values as means for change and transformations in continuous processes and activations. We argue that Research prACTivisms may produce and activate marginalized actors and knowledge in order to produce contemporary and situated political research practices and approaches. 

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  • Tjulin, Åsa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Bergström, Gunilla
    Klockmo, Carolina
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    The slow pace of building and organizing for trust in internal collaboration within social services2024In: Nordic Social Work Research, ISSN 2156-857X, E-ISSN 2156-8588Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study sets out to understand how trust-building is created in a municipal organization when the highest level of decision-makers decides to implement trust-based governance. The study focuses on the social services internal organization. The aim was to capture how the participants perception of trust-building during internal collaboration through time, and how the process unfolded over time. A qualitative longitudinal study was designed, and data was gathered comprising written reflection texts about internal collaboration and activities to promote collaboration, ratings of perceived emotions and trust, and meeting observations. The study uses abductive thematic analysis. The main finding illustrates that to social relations and trust between individuals was challenging, however there was perceived trust in the overall change process to become one unit and identify common work methods. This study reinforces the need for physical social relational ties to see beyond the focus on new internal collaborative working methods. It stresses the importance of acknowledging personal and social chemistry in transitioning to new roles, responsibilities and professional skills to build trust.

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  • Coenen, Pieter
    et al.
    Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc, Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
    Huysmans, Maaike A.
    Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc, Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
    Holtermann, Andreas
    Natl Res Ctr Working Environm, Copenhagen, Denmark.;Univ Southern Denmark, Dept Sports Sci & Clin Biomech, Odense, Denmark..
    Troiano, Richard P.
    US PHS, Arlington, VA USA..
    Mork, Paul Jarle
    Norwegian Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Publ Hlth & Nursing, Trondheim, Norway..
    Krokstad, Steinar
    Norwegian Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Publ Hlth & Nursing, Trondheim, Norway.;Nord Trondelag Hosp Trust, Levanger Hosp, Levanger, Norway..
    Clays, Els
    Univ Ghent, Dept Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Ghent, Belgium..
    Cillekens, Bart
    Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc, Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
    De Bacquer, Dirk
    Univ Ghent, Dept Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Ghent, Belgium..
    Aadahl, Mette
    Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hosp, Ctr Clin Res & Prevent, Frederiksberg, Denmark..
    Karhus, Line Lund
    Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hosp, Ctr Clin Res & Prevent, Frederiksberg, Denmark..
    Sjol, Anette
    Capital Reg Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark..
    Andersen, Lars Bo
    Western Norway Univ Appl Sci, Fac Educ Arts & Sports, Sogndal, Norway..
    Kauhanen, Jussi
    Univ Eastern Finland, Inst Publ Hlth & Clin Nutr, Kuopio, Finland..
    Voutilainen, Ari
    Univ Eastern Finland, Inst Publ Hlth & Clin Nutr, Kuopio, Finland..
    Pulsford, Richard M.
    Univ Exeter, Fac Hlth & Life Sci, Exeter, Devon, England..
    Stamatakis, Emmanuel
    Univ Sydney, Charles Perkins Ctr, Mackenzie Wearables Res Hub, Sydney, NSW, Australia.;Univ Sydney, Fac Med & Hlth, Sch Hlth Sci, Sydney, NSW, Australia..
    Goldbourt, Uri
    Tel Aviv Univ, Sackler Fac Med, Tel Aviv, Israel..
    Peters, Annette
    Inst Epidemiol, German Res Ctr Environm Hlth, Helmholtz Zent Munchen, Neuherberg, Germany.;German Ctr Cardiovasc Res DZHK e V, Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance, Munich, Germany.;Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Inst Med Informat Proc Biometry & Epidemiol IBE, Fac Med, Munich, Germany..
    Thorand, Barbara
    Inst Epidemiol, German Res Ctr Environm Hlth, Helmholtz Zent Munchen, Neuherberg, Germany.;Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Inst Med Informat Proc Biometry & Epidemiol IBE, Fac Med, Munich, Germany..
    Rosengren, Annika
    Univ Gothenburg, Inst Med, Sahlgrenska Acad, Dept Mol & Clin Med, Gothenburg, Sweden.;Sahlgrens Univ Hosp, Dept Med Geriatr & Emergency Med Ostra, Reg Vastra Gotaland, Gothenburg, Sweden..
    Bjoerck, Lena
    Univ Gothenburg, Inst Med, Sahlgrenska Acad, Dept Mol & Clin Med, Gothenburg, Sweden.;Sahlgrens Univ Hosp, Dept Med Geriatr & Emergency Med Ostra, Reg Vastra Gotaland, Gothenburg, Sweden..
    Sprow, Kyle
    Adm Strateg Preparedness & Response, Washington, DC USA..
    Franzon, Kristin
    Uppsala Univ, Dept Publ Hlth & Caring Sci Geriatr, Uppsala, Sweden..
    Rodriguez-Barranco, Miguel
    Escuela Andaluza Salud Publ EASP, Granada, Spain.;Inst Invest Biosanit Ibs GRANADA, Granada, Spain.;CIBERESP, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Epidemiol & Salud Publ, Madrid, Spain..
    Lujan-Barroso, Leila
    Catalan Inst Oncol ICO, Lhospitalet De Llobregat, Spain.;Bellvitge Biomed Res Inst IDIBELL, Canc Prevent & Palliat Care Program, Nutr & Canc Grp, Epidemiol,Publ Hlth, Lhospitalet De Llobregat 08908, Spain..
    Knutsson, Anders
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Alfredsson, Lars
    Ctr Occupat & Environm Med, Reg Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.;Karolinska Inst, Inst Environm Med, Stockholm, Sweden..
    Bahls, Martin
    German Ctr Cardiovasc Res DZHK, Partner Site Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.;Univ Med Greifswald, Dept Internal Med B, Greifswald, Germany..
    Ittermann, Till
    German Ctr Cardiovasc Res DZHK, Partner Site Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.;Univ Med Greifswald, Inst Community Med, Dept Study Hlth Pomerania, Clin Epidemiol Res, Greifswald, Germany..
    Kluttig, Alexander
    Martin Luther Univ Halle Wittenberg, Inst Med Epidemiol Biostat & Informat, Halle, Saale, Germany..
    Hassan, Lamiaa
    Martin Luther Univ Halle Wittenberg, Inst Med Epidemiol Biostat & Informat, Halle, Saale, Germany..
    Wanner, Miriam
    Univ Zurich, Inst Epidemiol Biostat & Prevent, Zurich, Switzerland.;Univ Hosp Zurich, Canc Registry Zurich, Zug Schaffhausen & Schwyz, Zurich, Switzerland..
    Bopp, Matthias
    Univ Zurich, Inst Epidemiol Biostat & Prevent, Zurich, Switzerland..
    Marott, Jacob Louis
    Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Bispebjerg Frederiksberg Hosp, Copenhagen City Heart Study, Frederiksberg, Denmark.;Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Herlev & Gentofte Hosp, Copenhagen Gen Populat Study, Herlev, Denmark..
    Schnohr, Peter
    Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Bispebjerg Frederiksberg Hosp, Copenhagen City Heart Study, Frederiksberg, Denmark..
    Nordestgaard, Borge Gronne
    Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Bispebjerg Frederiksberg Hosp, Copenhagen City Heart Study, Frederiksberg, Denmark.;Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Herlev & Gentofte Hosp, Copenhagen Gen Populat Study, Herlev, Denmark.;Univ Copenhagen, Fac Hlth & Med Sci, Copenhagen, Denmark.;Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Herlev & Gentofte Hosp, Dept Clin Biochem, Herlev, Denmark..
    Dalene, Knut Eirik
    Norwegian Sch Sport Sci, Dept Sport & Social Sci, Oslo, Norway.;Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, Dept Chron Dis, Oslo, Norway..
    Ekelund, Ulf
    Norwegian Sch Sport Sci, Dept Sport & Social Sci, Oslo, Norway.;Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, Dept Chron Dis, Oslo, Norway..
    Clausen, Johan
    Bispebjerg Hosp, Dept Occupat & Environm Med, Epidemiol Res Unit, Copenhagen N, Denmark..
    Jensen, Magnus Thorsten
    Copenhagen Univ Hosp, Bispebjerg Frederiksberg Hosp, Copenhagen City Heart Study, Frederiksberg, Denmark.;Steno Diabet Ctr Copenhagen, Herlev, Denmark.;Univ Copenhagen, Dept Clin Med, Copenhagen, Denmark..
    Petersen, Christina Bjork
    Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hosp, Ctr Clin Res & Prevent, Frederiksberg, Denmark.;Univ Southern Denmark, Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Odense, Denmark..
    Krause, Niklas
    Univ Calif Los Angeles, Fielding Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Environm Hlth Sci, Los Angeles, CA USA..
    Twisk, Jos
    Amsterdam UMC, Dept Epidemiol & Data Sci, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
    Mechelen, Willem van
    Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc, Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
    van der Beek, Allard J.
    Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc, Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
    Associations of occupational and leisure-time physical activity with all-cause mortality: an individual participant data meta-analysis2024In: British Journal of Sports Medicine, ISSN 0306-3674, E-ISSN 1473-0480Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Objective Health effects of different physical activity domains (ie, during leisure time, work and transport) are generally considered positive. Using Active Worker consortium data, we assessed independent associations of occupational and leisure-time physical activity (OPA and LTPA) with all-cause mortality.Design Two-stage individual participant data meta-analysis.Data source Published and unpublished cohort study data.Eligibility criteria Working participants aged 18-65 years.Methods After data harmonisation, we assessed associations of OPA and LTPA with all-cause mortality. In stage 1, we analysed data from each study separately using Cox survival regression, and in stage 2, we pooled individual study findings with random-effects modelling.Results In 22 studies with up to 590 497 participants from 11 countries, during a mean follow-up of 23.1 (SD: 6.8) years, 99 743 (16%) participants died. Adjusted for LTPA, body mass index, age, smoking and education level, summary (ie, stage 2) hazard ration (HRs) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) for low, moderate and high OPA among men (n=2 96 134) were 1.01 (0.99 to 1.03), 1.05 (1.01 to 1.10) and 1.12 (1.03 to 1.23), respectively. For women (n=2 94 364), HRs (95% CI) were 0.98 (0.92 to 1.04), 0.96 (0.92 to 1.00) and 0.97 (0.86 to 1.10), respectively. In contrast, higher levels of LTPA were inversely associated with mortality for both genders. For example, for women HR for low, moderate and high compared with sedentary LTPA were 0.85 (0.81 to 0.89), 0.78 (0.74 to 0.81) and 0.75 (0.65 to 0.88), respectively. Effects were attenuated when adjusting for income (although data on income were available from only 9 and 6 studies, for men and women, respectively).Conclusion Our findings indicate that OPA may not result in the same beneficial health effects as LTPA.

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  • Palmstierna Einarsson, Charlotta
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Krause-Alzaidi, L. -S
    Ahmed, M.
    Dyck, D.
    Moriarty, E.
    Ibrahim, A.
    Deumert, A.
    Creese, A.
    Adami, E.
    Biesta, G.
    Beiler, I. R.
    Dewilde, J.
    Valente, J.
    Boldt, G.
    Kubanyiova, M.
    Williams, Q.
    Fellows, K.
    Costley, T.
    Heidt, I.
    Reilly, C.
    Gumede, T.
    Pitman, T.
    Si'ilata, R.
    Rapport, N.
    Finch, H.
    Shetty, P.
    Kelz, R.
    Douglas, A.
    Communicating within, between and beyond social categories2024In: Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference, Channel View Publications, Ltd. , 2024, p. 12-53Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • Dyck, D.
    et al.
    Costley, T.
    Si'ilata, R.
    Assaf, N.
    Harrington, H.
    Creese, A.
    Galloway-Gallego, A.
    Blackledge, A.
    Moriarty, E.
    Dove, J.
    Kelz, R.
    Pitman, T.
    Forsdick, C.
    Dearden, L.
    Herxheimer, S.
    Ahmed, M.
    Valente, J.
    Deumert, A.
    Biesta, G.
    Youssef, M.
    Douglas, A.
    Gumede, T.
    Finch, H.
    Palmstierna Einarsson, Charlotta
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Encountering through storytelling2024In: Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference, Channel View Publications, Ltd. , 2024, p. 54-86Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • Shetty, P.
    et al.
    Fellows, K.
    Krause-Alzaidi, L. -S
    Dove, J.
    Ibrahim, A.
    Mason, S. -J
    Palmstierna Einarsson, Charlotta
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Deumert, A.
    Heidt, I.
    Biesta, G.
    Moriarty, E.
    Galloway-Gallego, A.
    Kubanyiova, M.
    Creese, A.
    Kelz, R.
    Negotiating discomfort together2024In: Listening Without Borders: Creating Spaces for Encountering Difference, Channel View Publications, Ltd. , 2024, p. 87-103Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • Gyllander, Theresa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Näppä, Ulla
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Häggström, Marie
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    A journey through transitional care–family members' experiences post a life-threatening situation: A qualitative study2024In: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, ISSN 0283-9318, E-ISSN 1471-6712Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Being a family member to someone who suffers from a serious illness can change one's perspectives about life. A sudden and severe illness can result in a demanding journey that involves acute admission to hospital, intensive care, post-care, and finally, returning home. Aim: To describe the experience of staying beside a next of kin throughout the healthcare journey, from the onset of illness at home, to the intensive care unit, post-care, and returning home. Methods: The study employed a qualitative design, with data collected via semi-structured interviews and analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. A purposive sampling was used to recruit participants (n = 14), who had experiences of staying beside a next of kin throughout the healthcare journey from the onset of illness to discharge from the hospital. Findings: Family members’ experiences were captured under the overarching theme Journey through an emotional turmoil and the themes Entering a new world, Continuing the journey towards something unknown, and Striving for the new normal at home. They described going through a non-linear process, characterised by transitions or changes in several aspects. The transitions included shifts in the roles that the family members played, in the various environments they found themselves in, and in the progression of the patient's illness or injury. Conclusion: The study suggested that family members with a next of kin who experienced life-threatening situations undergo challenging transitions. The informal caregiver role placed on family members of intensive care unit-survivors significantly impacts their lives and the healthcare systems should prioritise providing high-quality support to family members throughout the entire healthcare journey. Elevating the importance of nursing care within the healthcare system can contribute to delivering holistic care and facilitating transitions. Further research should focus on understanding the support that family members perceive as necessary to facilitate their transition and enhance their well-being. 

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  • Nourallah, Mustafa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism.
    Öhman, Peter
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism.
    Finansiell förmåga och finansiell teknologi i 24 EU-länder2024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna kortrapport baseras på en studie som dels mäter hushållens finansiella förmåga i 24 EU-länder, dels undersöker sambandet mellan användningen av finansiell teknologi (FinTech) och finansiell förmåga. Den data som användes är hämtad från Världsbanken för åren 2014, 2017 och 2021 samt Europeiska kommissionen. Enligt de resultat som Mustafa Nourallah och Peter Öhman vid CER redovisar här nedan har EU-länderna en stor variation när det gäller såväl medborgarnas finansiella förmåga som användningen av FinTech-tjänster. Länderna i de norra delarna av unionen får jämförelsevis höga poäng. Vidare har FinTech en positiv inverkan på finansiell förmåga. Resultaten förblir stabila även efter kompletterande tester. Studien visar även att ett lands index för mänsklig utveckling har en positiv effekt på hushållens finansiella förmåga. Dock finns inget signifikant samband mellan vare sig inkomst och finansiell förmåga eller ekonomisk frihet och finansiell förmåga. När de undersökta länderna delades in i två grupper utifrån hur väl de implementerat Europa 2020-strategin, bekräftas betydelsen av FinTech för hushållens finansiella förmåga, men det framgår också att det i synnerhet gäller för den grupp av länder som bäst följer denna strategi, däribland Sverige. Forskningsresultaten har tidigare publicerats i den internationella tidskriftsartikeln “Financial technology and financial capability: Study of the European Union” (Nourallah, Öhman och Hamati, 2024).

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  • Kårström, Andreas
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV). Swedish Biathlon Federation, Östersund, Sweden.
    Swarén, Mikael
    Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden.
    Björklund, Glenn
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Discrepancies in internal and external training load measurements during low-intensity biathlon training2024In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, E-ISSN 2624-9367, Vol. 6, article id 1455900Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Purpose: This study aimed to differentiate external and internal training loads during on-snow biathlon training by adding an accelerometer-derived metric.

    Methods: Eleven adolescent athletes were fitted with a combined heart rate (HR) and accelerometer to be worn during all training sessions. Duration, HR, training impulse (TRIMP), and average net force (AvFNetAvFNet) were used as training variables. All training was divided into either low-intensity training (LIT), or high-intensity training (HIT) based on reported intensity. The training was further categorized as training without any shooting practice (NS) or as a combination of skiing and shooting (COMB). Duration, HR, TRIMP, and AvFNetAvFNet were analyzed in a linear mixed model for the different training modalities.

    Results: All training was similar in duration for LIT and HIT sessions (p = .0521) and NS and COMB sessions (p = .988). TRIMP did not differentiate between LIT or HIT training (p = .350) or for NS compared to COMB (p = .298). While AvFNetAvFNet decreased during COMB compared to NS during LIT sessions (p < .001) it remained similar during HIT training (p = 1.00).

    Conclusion: The study’s findings indicated that there were no notable differences in internal training load (TRIMP) when comparing various training intensities and modes. However, the type of training had a significant impact on AvFNetAvFNet, especially leading to a decrease during COMB sessions under LIT conditions. Incorporating an external load metric could offer a fresh approach when prescribing and evaluating training, providing deeper insights into the training load.

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  • Militao, Elias M. A.
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV). Department of Public Health and Sports Science, Faculty of Occupational and Health Sciences, University of Gävle; Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Eduardo Mondlane University.
    Uthman, Olalekan A.
    Warwick Centre for Global Health, Division of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick; Department of Global Health, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University.
    Salvador, Elsa M.
    Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Eduardo Mondlane University.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Macassa, Gloria
    Department of Public Health and Sports Science, Faculty of Occupational and Health Sciences, University of Gävle; Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences, University of Skövde, Skövde; EPI Unit, Instituto de Saúde Pública, Universidade do Porto,.
    Association between socioeconomic position of the household head, food insecurity and psychological health: an application of propensity score matching2024In: BMC Public Health, E-ISSN 1471-2458, Vol. 24, no 1, article id 2590Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background Mental health outcomes can be influenced by various factors, one of which has recently gainedattention, namely food security. Food security is paramount to maintaining not only physical, but also mentalhealth. There is an increasing need to understand the interplay between food insecurity (FI) and mental healthoutcomes, especially among vulnerable populations. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of FI onpsychological health (anxiety and depression) as well as to examine the modifying effect of socioeconomic positionon this relationship.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in Maputo City, Mozambique, in 1,842 participants. Data werecollected through structured interviews using a modified version of the US Department of Agriculture HouseholdFood Security Module to measure FI, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to measure anxiety anddepression. A composite variable for psychological health was created. Propensity score matching and interactioneffect analyses were employed to examine the effects of FI on psychological health and the moderating role ofsocioeconomic position.Results Of the 1,174 participants randomly assigned to propensity score matching, 787 were exposed to FI while 387were unexposed. The analysis revealed stark disparities in psychological health outcomes associated with FI. The riskof poor psychological health among those exposed to FI was 25.79%, which was significantly higher than the 0.26%in unexposed individuals. The risk difference was 25.54% points (95% CI: 22.44–28.63), with a risk ratio of 99.82. Ourassessment of population attributable fractions indicated that nearly all the risk for poor psychological health in theexposed group could be ascribed to FI. The interaction effects analysis revealed that socioeconomic status modifiesthis relationship. Specifically, heads of food-insecure households with a lower socioeconomic position tended toreport poor mental health compared to their food-secure counterparts with a higher position. Conclusions The findings underscore the profound impact of FI on the mental health of household heads in MaputoCity, socioeconomic position being a significant modifier. Addressing household FI along with the socioeconomicposition of household heads could be pivotal to mental health promotion, especially among vulnerable populations.

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  • Olsson, Helén
    Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för sociala och psykologiska studier (from 2013).
    Voices of Women Exposed to Honour-Based Violence: On Vulnerability, Needs and Support from Social Services2024In: British Journal of Social Work, ISSN 0045-3102, E-ISSN 1468-263X, Vol. 54, no 6, p. 2623-2641Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Swedish social services play a pivotal role in preventing men’s violence against women, including honour-based violence. This type of family-based violence is based on norms that disregard human rights. Individuals growing up in an honour context have limited possibilities to choose their own paths in life. The study comprises young women aged eighteen to twenty-five who look back on their vulnerable positions and the circumstances resulting in their seeking help from social services. They also share their experiences of the support that they had received from social services. Semi-structured interviews with ten women were conducted. The data were analysed through a qualitative content analysis. The findings show that the interviewees are not a homogenous group; circumstances, needs and exposure varied considerably between participants. Professional attention is necessary when threats ensue after divorce, for example, in the case of a bride price refund. Child perspectives must be better considered in the event of a divorce. Women or families that reject standards of honour are subject to harassment in public by people aiming to coerce them into adopting honour norms. Leaving the family was facilitated if one’s fears were taken seriously and experiences of being met with understanding and being well cared for.

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  • Lehmivaara, Jörgen
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Pfaltz, Monique C.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Jansson, Billy
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Psychometric Evaluation of the Swedish Version of the Types of Positive Affect Scale2024In: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, ISSN 2698-1866, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 242-250Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Differentiating between various types of positive affect (PA), such as excitement, relaxation, safeness, and contentment, is important when assessing mental health. However, validated instruments measuring these types of PA are scarce, and in a Swedish context, they are nonexisting. Thus, the present study assesses the psychometric properties of the translated Swedish version of the Types of PA Scale (TPAS) using a sample of 440 Swedish adults. Corroborating previous research, confirmatory factor analyses supported a modified three-factor model (Activated PA, Relaxed PA, Safe/Content PA), showing good reliability, good convergent validity, and satisfactory discriminant validity of the factors. Furthermore, the TPAS demonstrates measurement invariance across demographics (age, gender, and education) and exhibits satisfactory construct validity by distinguishing between PA, NA and State-Trait Anxiety. Hence, the Swedish TPAS is a valid tool for measuring types of PA in the adult population of Sweden, with potential areas for improvement being discussed. 

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  • Weilenmann, S.
    et al.
    von Luckner, A.
    Huber, C.
    Birnie-Porter, C.
    Pfaltz, Monique C.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Jansson, Billy
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Validation of the German Intimacy Scale2024In: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, ISSN 2698-1866, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 201-215Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The intimacy questionnaire by Birnie (2009; Birnie-Porter & Lydon, 2013) is a promising measure of relationship intimacy due to its strong theoretical background, the inclusion of lay conceptions and the differentiation of emotional and sexual intimacy. This study aimed to validate our German translation of Birnie’s questionnaire, which we labeled Intimacy Scale (IS). In two independent samples (379 and 203 individuals), confirmatory factor analyses showed best support for a bifactor S-1 model, with a strong general intimacy factor and a small specific factor, capturing unique portions of the variance related to sexual intimacy. The general intimacy factor correlated very highly and to the point of redundancy with relationship quality. Taken together, the IS may be useful as measure of relationship quality with a general (intimacy) factor. Future research is needed to improve the factorial structure of the scale. 

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  • Tjulin, Åsa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Klockmo, Carolina
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Bergström, Gunilla
    FoU i Väst, Göteborgsregionen.
    Du får dansa med omvärlden och anpassa efter behov: Du får dansa med omvärlden och anpassa efter behov2024In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 101, no 2, p. 135-145Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här studien fördjupas förståelsen av de övergripande utmaningar som personalen inom kommunala arbetsmarknadsenheter (AME) upplever i sitt dagliga arbete. Det finns inga lagstadgade krav på att kommunerna ska bedriva arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder, men genom förskjutningen i det ekonomiska ansvaret för vissa utförsäkrade (Försäkringskassan) och arbetslösa (Arbetsförmedlingen) har kommunerna ekonomiska incitament att engagera sig i arbetsmarknadspolitiken. I studien har data samlats in genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med 45 personer. Deltagare har varit personal inom AME i åtta kommuner. Resultatet visar att personalen måste anpassa sig när omvärlden förändrar förutsättningarna för deras deltagare. AME behöver vara flexibelt organiserat genom att verksamheten är (med)beroende av omvärlden och dess olika (politiska) system. Detta kan ses som ett övergripande systemhinder som AME-personalen möter i sitt dagliga arbete och förståelse för kommunernas roll som yttersta skyddsnät.

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  • Bäckstrand, Emil
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Communication, Quality Management, and Information Systems (2023-).
    Djupedal, Rasmus
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Communication, Quality Management, and Information Systems (2023-).
    Öberg, Lena-Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Communication, Quality Management, and Information Systems (2023-).
    Gomes de Oliveira Neto, Francisco
    Unveiling Disparities: NLP Analysis of Software Industry and Vocational Education Gaps2024In: Proceedings - 2024 ACM/IEEE International Workshop on NL-Based Software Engineering, NLBSE 2024, IEEE conference proceedings, 2024, p. 9-16Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The rapid growth of software industry highlights the importance of the education system in producing competent professionals to meet industry demands. Previous research has identified a gap between industry needs and the content of educational programs. This study presents Vocational Education and Labour Market Analyser (VELMA), a tool designed to extract information from job ads and educational curricula (both from Sweden), utilising topic modelling to identify the diverse technologies and skills in demand within the industry and those covered by professional education. Particularly, we use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to categorise keywords into cohesive themes for document frequency analysis. Our findings highlight industry demand for skills in cloud and embedded technologies, security engineering, and software architecture. In contrast, the Higher Vocational Education (HVE) curricula emphasise the education of web developers and general object-oriented programming languages. 

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  • Sarling, Andreas
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work. Stockholm University.
    Sundin, Örjan
    Universidade Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal.
    Jansson, Billy
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Psychometric Evaluation of the Swedish Version of the Empathic Experience Scale (EES)2024In: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, ISSN 2698-1866, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 192-200Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: This study assessed the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Empathic Experience Scale (EES), a recently developed scale for empathic traits (Innamorati et al., 2019). According to previous research, EES has two dimensions: Vicarious Experience and Intuitive Understanding. Methods: We used a split-sample method with a combination of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for an adult population (N = 805) from both Sweden and Finland. Results: Our findings support previous research, favoring a two-factor model over a unidimensional model. The final model provided support for measurement invariance across different grouping variables. Consistent with previous research on empathic traits, women obtained higher scores on both dimensions of the scale compared to men. Furthermore, the EES showed high internal consistency, good discriminant, and convergent validity. 

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  • Swarén, Mikael
    et al.
    Sandamas, Paul
    Alonso, Juan
    Norman, Magnus
    Björklund, Glenn
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Johansson, Fredrik
    External Mechanical Work Versus Energy Expenditure During on-Court Tennis Drills in Elite Adolescent Tennis Players2024In: Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, ISSN 2096-6709, E-ISSN 2662-1371Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    Tennis demands exceptional technical skills, speed, strength and endurance. Previous studies have highlighted the high energy expenditure during tennis drills due to constant directional changes. While metabolic monitoring and player tracking have been used to quantify exercise intensity and movements, mechanical efficiency (ME) in tennis remains poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate ME in tennis by combining metabolic and mechanical measurements during on-court drills.


    Ten elite adolescent tennis players (males n = 5, females n = 5) performed a VO2max test on a treadmill and participated in three standard tennis drills, Spanish cross, lateral and inside out. During the tennis drill, full-body kinematics were captured, and energy expenditure was measured using a portable breath-by-breath gas analysis. ME was calculated for each drill, and individual differences were examined.


    Results revealed significant differences in energy expenditure and mechanical work between drills. ME was not associated with VO2max or running speed. highlighting the need to focus on other factors like strength, footwork technique, and neuromuscular training to enhance ME.


    This study underscores the complexity of ME in tennis, with individual variations and where factors like footwork technique, muscular strength and motor abilities might influence ME.

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  • Nilsson, Ragnhild
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Kommentar till professor Jonny Hjelms artikel ”Vetenskaplig ideologiproduktion – en kritisk granskning av urfolkismen i svensk forskning om samer”2024In: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, ISSN 0039-0747, Vol. 126, no 2, p. 337-354Article in journal (Other academic)
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  • Public defence: 2024-10-16 13:15 L111, Sundsvall
    Dimitrova, Irina
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism.
    The cashless paradox: Adoption and resistance2024Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Digitalisation and the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the decrease in demand for cash worldwide. This also concerns Sweden, which might be on its way to being the first cashless country in the world. The idea of a cashless society is motivated by various assumed benefits, although it also entails certain inherent challenges. The overall aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the relationships between barriers to realising a cashless society and the barrier-breakers, respectively, by considering two groups of bank customers, i.e., adopters-accepters and adopters-resisters, and their intention/resistance to fully adopt digital payment methods (DPMs). A supplementary aim is to investigate moderating and mediating effects because those can affect how barriers and barrier-breakers may increase or decrease the intention to adopt DPMs. This doctoral thesis includes four papers, focusing on barriers and the respective barrier-breakers, intention, and resistance. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used, starting with an online questionnaire. This approach combined the questionnaire with netnography in one of the papers, while the last paper is entirely a netnographic study. The results reveal that adopters-accepters perceive privacy and access barriers to be significantly related to the intention to fully adopt DPMs. The adopters-resisters perceive only the impersonalisation barrier as significant. Further tests show that bank customers’ past experience may increase the negative effect of the privacy, access, and impersonalisation barriers on the intention to fully adopt DPMs. Furthermore, both groups highlight the credibility barrier-breaker, and the adopters-resisters also perceive usefulness and social influence as barrier-breakers in relation to the intention to fully adopt DPMs. Additional tests show that the impersonalisation barrier may decrease the positive effect of the barrier-breakers. The thesis also shows that the impersonalisation barrier is hard for adopters-resisters to overcome with the social influence barrier-breaker. In a forced full-adoption scenario, this issue seems to cause negative commenting behaviours. Focusing on the access barrier as a repeatedly crucial issue, adopters-accepters may further experience negative attributes such as monologue, uncertainty, restriction, and ambiguity, which may lead to co-destruction of value and, in turn, to potential resistance to fully adopt DPMs.

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  • Cortina-Escribano, Marta
    et al.
    Barbero-López, Aitor
    Kilpeläinen, Petri
    Vanhanen, Henri
    Haapala, Antti
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Education (2023-). University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu.
    Degradation of Pinus sylvestris and Populus tremula by laccate Ganoderma species2024In: Holzforschung, ISSN 0018-3830, E-ISSN 1437-434X, Vol. 78, no 10, p. 581-585Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Wood chips and sawdust are used for cultivating Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms. In Northern Europe, side-streams of Pinus sylvestris are highly abundant, however as cultivation substrate they inhibit the growth of G. lucidum. To identify the changes in lignocellulosic composition after fungal degradation, the major lignocellulosic components in P. sylvestris and an optimal substrate for G. lucidum, Populus tremula were analyzed. Populus tremula was evenly degraded while the glucan fraction of P. sylvestris was not degraded and its lignin fraction was consumed almost completely. Despite not being an optimal substrate, P. sylvestris was successfully delignified by G. lucidum. 

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  • Public defence: 2024-10-17 13:00 Fälldinsalen, Sundsvall
    Stjernström, Anna
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Timmeravverkningstiden: Skapande förstörelse i en jämtländsk socken ca 1850-19062024Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis examines how a new way of utilising, managing and exploting the forest in Norrland was part of the all-encompassing change that transformed Sweden from an agricultural country into an industrial nation during the latter half of the 19th century. It was the time of steam and steel as well as the timber harvesting era; a period of large-scale selective cutting of old-growth forests, with consequenses for the physical landscape, ways of thinking, and structures in soceity. Based on Joseph A. Schumpeter's theory of creative destruction, this study applies an endogenous and diachronic perspective to examine how new combinations of existing resourses and practices over time create new structures in a never-ending process of societal transformation. The present in-depth study of the trade in saw logs, logging rights, and real estate in a parish in Jämtland circa 1850-1906 clarifies how the industrial use of forests, land, and water for resources was realised in the example of Hammerdal and the implications it had for life and livelihoods in the local community. From the perspective of the transformation of the Norrland countryside, the work also illustrates the multiplying process of creative destruction which, by virtue of the time-space copression of the modern era, resulted in the emergence of a new societal structure.

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  • Hacıoğlu, Burcu
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Dupaul, Gabriel
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Paladino, Gabriela
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Edman, Mattias
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Hedenström, Erik
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Unlocking the biodegradative potential of native white-rot fungi: a comparative study of fiberbank organic pollutant mycoremediation2024In: Bioengineered, ISSN 2165-5979, E-ISSN 2165-5987, Vol. 15, no 1, article id 2396642Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Fiberbanks refer to a type of fibrous sediment originated by the forestry and wood pulping industry in Sweden. These anthropogenic sediments are significantly contaminated with potentially toxic elements, and a diverse array of organic pollutants. Additionally, these sediments are of environmental concern due to their potential role in greenhouse gas emissions. Given the environmental risks posed by these sediments, the development of effective remediation strategies is of critical importance. However, no specialized methods have been established yet for the cleanup of this specific type of contaminated sediments. To identify effective fungal species for the mycoremediation of the fiberbank substrate, we performed a detailed screening experiment. In this research, we primarily aimed at assessing both the growth capacity and the proficiency in degrading organic pollutants of 26 native white-rot fungi (WRF) species. These species were sourced from natural forest environments in northern Sweden. The experimental setup involved evaluating the WRF on plates containing fiberbank material with a central Hagem-agar disc to closely monitor the interaction of these species with fiberbank substrates. Among the fungi tested, Laetiporus sulphureus exhibited the highest growth area percentage at 72%, followed by Hymenochaete tabacina at 68% and Diplomitoporus crustulinus at 67%. For the removal of 2–3 ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Phellinus punctatus led with 68%, with Cystostereum muraii at 57% and Diplomitoporus crustulinus at 49%. Regarding the removal percentage of 4–6 ring PAHs, Diplomitoporus crustulinus showed the highest efficiency at 44%, followed by Phlebia tremellosa at 40% and Phlebiopsis gigantea at 28%. 

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