Quality management and Lean initiatives are currently widespread in the Swedish municipal sector. It is also made clear that all Lean initiatives should be initiated to benefit the customer and not for internal organizational reasons. However, the practices currently used for understanding value creation in the municipalities tend to focus heavily on the use of numerical, quantitative approaches. In sharp contrast, the growing field of, for example, design thinking argue that qualitative approaches are key when it comes to getting closer to the citizens, establishing new levels of understanding and thereby inspiring new and better solutions. In sum, it seems likely that municipalities are struggling with developing quality due to relying, in too one-sided on the use of quantitative rather than qualitative approaches to understand and spark new levels of value creation. The purpose of this paper is to contribute with a review of research concerning qualitative approaches for understanding and co-creating value in municipal quality development.
Methodology/Approach The paper is based on a literature review.
Findings The paper provides an overview of previous research concerning practices for evaluating and understanding value creation in the context of a municipal quality development.
Value of the paper
This overview is of value for practitioners within the context, as well as researchers that wants to contribute within this area.
Det här är en kokbok för förändringsledare. Du kan använda denna bok om du ska leda utvecklingsaktiviteter och letar efter bra och beprövade metoder för att leda grupper och processer. Vi beskriver metoderna som vi har använt inom vårt projekt SMICE, i vilket sammanhang metoderna använts och när de olika metoderna fungerat bra. Vår förhoppning med att nedteckna dessa metoder är att du ska inspireras och vågar prova något nytt för att skapa nytta. Vi tror att ett detaljerat sätt att dokumentera metoderna gör dem mer användbara för dig men också för oss själva. Metoderna är graderade efter vilket behov av förkunskap och förberedelser du behöver, från det enklaste, där du kan öppna kokboken och använda metoden på en gång, till metoder som kräver utbildning eller specialistkompetens innan du sätter igång. Boken är indelad i fyra huvuddelar; Starta, Forma, Utveckla och förankra och Bygga vidare. Till dessa delar har vi identifierat metodstöd som kan användas vid en rad olika tillfällen; vid idégenerering, vid idéutveckling, vid affärsutveckling, för att inspirera, för att skapa samsyn och samverkan och för att mobilisera större grupper av människor och organisationer. Något för alla, alltså. Avslutningsvis finner du tips och stöd för att driva dessa utvecklingsprocesser på distans med digitala verktyg i digitala möten. Ska vi sammanfatta någon lärdom av detta arbete så blir det våra nycklar som presenteras på nästa sida. Du kan se dessa nycklar som våra bästa råd för att du ska lyckas med ditt arbete med att leda processer och att ordna möten. Lycka till!
Metoderna har testats och utvecklats inom SMICE - Samskapande Mittnordisk Innovationsarena för Cirkulär Ekonomi, ett projekt inom Interreg som pågått 2017-2020.
One of the most critical aspects for building quality and innovation in organizations is the role of values. Performance suffers when organizations fail to prioritize values. A challenge for many leaders is to understand deep-rooted values together with what they are and how they are developed. These deep-rooted values are reflected in the behaviors, language and signs occurring in the organization and can be seen as the organizations culture. When a culture is shaped, leadership is central and the managers in the organization are vital. Managers in an organization affect the predominating culture through their behaviors and approach to their co-workers. This make it interesting to try to find out underlying values held by managers striving for good leadership and performance. Underlying values can be unconscious and taken for granted, and thereby hard to ask about. By using an interview guide inspired by Appreciative Inquiry (AI) (an approach based on generativity and positivity), underlying values and the leadership used by top managers can be discovered.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the results from the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) inspired interviews to explore the underlying values held by top manager and to identify soft aspects of leadership.
Methodology/approach – Top managers were interviewed as a part of a research project with the aim to support the development of value-based leadership that integrates company values, organizational culture, customer needs and sustainable development. A structured interview guide, inspired by AI, was developed and used to pinpoint their motivation and vision of a good organization in order to understand the values the leaders had and to identify soft aspects of leadership. The interviews were analyzed in workshops with the whole research group and structured and visualized through affinity chart.
Findings – The results show underlying values held by top managers and identified soft aspects of leadership.
Practical implications – The presented interview guide can be used to identify the top managers underlying values and the presented results from the interviews can be used to inspire other leaders to develop their leadership in their striving of good leadership and effective organizations.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the results from the appreciative inquiry (AI)-inspired interviews to explore the underlying values held by top managers and to identify soft aspects ofleadership.Design/methodology/approach – Top managers were interviewed as a part of a research project withthe aim to support the development of value-based leadership that integrates company values, organizationalculture, customer needs and sustainable development. A structured interview guide, inspired by AI, wasdeveloped and used to pinpoint their motivation and vision of a good organization to understand the valuesthat the managers had and to identify soft aspects of leadership. The interviews were analyzed in workshopswith the whole research teamand structured and visualized through affinity diagrams.Findings – The results showed the underlying values held by top managers and identified soft aspects ofleadership.Practical implications – The presented interview guide can be used to identify the top managers’underlying values, and the presented results from the interviews can be used to inspire other managers andleaders to develop their leadership in their striving of good leadership and effective organizations.Originality/value – The paper explains how to apply an AI-inspired interview guide in finding out valuebasedleadership and soft aspects of leadership for enhancing organizational culture.
For leaders to successfully meet the complexity of businesses today, many argue the need to design a performance measurement system that integrates hard data outcomes with soft measures found in organizational culture including values, norms, and behaviors. The purpose of this paper is to present an approach to collecting baseline data that captures the soft dimensions of organizational culture with system thinking as a guiding theory. The results present an approach for measuring the soft dimensions of organizational culture with description of methods, the type of data and what level of organizational culture they measure.
The purpose of this paper is to explore how preventative activities in public services are practiced, and to identify factors that enable preventative activities within organizations. The case studied, Skolfam, was chosen since it had been shown to facilitate significant change from previously mainly reactive behavior towards a clearly preventive way of working. Skolfam is a work model, used in many Swedish municipalities, for multidisciplinary teams of social workers, school teachers, psychologists, the child, and the foster-care family, that are all committed to support the schooling of the children. The study identified enabling factors related to management, collaboration, follow-up of the child’s school development, and the Skolfam model itself. Furthermore, the study also revealed that persistence is required to gain political support. Additionally, a mindset change was found among stakeholders at a system level that enabled a shift from reaction to prevention. Working towards a common goal, focused on the customer and in multidisciplinary teams were identified as major strengths to that enable prevention. Using an accepted and well documented model that provided structure and focused on the needs of the children in foster care was fundamental. This study contributes findings from a successful preventative public service activity using the Skolfam model.
The etch rate of silicon, during reactive ion etching (RIE), depends on the total exposed area. This is called the loading effect. However, local variations in the pattern density will, in a similar way, cause local variations in the etch rate. This effect is caused by a local depletion of reactive species and is called the microloading effect. Silicon wafers patterned with silicon dioxide have been etched in order to study the microloading effect. The pattern consists of a large exposed area and narrow lines at different distances from the edge of the large area. This arrangement makes it possible to study how the distance from the large area, which depletes the etchants, influences the etch rate. The influence of different processing parameters like, e.g., pressure, gas flow rate, and flow direction on the microloading effect have been investigated. It has been found that the microloading effect is small (<10%) compared to other pattern dependent nonuniformities. It is also shown that the nonuniformities caused by the microloading effect can be decreased by, e.g., decreasing the pressure or increasing the gas flow rate.
This paper investigates continuous improvement of leadership with the aid of coaching and specifically peer-coaching as a model for leadership improvement. The paper is based on the idea of experimental learning both as a tool to motivate, educate and inspire leaders in two studied organizations. Learning-by-doing along with reflection has formed the basis for leadership improvement and leadership awareness in this study. The concept of Developing- by-doing have been used to help leaders design the foundation of an organizational specific coaching model.
I denna förstudie har ett framgångsrikt samverkansprojekt med tydligt fokus på förebyggande insatser för att stödja barn i familjehem studerats för att förstå och ge förslag på generiska framgångsfaktorer som kan hjälpa kommunala organisationer att hitta arbetssätt som stödjer arbetet med att hitta och implementera framtida förebyggande insatser. De viktiga framgångsfaktorerna som identifierats är för det första att man utgår från medborgarens behov och utifrån detta samverkar tvärfunktionellt för att möta dessa behov. Att man för det andra har använt sig av en evidensbaserad och beprövad modell, detta har hjälpt enheterna och professionerna att samlas och givit dem möjligheter att samverka kring en gemensam process och ett gemensamt mål. Den sista framgångsfaktorn vi vill lyfta är ett uthålligt engagemang (för att stå emot långa beslutsprocesser i den kommunala verksamheten). Resultatet skapar nytta för medborgarna genom att tydliggöra och föreslå vilka faktorer som är viktiga vid förbyggande arbetssätt. Förstudien ligger till grund för framtida forsknings- och samverkansprojekt.
The angular dependence of the etch rate in reactive ion etching (RIE) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) systems for polysilicon etching with SF6" role="presentation" style="display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;">SF6SF6 and Cl2" role="presentation" style="display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;">Cl2Cl2 is determined using a recently developed direct measurement method. The latter utilizes specially patterned silicon groove structures consisting of 7–10 μm wide planar surfaces which form various angles with respect to the wafer normal. The structures are produced by highly anisotropic wet chemical etchingof Si through a gratinglike mask pattern aligned along specific crystallographic orientations of the wafer which results in the development of planar surfaces of various orientations. These surfaces are then coated with the materials to be studied—polysilicon in this case. The deposited polysilicon is then etched under a variety of conditions in a RIE and an ICP reactor and the etch rates determined by interferometric measurements. Since only standard Si wafers are used and the size of the pattern is only a few μm the method is fully IC production compatible, which means that one can measure the angular dependence of the etch rate directly in production etching systems. The results for RIE of polysilicon with SF6" role="presentation" style="display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;">SF6SF6 show that the process becomes more isotropic with increasing pressure. The angular dependence of the RIE and ICP polysilicon etchrates in Cl2" role="presentation" style="display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;">Cl2Cl2 atmosphere were found to vary with the substrate bias. Specifically low substrate bias resulted in an under cosine distribution whereas bias higher than 240–250 V led to over cosine distributions.
A newly developed and tested survey instrument assessed the impact of individual beliefs, norms, and attitudes on the adoption of circular practices in the building industry, with a focus on reuse behaviors in renovation and construction. The findings indicate that while attitudes indirectly influence organizational intentions, norms, and perceived behavioral control directly relate to reuse intentions. These results highlight the critical role of psychological factors in promoting sustainable practices within the industry, emphasizing the need for further exploration of how these elements interact to advance environmental responsibility.
The transformation towards increasing circularity in the building industry is slow. This qualitative study takes a holistic approach and gathers stakeholders and actors from one local building value chain to explore attitudes and intentions toward reuse. Using dialogic focus groups, enabling and hindering factors for reuse are studied by unlocking insights through listening to stories based on participants' own experiences with reuse and recycling of materials in building projects. Although the overall attitude towards reuse is positive in the studied group, several hindering attitudes are revealed through their stories and statements.
Since the bestselling book “Toyota Kata” was first published in 2009 the practices of the Toyota Kata has spread quickly among practitioners and consultants all over the world. However, the number of academic papers and studies concerning Toyota Kata occurs as remarkably sparse. Based on the apparent gap, this paper identifies and proposes a future research agenda on Toyota Kata based on a survey with Swedish Toyota Kata experts. As a result, 20 areas are highlighted and identified as the currently most desirable to understand and study more closely. Based on the areas, six themes are also identified and formulated.
Syftet med denna rapport är att belysa processen att föra över det internationella Paris-klimatavtalet från 2015 till först nationell nivå och sedan vidare till regional (Jämtlands län) och slutligen till kommunal nivå (Ragunda). Avsikten med rapporten är inte att med precision analysera situationen, utan vår ambition är snarare att lyfta fram olika frågeställningar som kan utgöra en grund för fortsatt reflektion och diskussion. Svårigheterna att möta kraven på kontinuerlig reduktion av klimatrelaterade utsläpp är omfattande och lösningsvägarna ännu delvis okända, vilket i sig gör att man måste uppvisa stor uthållighet med ett mycket långsiktigt arbete.
Vi har inom ramen för Interreg-projekt SMICE[1] deltagit i arbetet med framtagandet av Region Jämtland Härjedalens Energi- och klimatstrategi för 2020-2030, vid lanseringen av densamma samt i närmare dialog med representanter för en av åtta kommuner i regionen, Ragunda kommun. Vad gäller Ragunda kommun kan studien inte påvisa någon förändring i kommunens styrning och påverkan i den ekonomiska styrningen, detta gäller för kommunens budget för 2020 samt det pågående budgetarbetet för 2021. Intentionerna i energi- och klimatstrategin visar sig ännu inte i någon större utsträckning i kommunens verksamhet, trots en vilja bland politiker och tjänstemän att bidra till måluppfyllelse. De förändringar som beslutsfattare önskar ske i vårt samhälle bromsas i den kommunala kontexten av en rad hindrande faktorer. En slutsats från rapporten är att det finns en klar prioriteringsproblematik mellan klimatrelaterade mål och rena välfärdsmål. Det som ytterligare förvärrar denna problematik är att förutsättningar för kollektiva samverkanslösningar i glesbygd är sämre jämfört med förutsättningarna för tätbefolkade områden. En annan slutsats är att det är svårt att svara på frågan vilken insats eller aktivitet som är mest klimatoptimal. Ofta beror svaret på hur frågan ställs. Denna problematik gör att det kan vara svårt att på kommunal nivå ta beslut som faktiskt gynnar klimatet och miljön på både kort och lång sikt.
[1][1] Samskapande Mittnordisk Innovationsarena för Cirkulär Ekonomi (SMICE) är ett Interreg projekt med syfte att hitta sätt att accelerera omställningen i Jämtland-Härjedalen och Tröndelag mot “ett grönt skifte”. Projektet har utforskat samskapande och har med en bred ansats sökt sammankoppla näringsliv, medborgare och aktörer i innovationssystemet för att utveckla aktiviteter som stärker cirkulära ekonomi. Projektettid har pågått perioden 2017–2020.
Circular economy is a concept whereby organic and extracted materials are used and reused in balanced material loops. As a first step in the concept, effective waste disposal and recycling is proposed, however waste prevention is substantially more effective than waste disposal. This study has investigated current attitudes towards reusing products. The study was conducted at and in the vicinity of a Swedish recycling center.
The concept of waste threshold has been investigated and suggestions have been made on how to improve the waste value chain by keeping the value of objects as high as possible and allowing for the interchange of second-hand items at the recycling center. In the study the most common obstacle to reusing is stigmatized attitudes towards reusage and the learned behavior ‘We are so used to buying new things…’.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss recent trends in the circular economy and investigate how value stream mapping (VSM) can be extended to more fully include some of the critical aspects of circular economy.
Design/methodology/approach: The findings are based on previous research that has explored the usage of VSM to include aspects of the environment and sustainability aspects. These ideas are then expanded to new ways to use VSM by mapping value of a product as it is; used, maintained, re-used, remanufactured, recycled, incinerated or used for landfill. The authors test out this approach through application in the waste management sector to identify possibilities for improvement and new business opportunities in what now is considered waste.
Findings: This paper introduces an expanded version of VSM that refines the existing Lean toolbox for exploring value and mapping value in a circular economy.
Practical implications: The aim of this paper is to expand the relevance and practical value of VSM as the world economy increasingly moves toward a circular one.
Originality/value: Today, VSM is a widespread method within Lean manufacturing that scrutinizes value creation within an organization or within a value chain. This paper describes how VSM can be refined to explore value streams in the afterlife of a product and explore waste as a resource utilization opportunity.
Process simulation is going to play an ever increasing role in the development, process optimization, and production of integrated circuit devices, yielding shorter development times and reduced costs as compared to traditional development methods. One of the most notorious problems one faces in topography simulations in particular is the determination of the erosion/growth rates of materials exposed to a variety of complex physicochemical processes. The latter evolve continually to satisfy the needs of the ever advancing microelectronic industry, while our understanding about these processes is often incomplete and insufficient for their description. Existing theoreticalmodels, which are often semiempirical, include a set of fitting parameters which are generally unknown and their determination in most cases involves guesswork. Another much more pragmatical approach to the problem is to measure these etch/growth rates directly in situ in the production equipment and feed the data into a topography simulator. In this article we present a simple and general method for measuring the angular dependence of the etch rate of a variety of materials using specially patterned silicon wafers. With anisotropic wet etching of silicon wafers it is possible to create structures defined by specific crystallographic planes, thus producing a variety of planar orientations on one and the same wafer. The structures can be oxidized and coated with the material of interest and processed under standard operating conditions. The method will be presented together with angular dependence data from typical dry etching processes. The results will be used as an input to the topographysimulation program DINESE.
Both TQM and Lean are said to rest on a number of values that in turn are said to be the building blocks of the organizational culture needed to successfully apply TQM or Lean in an organization. The reason why applying Lean or TQM fail is frequently explained by the lack of focusing on values and culture and instead too big focus on tools and methods. In this context, leadership is often mentioned as one if the main keys to change the organizational culture as the leaders in organizations are the bearer of values. There is also a strong connection between values held and behaviors shown by the leaders and the co-workers in the organization. So the question arises; how come it´s so hard to make the change in leadership behaviors and by that the organizational culture? At the same time, there are leaders succeeding with consciously changing the culture and the values held by the co-workers. What can we learn from such a leaders that have succeeded in changing an exciting culture in an organization?
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present the values held by and the ways of working used by a top leader (COO) with the aim to change the organizational culture.
Methodology/approach – The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of a successful Lean company was interviewed in order to identify the managers´ values as well as ways of working. A developed interview guide was used to get an understanding of the values the leader had and to identify “other” softer aspects of his leadership. The results from the study was analyzed by the researchers, first by each researcher individually, then in workshops as a group.
Findings – The results show that the COO appears to have an understanding about the connection between values and behaviors something shown by the close connection between the identified ways of working and values. The result also shows ways of working to achieve a cultural change, were the use of ROFO can be seen as a driving force for this. The COO displays a leadership and a value-base much in line with Lean leadership and value-base.Practical implications – The presented results can be used by leaders in different types of organization in their work with developing the culture and leadership.
The purpose of this study is to explore how quality tools can be applied to develop sustainable education among higher education students, with a particular focus the analysis and understanding the challenges associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Design/Methodology/Approach: In a master's course in an Engineering School, focusing on quality tools, the SDGs were introduced as a subject of study for students to apply the aforementioned tools. Later, students’ assignments were analyzed employing a mixed-methods approach to understand the impact of integrating SDGs into the curriculum. Findings: The assessment of the conducted exercise was well-received by students, demonstrating proficient use of the assigned tool. It has been proven that the introduction of basic quality tools to analyze problems related to the SDGs is effective, demonstrating that their use extends beyond the analysis of quality-related issues. The gender analysis reveals differing perspectives on sustainable development among male and female students, providing valuable insights for inclusive educational interventions. Moreover, preliminary results show variations in students' preferences for specific SDGs, indicating potential areas for targeted educational campaigns and interventions. Research Limitations/Implications: The study's scope may be limited by sample size or specific institutional contexts. However, these findings contribute to sustainable development education by demonstrating the efficacy of quality tools in the integration of the SDGs, identifying gender-based differences in engagement, and highlighting variations in SDG popularity among higher education students. These insights are crucial for educators, curriculum developers and policy makers seeking to develop informed and committed individuals for the SDGs.
In this paper, the oxygen plasma bonding process for fusion bonded silicon wafers has been characterized by a new approach. The mechanical reliability of bonded microstructures was determined using burst tests and Weibull statistic analyses. The fracture characteristic of the bonded system is considered to depend on the stress distribution, the defect distribution and the fracture surface energy at the bond. Using Weibull theory, it is possible to extract the Weibull modulus m and the mean fracture uniform tensile stress per unit length, σfc, from the measured data. These quantities make it possible to compare the joint defect distribution and the fracture surface energy at the bonded interface for the processing conditions under observation. These experiments also demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish between these quantities under certain conditions.
The fracture probability for different annealing temperatures has been evaluated and found to agree with previous results from surface energy measurements. It is shown that the bond fracture probability increases with annealing times in the range of 10-100 h. The saturated bond strength value is considerably enhanced by oxygen plasma activation prior to bonding. In this study, plasma activations at room temperature and 300 °C compare to chemical activations in hot nitric acid annealed at 120 °C and 700 °C, respectively. The tendency to form voids at elevated temperatures, e.g. 300 °C, is increased by the oxygen plasma treatment.
If the surface energy is considered to be homogeneous over the bonded interface, the Weibull modulus m is an indirect measure of the defect distribution, low m values indicate a wide spectrum of defect types, whereas a high m value narrows the defect distribution responsible for fracture. The Weibull modulus m is shown to be valuable for evaluation of the bonded interface. It is demonstrated that a more scattered defect distribution emerges for in situ bonded wafers as compared to ex situ, and annealing at 300 °C for 90 h as compared to room-temperature storage. However, the defect distribution becomes increasingly more narrow with storage time. These variations may be due to either changes in microcracks or void configuration or inhomogeneities in the fracture surface energy over the bond interface.
A true 3D computer program, named DINESE, has been developed to simulate the evolution of real 3D structures during erosion and deposition. It is based on the generalized Huygens reconstruction formalism of surface evolution and can predict the evolution of any surface of the form z = f(x,y) resulting from any erosion or deposition process. True 3D computer simulations of a number of cases are presented and compared with experiment. The powers of the simulation method are further demonstrated by a series of sequential predictive simulations resulting in a desired topography which is then verified experimentally under the same sequence of conditions. Specifically, the evolution of different Si3N4 structures during ion beam etching with Ar ions under different erosion conditions has been studied both numerically and experimentally.
Sputter deposited Ti/W barrier layers have been found to be Ti deficient with respect to the target composition, which is attributed to the preferential resputtering of Ti from the deposited films by energetic neutrals or ions from the discharge. On the o
Integrated capacitors can easily cover a major part of the total chip area which may seriously affect the cost to produce the chip. By using a high epsilon material as the dielectric material, in the capacitor, the size can be reduced significantly. One very promising candidate is tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5)" role="presentation" style="display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;">(Ta2O5)(Ta2O5)which has a dielectric constant of about 25. This should be compared to silicon nitride which has a dielectric constant of 8. In order to make integrated capacitors the tantalum pentoxide must be patterned. Results of a study on etching of tantalum pentoxide, silicon dioxide, and polysilicon with a high density plasma, using an inductively coupled plasma source, are presented and compared to results obtained by means of reactive ion etching. The gas used, CHF3," role="presentation" style="display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative;">CHF3,CHF3, implies a polymerizing chemistry and the deposition of a fluorocarbon layer is shown to play an important role in the etch process. The fluorocarbon deposition onto the substrate surface is not only affected by the temperature of the substrate itself but also by the temperature of all surfaces that are exposed to the plasma. The process parameters with the strongest influence on the process have been found to be pressure and substrate bias voltage.
The purpose of a take-back system is to reduce usage of new natural resources by reusing discarded products. However, value stream actors often damage the discarded products by treating it as waste, and potential reuse value is lost in the value stream bringing discarded products to a reuse facility. The value loss can be reduced through reconfiguring collaboration and alignment of purpose between value stream actors. The study explores multiple product take-back value streams and identify alignment in collaboration as an enabler of low product damage and high value creation which are central to operationalization of circular economy.
The bond interface in silicon microsystems is sensitive to the subjection to wet anisotropic etchants. Fusion bond interfaces of bonded wafers resilient to potassium hydroxide or tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide etching are obtained using wafers of oxidized silicon bonded to oxidized silicon, where the bond oxide is removed by trifluoromethane plasma etching. Other investigated bond configurations initiate severe damages during etching.
Quality Management (QM) initiatives and practices generally stress the importance of “focus on customers” and to “base decisions on facts”. However, in Western World QM practice it appears as if facts often become equivalent to numbers - “we need facts” becomes “we need to see it quantified in numbers” and “measuring is knowing”. In sharp contrast, the growing field of Design Thinking (DT) conclude that qualitative approaches are key when it comes to get closer to the citizens or customers, establish new levels of understanding, and thereby inspire new and better solutions. The purpose of this paper is to explore what quality management can learn from designers, and design thinking practice, about using more qualitative approaches for learning and in developing knowledge.
Purpose: Metaphors are a powerful and human way of understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another. In quality management (QM), several metaphors are used to describe and bring to life the often-abstract QM concepts and systems. These metaphors are of great importance for how QM is understood, communicated and practiced. However, the metaphors of QM have seldom been systematically screened or put in focus, neither the topic of a critical discussion. The purpose of this paper is hence to contribute with a screening of the metaphors currently used, within QM literature and in practice among QM leaders, and then elaborate on their potential for improvement and development. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a literature review combined with interviews of QM leaders. Findings: The paper highlights that the current QM metaphors provide intuitive associations to properties such as stability, shelter, and structure, but not to the important dynamic properties of QM, such as learning, or to the critical role of people in QM. What can be seen as core properties of QM are communicated by texts or labels added on to metaphors with properties that often are in sharp contrast to them. The paper also provides suggestions for further improvements and development. Originality/value: The paper highlights the area of metaphors within QM as an important area for future research. It also provides insights concerning the successful use and selection of metaphors in future QM practice.
Purpose: Metaphors are a powerful and human way of understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another. In Quality Management (QM) several metaphors are used to describe and bring to life the often abstract QM concepts and systems in clearer terms. These metaphors are undoubtedly of great importance for how QM is understood, communicated and practiced. They can also be assumed to have a significant impact on the perceived attractiveness of, and engagement in, QM systems. However, the metaphors of QM have seldom been systematically screened or put in focus, neither the topic of a critical discussion. The purpose of this paper is hence to contribute with a screening of the metaphors currently used, within QM literature and in practice among QM leaders, and then elaborate on their potential for improvement and development.
Methodology/Approach: The paper is based on a literature review combined with interviews of QM leaders.
Findings: The paper highlights that the current QM metaphors provide intuitive associations to properties such as stability, shelter, and structure but not to the important dynamic properties of QM, such as learning, or to the critical role of people in QM. It also provides suggestions for further improvements and development.
Value of the Paper: The paper highlights the area of metaphors within QM as an important area for future research. It also provides insights concerning the successful use and selection of metaphors in future QM practice.
Quality Management (QM) is currently facing a new landscape that makes the traditional emphasis on internal organizational excellence as well as many of the QM leadership control practices, increasingly insufficient. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to revitalizing and updating QM theory and practice for a living world by exploring an ecosystemic and regenerative approach. The paper presents initial results from a study of the phenomena of developing and improving together, across boundaries of organizations and actors, in two complex ecosystems. The results highlight four enablers and six wishes that could inform further exploration and future QM practice.
The facilitation of transforming into a better world will have to be ecosystemic, taking into account complex living ecosystems of people, processes, technology, places, and relationships. The transformation will also have to include an important shift in mindset from just being sustainable, reducing negative impacts, to becoming regenerative in terms of creating life-affirming outcomes across the ecosystems. In contributing to that, this paper explores the potential role and function of using teams of ecosystemic enablers for regenerative ecosystem facilitation. Insights are shared from teams and interventions in two ecosystems in Sweden aiming to increase ecosystemic learning, improvement, and regenerative development.
In this paper we present our in situ, oxygen plasma‐activated wafer bonding process. By keeping one wafer on the anode and the other on the cathode, we have an asymmetric plasma load on the wafers, making our bonding process interesting for low‐temperature applications where damage or defect‐sensitive active layers are bonded to less sensitive carrier wafers. As a step in optimizing the discharge parameters for plasma bonding applications, the effect of the self‐bias voltage on surface energy, oxidation rates, and damage is investigated. An optimum in surface energy was found at moderate self‐bias voltages, both at room temperature bonding and after low‐temperature annealing at 200°C. This is explained by the fact that at these voltages there is a minimum oxide thickness, which promotes the diffusion of water from the bond interface, and also by the fact that at these voltages we have the best surface cleaning conditions. Also, the surface oxide generated by the oxygen plasma seems to be reactive. With our in situ oxygen‐plasma‐activated wafer bonding process there was a major increase in surface energy for wafers bonded at moderate self‐bias volt‐ages compared to conventional wafer bonding performed in ambient air.
A limitation in the use of wafer bonding has been the necessity for high-temperature annealing after contacting the wafers at room temperature. In this paper, we try to find the highest surface energy as a function of self-bias voltage in oxygen plasma-activated wafer bonding, in order to achieve a low-temperature bonding process. The bonding was performed in situ the vacuum chamber. It was found that oxygen plasma has a smoothing effect on the surface roughness, rather independent of the plasma self-bias. However, a moderate self-bias voltage proved to give the highest surface energy for the bonded wafers, both at room-temperature and after annealing at 200°C. We believe that this is due to the fact that a moderate self-bias is the most efficient in removing surface contaminants, like water and hydrocarbons. It was also found that even after annealing at higher temperatures, 480°C and 720°C, the plasma-bonded wafers showed higher surface energy values than wafers bonded in ambient air. This investigation was focused on low-effect plasmas, <200 W, keeping the induced plasma damages at a minimum.
The anisotropic etching behaviour of monocrystalline quartz is studied both experimentally and with computer simulations. The etch rate minima were identified as the crystal planes m, r, , s and . Various shapes and initial structures, both concave and convex, have been produced by etching quartz wafers in an HF:F solution. These have been subsequently analysed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Etch rates of both slow- and fast-etching crystal planes have been measured. The data thus obtained were fed into topography evolution software and a number of experimental profiles were compared with the simulated ones. To verify the work, a 3.5 m thick membrane was manufactured in a two-step double-sided etching process. This illustrates the usefulness of the data obtained, as well as the power of the simulations.