Mid Sweden University

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  • 1.
    Asklund, Helen
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University. Avdelningen för forsknings- och utbildningsstöd vid Mittuniversitetet.
    Ulin, Monica
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Fiktionsläsning för social förståelse och breddade perspektiv: Utveckling av ett undervisningskoncept2020Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Universitetsutbildningar som leder till arbete inom relationsbaserade yrken behöver förbereda studenterna för de etiska dilemman och möten med människor i svåra situationer som de i yrkeslivet kan ställas inför. Vi behöver därför fråga oss hur studenterna i undervisningen bäst kan ges förutsättningar för att utvecklas som kritiskt tänkande och socialt ansvarstagande individer. Vid flera svenska lärosäten används idag exempelvis skönlitteratur som pedagogiskt material i läkar- och socionomutbildningar för att ge träning i kritisk reflektion, perspektivtagande och empatisk förmåga. Några av de användningsområden som i detta sammanhang har lyfts fram är att fiktionen kan illustrera och applicera teorier, bidra till att se andras villkor samt utveckla personliga egenskaper och förmågor (Ottelid 2015). Fiktionens potential att gestalta livsfrågor ur olika perspektiv (se exempelvis Pettersson 2009; Brewer & Hogarth 2015) är ytterligare en aspekt av fiktionaliteten som bidrar till att skönlitterär läsning har en funktion att fylla i undervisningssammanhang. Den pedagogiska potentialen förstärks ytterligare av att denna träning i föreställningsförmåga utgör en viktig förutsättning för empati, ett inom relationsbaserade yrken betydelsefullt förhållningssätt (Bernhardsson, Nilsson & Palm 2015). Syftet med vår pågående pilotstudie är tudelat, med lärare och studenter på det rehabiliteringsvetenskapliga programmet vid Mittuniversitetet som målgrupp. För det första arbetar vi för att öka kompetensen hos lärarkollegiet om hur de kan arbeta med skönlitteratur som ett pedagogiskt redskap. För det andra utarbetar vi en modell för att använda skönlitterära texter i undervisningen som ett medel för att utveckla ovan beskrivna förmågor och därmed bidra till att studenterna upparbetar ett kritiskt helhetstänkande och en djupare social förståelse (Rosenblatt 1995). Genom att projektet fokuserar på både utveckling av kursinnehåll och undervisningsmetoder samt på utveckling av den pedagogiska diskussionen i lärarkollegiet menar vi att det bidrar till ett hållbart lärande. Genomförandet inleds med att lärarna gemensamt läser ett urval skönlitterära texter. Därefter följer en reflekterande diskussion ledd av projektledaren om hur lärarna upplevde den lästa boken och tänker sig att den didaktiskt ska användas i undervisningen. Diskussionsanteckningar utgör insamlad data. Efter läsningen av varje bok reflekterar varje lärare skriftligt över boken och dess pedagogiska potential, innan den eventuellt förs in som kurslitteratur. De erfarenheter som slutligen ges från den pedagogiska tillämpningen av skönlitteraturen samlas in i form av en öppen enkät till studenterna och som anteckningar från ansvarig lärare. 86 Då studien pågår finns ännu inga färdiga resultat, men avsikten är att sammanställa och analysera insamlat data för publicering i en högskolepedagogisk tidskrift.

  • 2.
    Danielski, Itai
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Ecotechnology and Suistainable Building Engineering.
    Lorentzen, Lena
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Weimer, Kerstin
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Design för energieffektiv vardag: Slutrapport projekt DEVA-skolor2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Many municipalities in Sweden seems to have a problem with indoor environment in primary schools. In this project, we have looked at whether an installation of a large number of plants in classrooms could change that. Previous research has found that humans feel both physically and mentally better if we are surrounded by plants. Physically, because they can purify the air and convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. In addition, they increase the humidity and regulate the temperature. Mentally, perhaps because we are part of nature and have lived in it most of human history. They also create better acoustics in the room by absorption of sound waves. In addition, some previous studies show that plants can increase both the ability to concentrate and memory.The project had three different perspectives; design, environment and health. The site for the project was an elementary school located in a small rural community in the northern part of Sweden. A total of 350 green plants were installed in four plant stands distributed in 2 different classrooms with about 25 students in grade 8 in each room. A similar classroom (grade 9) next to these was used as a reference object. The plant stands were designed by industrial design students at Mid Sweden University and would result in functional prototypes with automatic irrigation. The project lasted for two semesters, the autumn semester 2019 and the spring semester 2020.Measurements of the indoor temperature showed that the green plants contribute to a more stable temperature and can even increase the temperature slightly, which can be used to reduce the need for heat. The effects on humidity were only higher in the classrooms with plants during the night when the ventilation flow was low. The carbon dioxide levels in the classrooms with the plants were 10% lower during the teaching time compared to the control classroom, which indicates that green plants could be used to reduce the ventilation airflow and thereby reduce heat energy losses. Energy modelling showed a reduction of up to 18% in heating demand. The amount of airborne particles was already low and no change could be seen after the installation of the plants.In the beginning, both teachers and students appreciated that they had been given a "green classroom". The students' memory and ability to concentrate improved. In the survey six months later, however, the effect had diminished. It is difficult to say whether this was due to home blindness, the Covid 19 pandemic (which had broken out a month earlier) or because there was a problem with some of the irrigation systems that caused some plants to wither.The results of this project can provide knowledge and inspiration to municipalities and schools on how they can improve the indoor climate with plants as a cost-effective complement to existing ventilation systems that can also improve students' and teachers' performance and well-being. It is worth noting that this study was conducted in a rural area where there is already a good air quality. Therefore, it would be interesting to carry out a similar study in a metropolitan area with poorer air quality and also in other types of buildings with lower ventilation flow.It is also worth noting that when the project was at half-time, a pandemic, covid-19, occurred which had a significant impact on both many societal functions and for many people. This may have affected the results of the effects in the measurements of health and concentration.

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  • 3.
    Danielski, Itai
    et al.
    Umeå Universitet.
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Weimer, Kerstin
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology and Social Work.
    Lorentzen, Lena
    Design AB, Edsbyn, Sweden.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Effects of Green Plants on the Indoor Environment and Wellbeing in Classrooms: A Case Study in a Swedish School2022In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, no 7, article id 3777Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Many schools in Sweden lack a proper indoor environment due to, e.g., poor thermal-envelope properties, overcrowded classes, poor visual appearance and insufficient ventilation. This study aims to explore the integration of a large number of indoor green plants into classrooms’ environments. This case study consists of three parts: measurements of the indoor environment including a final energy model, a questionnaire to the pupils with questions about their well-being and qualitative interviews with teachers. The case was two classrooms in a secondary education facility in central Sweden with an average annual temperature of 3 °C and a long and dark winter period with snow. The results showed 10% lower CO2 and slightly higher and more stable temperatures due to the green plants. Worries about climate change and war among the pupils decreased after several months with the plants and worry about infectious disease increased. The teachers experienced fresher air from the plants and used the plant stands for a flexible classroom design. The conclusion is that indoor plants have the potential to contribute to a better indoor environment, but due to the high number of uncontrolled variables (including the effect of COVID-19) in measurements of real-life conditions, more studies are needed.

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  • 4.
    Frisint, Anna
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Wall, Erika
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Basala behov som behöver tillgodoses - Perspektiv på psykisk hälsa och hållbart arbetsliv för unga vuxna2024Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Merparten av alla unga vuxna i Sverige lyckas att navigera inom skola och arbete utan negativ inverkan på deras psykiska hälsa. Trots det står många inför utmaningar i form av upplevd press och oro som kan leda till psykisk ohälsa. För att undersöka vad som bidrar till att unga vuxna mår bra i relation till skola och arbete har för denna studie ett salutogent hälsofrämjande perspektiv valts. Här beskrivs psykisk hälsa, i enlighet med WHOs definition, som ett tillstånd av välbefinnande som innebär att klara vardagens påfrestningar för att kunna arbeta produktivt och bidra till samhället. Att skapa stödjande miljöer för unga vuxnas hälsa i skola och arbete är därför viktigt för att stärka faktorer som påverkar psykisk hälsa och leder till ett hållbart arbetsliv. Stödjande miljöer för hälsa innebär bland annat tillgång till hälsorelaterade resurser och möjligheter till självbestämmande. Unga vuxna med utomeuropeisk härkomst ses möta extra utmaningar kopplat till skola och arbete i jämförelse med sina svenskfödda jämnåriga. Ett sätt att bidra med ny kunskap om vad som främjar deras psykiska hälsa är att prioritera forskning som lyfter de ungas egna perspektiv. Utöver deras perspektiv kan det vara fördelaktigt att även involvera personer som i sin profession har möjlighet att påverka och bidra till att skapa stödjande miljöer för unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa. Studiens syfte är att analysera hur unga vuxna och beslutsfattare ser på förutsättningar för unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa, med särskilt fokus på skola och arbete. Den deltagande forskningsmetoden photovoice används som metod för att undersöka perspektiv på unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa. Processen som genomfördes i en medelstor svensk stad under 2022-23 inkluderade att: 1) sex unga vuxna fotograferade i sin vardag och reflekterade över sin psykiska hälsa, relaterat till skola och arbete 2) en fotoutställning med gruppens utvalda foton utformades, och 3) sju beslutsfattare deltog i en fokusgrupp i samband med vernissagen. De unga vuxna var samtliga 18 år och födda i ett utomeuropeiskt land, fyra av dem kvinnor och två män. Av beslutsfattarna var merparten svenskfödda och fyra var kvinnor och tre var män. De bestod av tjänstepersoner, chefer, politiker och representanter från civilsamhället. Studiens data utgjordes av transskript från fyra gruppdiskussioner med unga vuxna och en fokusgrupp med beslutsfattare. Den pågående tematiska analysen visar att psykisk hälsa i relation till skola och arbete kan förstås utifrån att tillgodose de unga vuxnas basala behov. Preliminära teman lyfter fram hur de unga vuxna och beslutsfattarna uttrycker olika typer av behov som på olika sätt ses relatera till förutsättningar för unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa, med fokus på skola och arbete. Tillräckligt med tid för återhämtning, tillgång till trygga sociala sammanhang, tydligare fördelning av ansvar för främjande åtgärder, stärkta resurser och bättre samarbeten på en strukturell nivå, beskrivs som behov för att främja psykisk hälsa och hållbart arbetsliv för unga vuxna.

  • 5.
    Frisint, Anna
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Wall, Erika
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Perspectives on work - young adults with experience of mental illness give their picture2023Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]


    Perspectives on work and mental health in relation to work may affect social sustainability and equal health. Mental health problems among young adults in Sweden are perceived to be related to school stress and concerns about future education and the encounter with an uncertain labor market. To shed light on perspectives that have not been reflected in previous research, this study used critical perspectives and photovoice as method to engage young adults with experience of mental illness in a dialogue about work. The aim of the study was to analyze how young adults with experience of mental illness view work.


    The method involves a group of participants to take photographs in their everyday lives and then meet to critically discuss their pictures. Six young adults with experience of mental illness and with a foreign background met on six occasions during the fall and winter 2022-23. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. 


    The analysis show how the participants understand the concept of work and position themselves in relation to work. The overarching theme The work of navigating a challenging route, comprises three themes explaining work as The individual’s efforts in everyday life, An obligated doing, and Producing results that matter. The conclusions highlight a tension between perceiving oneself as responsible for directing and choosing the inevitable work that is part of everyday life while at the same time being limited in influencing the scope of it. 


    In order to promote social sustainability in relation to equal health and justice, future research should explore the view of responsibility in relation to navigating work among young adults with experience of mental illness.

  • 6.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    A participatory visual method for increased knowledge of Swedish high school girls’ wellbeing and school achievement2018Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 7.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Is gender equality an explicit issue in Swedish high schools? Results from a photovoice study with girls in a vocational program2017Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There is a contradictory picture of Swedish girls; they are talked about as academically successful and winner at the labor market, but at the same time stressed out, have low self-esteem and high as well as increasing mental health problems. The discourse as well as the gender equality politics are (Everyone sort of know) that Sweden is a gender equal society where women and men can both work and have children, take part in society and where there is (supposed to be) freedom from men’s violence against women. This is true for some girls and women, but to fully understand the challenges and possibilities to work for a gender equal society we have to add an intersectional perspective, including several different power orders. This study will focus on high school girls in a vocational program (proxy for working class) who are invited to participate because of their lack of academic success, low self-esteem and lack of belief in the future. They are participants in a photovoice study aiming at wellbeing, academic success, safety and a positive view of the future. Their suggestions for change will guide an analysis of the high school’s role in creating a gender equality supportive environment in line with the Swedish gender equality discourse.

  • 8.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Photovoice as a method for increasing Swedish high school girls' wellbeing and school achievement2018In: European Journal of Public Health, ISSN 1101-1262, E-ISSN 1464-360X, Vol. 28, p. 385-385Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Hallberg, Thomas
    et al.
    Krokoms kommun.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Elevinflytande i skolans utvecklingsarbete2021In: Elevhälsa och hälsofrämjande skolutveckling / [ed] Eva Hjörne och Roger Säljö, Malmö: Gleerups Förlag , 2021, 1, p. 249-254Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 10.
    Klockmo, Carolina
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Samhälleliga och individuella faktorers betydelse för arbetslivsinriktade insatser2023In: Rehabiliteringsvetenskap: Perspektiv, aktörer och strategier för hälsa i arbetslivet / [ed] Bodil J. Landstad & Stig Vinberg, Studentlitteratur AB, 2023, 4, p. 201-221Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Kostenius, Catrine
    et al.
    Institutionen för hälsovetenskap, Luleå tekniska Universitet.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Främja psykisk hälsa: elevers erfarenheter och förslag visar vägen för skolan2020In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 97, no 05 och 06, p. 847-865Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim was to increase the understanding for students' experiences of mental health and their suggestions on how mental health can be promoted in school. A secondary analysis was performed of data from four previous studies with a total of 76 students, 36 boys 40 girls, 10-21 years. The analysis resulted in three themes; School feels open minded, We have invigorating relationships and I feel safe and acknowledged. The students described a school with a salutogenic perspective in which mental ill-health is acknowledged and accepted. They emphasized the importance of adults taking responsibility for health-promoting relationships. The students wished to feel good enough and appreciate predictable structures and positive expectations from adults. Participatory processes at the organizational, group and individual levels are discussed and practical implications are suggested.

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  • 12.
    Lieblein, Vaiva Sunniva Deraas
    et al.
    Department of Public Health Science, Faculty of Landscape and Society, Norwegian University of Leif Sciences, Ås, Norway.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Huot, Suzanne
    Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver , Canada.
    Rudman, Debbie Laliberte
    School of Occupational Therapy, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
    Raanaas, Ruth Kersti
    Department of Public Health Science, Faculty of Landscape and Society, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.
    A photovoice study of school belongingness among high school students in Norway2018In: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, ISSN 1239-9736, E-ISSN 2242-3982, Vol. 77, no 1, article id 1421369Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Although high school graduation is important for living conditions and health throughoutlife, many students do not complete. In Norway’s northern most county, Finnmark, up to 45% of students do not complete high school. Contrary to prior research that has primarilyfocused on causes for dropout, this study’s aim was to deepen understanding of factors thatsupport high school attendance. A strengths-based participatory approach using photovoiceaddressed attendance factors as perceived by seven participating students from one highschool in Finnmark. Qualitative content analysis of data generated through group dialogueabout participant-generated photos and individual interviews identified six factors importantfor students’ school attendance: a supportive school environment, a good learningenvironment, recuperation and recreation, family and friends, goals and ambitions, andplace attachment. Related aspects of a supportive environment and belongingness, where school staff made important contributions to promoting a positive environment, were essential.

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  • 13.
    Maria, Warne
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Snyder, Kristen
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Quality Technology and Management, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    When health in adolescents is measured as positive health2016In: The 8th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference (NHPRC), 2016Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 14. Mejsner, Sofie Buch
    et al.
    Baygi, Fereshteh
    Timilsina, Amit
    Anh Tuan, Nguyen Pham
    Dahl, Berit Misund
    Eklund Karlsson, Leena
    Lidmark, Johan
    Lögdberg, Ulrika
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Perspectives on empowerment programs, and interventions in maritime settings: A systematic review2024In: Journal of Transport & Health, ISSN 2214-1405, E-ISSN 2214-1413, Vol. 36, article id 101816Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Evidence on workplace safety and health promotion interventions shows that the interventions have failed to demonstrate substantial benefits for seafarers. It is therefore important to explore what is the evidence of interventions with empowering elements regarding seafarers’ safety and health. This study aims to examine what is known about health promotion interventions in a maritime setting and whether they include an empowerment perspective. And secondly, what were the effects of these efforts. Methods: We systematically searched PubMed and NLM Gateway (for MEDLINE), Institute of Scientific Information/Web of Science (ISI/WOS), and SCOPUS up to July 2022 by using standard keywords including empowerment in the maritime setting. Data extraction was done by three independent reviewers. The quality of included studies was assessed by using the critical appraisal checklists from Joanna Briggs institute. Results: From 3313 studies initially identified, 10 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Interventions covered a wide range of topics such as educational interventions on safety, first aid training, weight management, healthy eating, sexual harassment, alcohol abuse, and cancer prevention training. None of the studies applied a specific theory or definitions of empowerment even though their aim was to increase seafarers’ empowerment in these areas. Conclusion: The studies focused on improving the safety and health status of the seafarers, however, they had no explicit focus on participation and empowerment. Increasing research with an empowerment approach in maritime sector is recommended to enhance the feasibility and success of the programs in this hard-to-reach occupation. Systematic review registration number in PROSPERO: CRD42021260098. 

  • 15.
    Misund Dahl, Berit
    et al.
    Department of Health Sciences in Ålesund, NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology,.
    Buch Mejsner, Sofie
    Unit for Health Promotion Research, University of Southern Denmark.
    Eklund Karlsson, Leena
    Unit for Health Promotion Research, University of Southern Denmark,.
    Kostenius, Catrine
    Department of Health Sciences, Luleå˚ University of Technology,.
    Laverack, Glenn
    Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.
    Myglegaård Andersen, Heidi
    University College Absalon, Roskilde.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Lidmark, Johan
    County Council of Scania, Kristianstad.
    The Nordic perspective on migration and empowerment2021In: Health Promotion International, ISSN 0957-4824, E-ISSN 1460-2245, Vol. 36, no 1, p. 216-222Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    International migration is a complex phenomenon that touches on a multiplicity of economic, social and security aspects affecting our daily lives. In the Nordic countries’ migration is a contentious political topic as the number of migrants has significantly increased in recent decades. The aim of this study is to analyse governmental policy documents on migrants in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and to identify and compare how they are described within an empowerment perspective. A critical discourse analysis was undertaken of each Nordic country. The findings revealed that all four documents placed migrants in a passive position in regard to decision-making and that an empowerment perspective was lacking. Migrants are similarly treated in each Nordic country as a problem to deal with rather than as a possible resource for the society and the approach seeks to protect the welfare state and the culture of the country. The lack of empowerment perspective may be having a negative impact on the health and well-being of migrants and on their integration in the Nordic society. The article concludes by raising several questions in regard to migration and empowerment in the Nordic context.

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  • 16.
    Randell, Eva
    et al.
    Högskolan Dalarna.
    Udo, Camilla
    Högskolan Dalarna; Center for Clinical Research (CKF), Dalarna, Sweden; Department of Health Care Sciences, Palliative Research Centre, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    A sense of health and coherence in young rural schoolchildren in Sweden2021In: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, Vol. 80, article id 1893534Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Little is known about how younger schoolchildren in a rural setting experience their sense of coherence (SOC), how they think and reason about health and what they perceive as important to achieve health goals. This study aimed to investigate children’s SOC and their health perceptions.Method: In this mixed-method study 94 children (8-12 years) from three rural schools answered several questionnaires: The Child-SOC (CSOC), Positive Health Scale (PHS) and Cantril’s ladder of life scale. Another 23 children (of 94) participated in four focus group interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the interview transcripts.Results: High SOC was reported by 48% of the boys and 22% of the girls. However, no significant gender differences were found. Four themes were generated from the qualitative analysis: Understanding health, Managing health, Doing bodily health and Socialising health. Both younger and older children had a holistic view of health in which health was seen as an individual’s living habits in which social contacts mattered.Conclusion: In a rural context children need to adapt to activities that exist in their immediate environment. Thus, activities during school hours can be an important complement in health

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  • 17.
    Svensson, Åsa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    School staff’s views on poor mental health among Swedish students in a rural setting2020In: European Journal of Public Health, Oxford academic , 2020, Vol. 30, article id v915Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: School staffs' views on poor mental health in students is of interest when planning and evaluating mental health promotion in school. The aim of the present study was to explore school staff's views on poor mental health in students.

    Methods: The study was carried out in a rural municipality in the northern part of Sweden in 2019-2020. The baseline data presented here was collected prior to a mental health promotion intervention (Youth Aware of Mental Health). Three focus group interviews were conducted with teachers/teacher assistants in grade 7-9 at three different schools, and one with the central student health team. One individual interview was carried out with a psychologist from the student health team. Thematic content analysis was used.

    Results: Preliminary analysis resulted in three themes. In To discover and interpret poor mental health, the school staff discussed distribution, signs, and difficulties for school staff and students to detect and handle poor mental health. In The surrounding community, school staff reflected on the impact of students' contexts, including school, home, leisure activities, and social media, in the rural setting. Lastly, in What the school and students can do, school staff elaborated on conditions and possibilities to prevent and manage poor mental health in the local context.

    Conclusions: School staff expressed that they and the students had difficulties interpreting and managing students' poor mental health. Students are surrounded by norms, and demands for responsibility, engagement and performance in different contexts. Inadequacies in the school organization put greater responsibility on the individual teacher.

    Key messages: There are short comings in school staffs' as well as students’ knowledge of and management of poor mental health. In order to promote mental health among students, the rural school needs to create an organization that takes into account the conditions of sparsely populated areas.

  • 18.
    Svensson, Åsa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Staff perspectives on poor mental health in secondary school students: an increasing problem handled with insufficient resources2024In: Frontiers in Public Health, E-ISSN 2296-2565, Vol. 12Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: An increasing number of schools are recognizing the importance of addressing students' mental health based on the association with educational outcomes and long-term health. The school organization and the members of the school staff play important but, in several ways, challenging roles in this work. The purpose of this study was to explore views of staff from schools and school health services on mental ill health among students and their own role in detecting and managing it.

    Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in a sparsely populated municipality in northern Sweden. In total, 40 participants from three secondary schools and the school health services participated either in focus groups or individual interviews. Participants were teachers, assistants, school nurses, school counselors and psychologists. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

    Results: The analysis revealed the main theme Student mental ill health: an increasing problem handled with insufficient resources and two subthemes, i.e., Uncertainty in interpreting students' signs of mental ill health and the need to clarify roles and establish a supportive organization.

    Conclusions: It was concluded that school staff were uncertain regarding how to interpret signs of mental ill health among students and required better knowledge and more resources to help students with mental ill health. A clearer organization and consensus regarding support for students with mental ill health were also necessary in light of the division of responsibilities between school staff and the school health services.

  • 19.
    Svensson, Åsa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Energy drink consumption predicts norm-breaking behavior in Swedish adolescents2018In: European Journal of Public Health, ISSN 1101-1262, E-ISSN 1464-360X, Vol. 28, p. 331-, article id cky214.066Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The health impact of adolescents’ consumption of energy drinks (ED) has been studied; however, previous research mainly used cross-sectional data. The aim of the present study was to describe the consumption of ED in a sample of Swedish adolescents in relation to self-reported health, support and norm-breaking behavior, and to investigate the longitudinal associations between ED consumption and norm-breaking behavior.

    Methods: The study was carried out in a municipality in The North of Sweden in 2010-2011 and includes data from 1622 adolescents in grades 6-9 who completed a questionnaire in school. Frequency of ED consumption (never vs. ever) was calculated, and chi-square test and logistic regression were used to compare ED consumption with self-reported health, support and norm-breaking behavior (i.e., truancy, staying home from school to play computer games, the use of alcohol and tobacco, and not eating breakfast or lunch every school day).

    Results: Preliminary results showed that boys consumed ED more frequently than girls: 74% of boys and 54% of girls reported to ever consume ED (P < 0.001). Frequency of ED consumption was associated with several variables related to self-reported low health, low support, and norm-breaking behavior. The associations were generally stronger among girls. Furthermore, ED consumption was a predictor of norm-breaking behavior one year later, except for not eating lunch every school day and the use of alcohol (for boys). Adjusted OR ranged from 2.02 (95% CI: 1.31, 3.10) (not eating breakfast every school day) to 4.98 (95% CI: 2.34, 10.63) (staying home from school to play computer games).

    Conclusions: In this study, adolescents’ consumption of ED was associated with several undesirable conditions and behaviors. ED consumption may thus be an important target for health promotion in young people, especially since it can predict norm-breaking behavior later on.

    Key messages: Adolescents who consume ED are more likely to engage in norm-breaking behavior compared to those who never consume ED, concurrently as well as a year later. The associations between ED consumption and undesirable behaviors and conditions were stronger for girls than boys, suggesting that the relatively smaller group of girls who use ED is more vulnerable.

  • 20.
    Svensson, Åsa
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Longitudinal Associations Between Energy Drink Consumption, Health, and Norm-Breaking Behavior Among Swedish Adolescents2021In: Frontiers in Public Health, E-ISSN 2296-2565, Vol. 9, article id 597613Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Objectives: To describe the intake of energy drinks (EDs) among a sample ofSwedish adolescents while considering health-related variables, and to investigate thelongitudinal associations between ED consumption, health, and norm-breaking behavior.Longitudinal studies on this topic are scarce.Methods: Questionnaire data were collected in the northern part of Sweden in2010–2011 from 1,622 adolescents in grades 6–9. Analyses were performed using achi-squared test and logistic regression.Results: Seventy-four percent of the boys and 54% of the girls had consumed EDs(P < 0.001). ED consumption was associated with variables related to low health, lowsupport levels, and norm-breaking behavior. The associations were generally strongeramong the girls and the boys who consumed EDs at least once a week. ED consumptionwas a predictor of worse health and norm-breaking behavior 1 year later. Adjusted oddsratios ranged from 1.53 (95% CI: 1.07, 2.20; school-related stress) to 4.88 (95% CI: 2.28,10.43; gaming-related truancy).Conclusions: Health promotion activities benefit from a broad approach but could focuson girls who consume EDs and those boys with the highest consumption levels.

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  • 21.
    Vinberg, Stig
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Alcohol use among seasonal employees in SMEs at ski resorts2015In: Understanding Small Enterprises (USE) Conference 2015 'A Healthy Working Life in a Healthy Business', 2015, p. 721-728Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper presents results from a survey aimed at shed some light on drinking and alcohol-related problems among seasonal employees in small businesses at ski resorts. In total, 292 employees (49 % men, 51 % women) answered a questionnaire with a response rate of 46 %. The questionnaire covered areas as employment relations, social aspects, psychosocial working conditions, health, alcohol consumption and preventive measures. Results were that there are several significant differences between seasonal employed men and women. The women are younger, have more university education, work more less than full-time and in restaurants or hotels and they live outside the ski resort to a higher degree after the winter season. Concerning psychosocial working conditions, health outcomes, hazardous drinking and preventive work at the workplace there are no significant differences between the groups. Around 75 percent of both seasonal employed men and women have a hazardous drinking behavior, which is significant higher in comparison with Swedish studies of other occupational groups. Regression analyses with hazardous drinking (AUDIT) as an outcome variable showed different patterns for seasonal employed women and men, although there are also similarities between the groups. Multivariate regression analyses showed that particularly social aspects as living with other employees and having friends with heavy drinking were significantly associated with hazardous drinking. It is important to reduce the seasonal employee’s alcohol consumption behaviors by influencing attitudes towards hazardous drinking and to change the culture among this group in working life. There is also a need for developing strategies for effective workplace preventive measures and rehabilitation measures for employees with alcohol consumption problems. For small businesses it can be successful to integrate work-related alcohol problems with occupational health and safety issues.

  • 22.
    Vinberg, Stig
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Långt hemifrån men nära till alkohol: En studie av arbetets och kontextens betydelse för riskkonsumtion hos kvinnor och män i säsongsanställning2015In: Sprickor, öppningar & krackeleringar: Nya perspektiv på arbetsmiljö / [ed] Angelika Sjöstedt Landén, Gunilla Olofsdotter, Malin Bolin, Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University , 2015, p. 157-177Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 23.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Där eleverna är: Ett arenaperspektiv på skolan som en stödjande miljö för hälsa2013Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Health is not created in a vacuum but in the relationship between individuals and their surroundings. School is therefore an important arena for children and youth since they spend the majority of their waking hours there. Earlier research has been particularly focused on risk factors related to mental illness in children and youth, rather than what promotes and strengthens their possibilities for positive health. Through a salutogenic approach, one can obtain knowledge about factors that contribute to a supportive environment for health. In order to gain understanding of the needs and values of new generations, students need to be made a part of their studies and the development of their own everyday environment.

    The aim of the dissertation was to study school as a supportive environment for health by involving students and finding methods of studying the positive aspects of health. The aim of the articles included challenges and possibilities for using a method to increase participation, deepen the understanding about aspects that promote health and learning, with a special focus on participation and support and how positive health can be measured.

    Students in a high school were chosen to be the participants in two qualitative studies. The method of photovoice was studied through sound recordings of the students’ dialogue during their work with photovoice and their points of view as well as the teachers’ during the focus group interviews. Data was analyzed by using content analysis (Paper I). Grounded theory was used to study the students’ view of what is important to health and learning (Paper II). A survey was used to create a positive health scale and to study factors associated with health among students in grades 6-9. The survey was taken by 1527 students (52,3% girls, 47,7% boys) in grades 6-9 in schools in the municipality of Östersund. The response rate was 80%. A principal component analysis was used to adjust and validate a positive health scale for the age group 12-16 (Paper III). In order to study the association between factors that might be associated with positive health, a multiple logistic regression was chosen (Paper IV).

    The results showed that photovoice worked as a method in high school to increase participation in matters related to health and learning. However the method needed to be adjusted to the student group. Photovoice was perceived as stimulating but also challenging by both teachers and students. Critical aspects were tied to the teacher role and the democratic organization (Paper I). The students’ view of what promoted health and learning were related to treatment, personal and pedagogical support and the potential for recovery. The results also showed that students regarded school as something that creates distinction between those who perceived themselves as under or over achievers (Paper II). The positive health scale (PHS) proved to be valid for students 12-16 years old and the scale should be useful for work with systematic health promotion where the starting point is a salutogenic perspective (Paper III). Factors associated with positive health among girls and boys age 12-16 were: a perceived participation in the classroom, support from teachers and friends and support from both parents. Socioeconomic status, measured as having as much money as pupils, was shown to be independently associated with positive health (Paper IV).

    The conclusion was that important factors for a supportive environment for health were; students’ perception of and possibility to participate in the classroom and in the school’s work environment, personal support from teachers and support in their education, support from friends and conditions that permit recovery during and after school. At the same time the results showed that there are distinctions between different groups of students in relation to health and support.

    In order to develop a supportive environment for health in schools, photovoice can be used to engage students and discover unique aspects of the individual school. With the help of the positive health scale (PHS), promoting factors can be examined, which increases the possibilities for systematic health promoting work with a salutogenic perspective.

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  • 24.
    Warne, Maria
    Mälardalens Högskola.
    Hälsofrämjande skola: En handbok som ger fria händer2003Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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    Hälsofrämjande skola
  • 25.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Med våra ögon: en metodbok om photovoice2012Book (Other academic)
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  • 26.
    Warne, Maria
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    ”Supported Education” - en förstudie om en metod för ökade möjligheter för studenter att fullfölja sina studier trots psykisk ohälsa.2019Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 27.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Carlerby, Heidi
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Trygg i Åre – arbetsgivare mot droger: Slutrapport från genomförd forskning i projektet2017Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Under åren 2014-2016 har projektet ”Trygg i Åre - arbetsgivare mot droger” bedrivits med fokus mot att minska alkohol- och droganvändande bland säsongsanställda i kommunens företag. Projektet har drivits av kommunens drogsamordnare och en styrgrupp bestående av representanter från olika företag i regionen och Åre hälsocentral. De insatser som främst genomförts har varit: framtagande och implementering av en alkohol- och drogpolicy, fem utbildningstillfällen för arbetsgivare och chefer med personalansvar, ett utbildningstillfälle för projektets styrgrupp och kommunens personalavdelning avseende policyutveckling, kommunikationsinsatser via en utvecklad hemsida och sociala medier samt spridning av projektet genom en web-baserad värdskapsutbildning för personal hos stora arbetsgivare, krögarträffar, rekryteringsdagar etc. Projektets huvudmål har varit att minska användandet av alkohol- och droger på arbetsplatser med säsongsanställd personal i Åre kommun. Delmålen har handlat om ökad kunskapsnivå hos arbetsgivare, ökade förebyggande insatser, ökad förmåga till tidiga insatser och tydligt ställningstagande mot alkohol och droger. 

    Projektets forskare har följt projektet interaktivt och kopplat tillbaka resultat vid ett flertal styrgruppsmöten. Projektets insatser har utvärderats via en enkät till medarbetare i företagen före och efter projektet omfattande 43 frågor om alkohol- och drogförebyggande arbete, arbetssituation, alkoholvanor, droger, hälsa och levnadsvanor. Kvalitativa analyser har bestått av intervjuer med ledare och deltagare i styrgruppen och noteringar från deltagande vid elva styrgruppsmöten. En enkätstudie med jämförelser av förhållanden i områdena Åre och Härjedalen har också genomförts. Enkäten besvarades 2014 av 611 personer (54 procent kvinnor, 46 procent män) i Åre-området, vilket utgjorde 47 procent av de som blev tillfrågade. Motsvarande siffror 2016 var att 423 personer (49 procent kvinnor, 51 procent män) besvarade enkäten med en svarsfrekvens på 34 procent. Enkäten besvarades 2016 av 125 personer i Härjedalen-området (svarsfrekvens 30 procent). 

    Resultat från enkätstudien före projektets insatser visade att i gruppen 18-24 år fanns den högsta riskkonsumtionen av både alkohol (90 procent) och droger (6 procent). I åldersgruppen 18-24 år fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan könen när det gällde riskbruk av alkohol, till skillnad från droganvändning där fler män än kvinnor visade sig ha ett drogmissbruk. När det gäller det förebyggande arbetet svarade 87 procent att företaget hade en alkoholpolicy och 85 procent att det fanns en drogpolicy.  

     Resultat av de mulitivariata regressionsanalyserna av riskkonsumtion av alkohol visade att för kvinnor var detta associerat till faktorerna: bo med kollegor/vänner, ej vara fast boende i Åre, arbeta kväll/skift. För männens del var det att vänner ofta dricker sig berusade och om de upplevde ett gott arbetsklimat som visade sig ha en signifikant association. Resultatet av de multivariata regressionsanalyserna, där riskkonsumtion av droger studerades, visade att drogriskbruk för både kvinnors och mäns del var associerat med att ha vänner som ofta dricker sig berusade. För männen var dessutom säsongsanställning associerat till ett drogriskbruk. 

    Resultatet av intervjuer med ledare och av medarbetares öppna svar i enkäten visade att för att nå framgång i det alkohol- och drogförebyggande arbetet finns det flera utmaningar som framförallt handlar om normer och ledarskap. Tre teman utkristalliserades i analysen: reproducerande av alkoholnormer, en alkoholkontrollerande arbetsmiljö och omhändertagande ledare. Ledarna såg alkohol som en naturlig del på skidorten och medarbetarna lyfte fram problematik kring ett aktivt policyarbete parallellt med en liberal hållning till alkohol och ”partykultur”. 

    Jämförelser av enkätresultat före och efter projektets insatser visade på flera positiva tendenser. När det gäller riskkonsumtion av alkohol, mätt med frågeformuläret AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), noterades en signifikant minskning av riskkonsumtionen: 75 procent av de säsongsanställda angav riskkonsumtion 2014 jämfört med 56 procent 2016. För riskkonsumtion av droger, mätt med frågeformuläret DUDIT (Drug Disorders Identification), var konsumtionen relativt likartad före och efter projektet. Enkätresultat om arbetsgivarnas förebyggande arbete visar att andelen medarbetare som uppger att arbetsplatsen har en alkoholpolicy respektive drogpolicy har ökat signifikant sedan 2014, signifikant fler uppger att arbetsgivaren genomför slumpmässiga nykterhetskontroller och drogtester samt en större andel har vid eftermätningen kännedom om att arbetsgivaren erbjuder rehabilitering om alkohol- eller drogproblem uppdagas. När det gäller arbetsvillkor och hälsa kan utläsas att andelen som arbetar 40 timmar eller mer och övertid ökat något, oförändrad hälsa mätt med en positiv hälsoskala (Positive Health Scale), en liten minskning av sjuknärvaro och att drygt 80 procent av de anställda angav att de ofta/alltid upplever en meningsfull fritid både före och efter projektet.  

     Intervjuer med deltagare i styrgruppen pekar på flera positiva resultat som en ökad samverkan mellan företagare i Åre, ett mer aktivt ställningstagande och agerande när det gäller alkohol och droger. De intervjuade styrgruppsdeltagarna nämnde även att ledare nu vågar prata om problem som uppstår kring alkohol och droger, att de fångar upp de unga tidigt men också att det finns en ökad förmåga att hitta dem som har haft problem länge. Projektledaren menar att hen lagt märke till att det är en förändring bland chefer i deras förhållningssätt till det drogförebyggande arbetet. De intervjuade menar att de utbildningar som genomförts har bidragit till en ökad kunskap inom alkohol- och drogområdet och hur de som chefer kan agera, främst bland företagare i Åre och i mindre utsträckning vid andra orter i området. Styrgruppens deltagare nämner även att framtagande och implementering av alkohol- och drogpolicyn varit en viktig del i projektet liksom förändrade rutiner vid rekryteringar inför kommande säsong och ökad förmåga att agera då alkohol- och drogproblem uppdagas, bland annat genom ökat samarbete med områdets hälsocentral. 

    En jämförelse mellan enkätresultat för områdena Härjedalen och Åre visade på signifikant lägre riskkonsumtion av alkohol bland både kvinnor och män i Härjedalen. Däremot fanns inga signifikanta skillnader gällande riskkonsumtion av droger. När det gäller de svarandes bedömning av förekomst av alkohol- och drogpolicy och utandningstester var dessa mer förekommande i Åre-området. 

    Säsongsanställning på en vinterturistort kan innebära särskilda utmaningar när det gäller levnads- och arbetsvillkor samt alkohol- och drogkonsumtion och därför är studier angelägna. Forskningsområdet är av betydelse eftersom kunskapen är ofullständig om alkoholrelaterade problem i arbetslivet särskilt när det gäller tillfälliga anställningar som säsongsanställning. Det finns också behov av att utveckla interventioner för att förebygga alkohol- och drogproblem i arbetslivet samt att följa sådana via kvantitativa och kvalitativa studier. Resultaten av genomförd utvärdering och forskning bör tolkas med viss försiktighet på grund av den relativt låga svarsfrekvensen i genomförda enkätstudier, att data utgörs av tvärsnitt och att det finns skillnader i åldersfördelning och boendeformer i Åre-området före och efter projektet.  

    Med denna reservation i åtanke kan ändå följande slutsatser dras: 

     Riskkonsumtionen av alkohol och droger ligger på en hög nivå bland studerad säsongsanställd personal jämfört med nationella urval och fortsatta förebyggande och främjande insatser är därför angelägna. 

     Enkätresultat före och efter projektets insatser och genomförda intervjuer med ledare och deltagare i styrgruppen tyder på att projektet haft signifikanta effekter för att minska användandet av alkohol på en del företag med säsongsanställd personal i Åre-området. 

     Genomförda utbildningar och övrig kunskapsspridning förefaller ha bidragit till ökad kunskapsnivå hos ledare i företag avseende alkohol- och drogfrågor och handlingsförmåga att förebygga dessa problem. Projektet har i mindre utsträckning nått orter utanför Åre by och därför finns behov av fortsatta insatser. 

     Projektets utbildningar, kunskapsspridning och utveckling av policy för alkohol och droger har bidragit till ökade förebyggande insatser och ett mer tydligt ställningstagande mot alkohol och droger. Förädling av policyn och utvecklad hemsida har också bidragit med kunskap om hur arbetsgivare kan arbeta med förebyggande och främjande insatser och till strategier vid rekrytering av säsongsanställda. 

     Andra positiva effekter i projektet är ett mer utvecklat samarbete med hälsocentral gällande alkohol- och drogfrågor samt att samarbetet mellan representanter från Åre kommun, företrädare för näringslivet och forskare upplevts positivt av berörda personer. 

     Resultaten tyder på signifikanta skillnader mellan alkohol- och drogkonsumtion i Härjedalen jämfört med Åre området. Förklaringar bakom dessa skillnader bör analyseras inför fortsatta insatser. 

     Projektet har i liten omfattning fokuserat på frågor kring anställningsvillkor, arbetsvillkor och hälsa. Då forskning visar på samband mellan dessa faktorer och alkohol- och drogkonsumtion bör detta beaktas i fortsatta insatser. 

     Resultaten pekar på att sociala faktorer har stor betydelse för riskkonsumtion, framförallt gällande alkohol. Ett förebyggande arbete måste därför omfatta boendeformer, kultur och normer bland de säsongsanställda och arbetsgivarna. 

     Vår bedömning är att projektets huvudmål (att minska användandet av alkohol och narkotika på arbetsplatser med säsongsanställd personal i Åre kommun) har uppfyllts när det gäller alkohol, men inte narkotika. Avseende delmål 1 (ökad kunskapsnivå hos arbetsgivare om förekomst av alkohol och narkotika och dess skadliga effekter) är bedömningen att kunskapsnivån ökat genom de utbildnings- och informationsinsatser som genomförts. När det gäller delmål 2 (ökade förebyggande insatser mot alkohol och narkotika) visar resultaten att fler företag har en alkohol- och drogpolicy samt tillämpar slumpmässiga kontroller. När det gäller delmål 3 (ökad förmåga till tidiga insatser) är resultatet svårbedömt. Dock är vår tolkning att styrgruppens deltagare uppvisar en ökad förmåga vid misstanke om alkohol- och narkotikamissbruk. Delmål 4 (ett ökat ställningstagande mot alkohol och narkotika på arbetsplatser) bedöms ha uppfyllts via projektets sammantagna insatser. Flera av projektets resultatmål bedöms ha uppfyllts: framtagande och genomförande av utbildning samt framtagande av gemensam alkohol- och drogpolicy och hemsida. Då enkätstudien riktad mot ledare i företagen inte kunde genomföras kan inte mål om ökad kunskap och förmåga bland ledare att agera bedömas. 

    När det gäller fortsatta insatser finns flera praktiska implikationer. I förebyggande syfte är det av stor betydelse att förändra normer och rådande kultur för att begränsa alkoholkonsumtionen bland unga säsongsanställda. Eftersom resultaten tyder på att drogkonsumtionen förhållit sig oförändrad och omfattar en låg andel av de anställda jämfört med alkoholkonsumtionen finns behov av fortsatta studier där fler vinterturistorter ingår. Det är också viktigt att det finns strategier på arbetsplatsen för stöd till personer med alkoholrelaterade problem, likväl som generella alkohol- och drogtester för de säsongsanställda. Det finns behov av att ytterligare utveckla samarbetet med hälsocentral och företagshälsor. Av betydelse är också insatser för att förändra den kultur och de normer som skapas i de kollektiva boendeformer som många säsongsanställda har. Här bör arbetsgivarna ha möjlighet att anvisa andra boendeformer för de som så önskar. Arbetsgivarna bör även aktivt arbeta för att förändra den kultur kring alkohol som är nuvarande norm bland anställda. Ett sådant förändringsarbete kan vara relaterat till den hälsotrend som finns i dagens samhälle. En praktisk applikation är också att arbeta för att integrera frågor som rör alkohol och droger i företagens arbetsmiljö- och jämställdhetsarbete i ökad omfattning.

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    Alutrapport Trygg i Åre
  • 28.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Dahlqvist, Heléne
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Göransson, Karina
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Norén, Jimmy
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    IDE-projektet; ett projekt om inflytande, delaktighet och empowerment för unga med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning2024Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Dahlqvist, Heléne
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Tjulin, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    “Att våga bry sig och vara med i det samhälle vi lever i, det är större än att följa lagen.”: Detaljhandlares perspektiv på tillgänglighetsbegränsning av tobak.2021In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 98, no 4, p. 681-693Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Detaljhandlare har en viktig roll i det tillgänglighetsbegränsande arbete somär en del i den tobaksprevention som omfattar minderåriga. Tidigare forskningvisar att arbetet med tillgänglighetsbegränsning är komplex. Syftet medstudien var att få ökad kunskap om detaljhandlares syn på sin roll och sitt ansvari lokalsamhället för att begränsa ungdomars tillgång på tobak. Sju detaljhandlareintervjuades. Materialet analyserades med en manifest innehållsanalys.Resultatet visar att detaljhandlarna lyfter fram sitt ansvarstagandenär det gäller lagefterlevnad vid försäljning, medan både ansvarstagandetoch vilken roll de ska ta vid langning är mer problematisk. Detaljhandlarnaberör aspekter som ligger bortom lagefterlevnad, ett engagemang för denplats de verkar inom. Samverkan och samsyn behövs mellan olika aktörer ilokalsamhället. För att forma detta efterfrågar handlarna stöd från kommunen,och ett annat stöd än vad som nu ges.

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  • 30.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Danielsson, Erna
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Social Sciences.
    Högberg, Lovisa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Business, Economics and Law.
    Torget: en plats för hållbarhet ur ett socialt, ekologiskt, kulturellt och ekonomiskt perspektiv2017In: Hållbarhetens många ansikten: samtal, forskning och fantasier / [ed] Edith Andresen, Gustav Lidén, Sara Nyhlén, Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University , 2017, p. 64-71Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 31.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Challenges when Photovoice is used as a research method in the school setting2019Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There is growing body of research about visual methods in health promotion. Photovoice (PV), a community based participatory research method, is one of these methods that being used more and more frequently in health promotion (HP) interventions and research with young people. The aim of PV is to increase empowerment and participation among vulnerable groups. PV is often used together with so-called at-risk youth in after- school settings, more seldom in the school setting, as a part of the curriculum, with youth with varied background. The purpose of this study was to highlight dilemmas and discuss challenges when photovoice was used in the school setting as a part of the curriculum. The participants were girls and school staff at a vocational program in an upper secondary school in the Northern part of Sweden. A thematic content analysis was used to analyse data from observations, student workshops, focus groups and face-to face interviews with school staff, with focus on the PV method. The result is on progress but shows challenges that needs to be handled: hierarchies limiting the dialogue, the slow pace of the process creates frustration, and finally the method is likely to reinforce previous mistrust against adults when the participants' proposals are not implemented. The conclusions is that scholars using photovoice as a research method at school need to be aware of challenges when they use PV.

  • 32.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Costenius, Catrine
    Luleå tekniska Universitet.
    Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti
    Norges miljö- och biovetenskapliga universitet.
    Challenges and possibilities with participatory visual research methods in health promotion2018In: 10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research: Implementing Health Promotion inthe Life Course - User Involvementin Practice and Research / [ed] Siw Tone Innstrand, Geir Arild Espnes and Bjarne Bruun Jensen, Trondheim, 2018Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this workshop is to discuss pros andcons using participatory visual methods in health promotion research. The interest of visual research is growing and it is time to look more critical to this increasingly popular research focus. The first part of the session, we shortly introduce visual methods in health promotion by giving examples and experiences from our research. In the second part of the session, we will discuss experiences and reflections about, e.g. vulnerable groups, power relations, ethical problems and the use of photographs together with the participants. The goals for the session are to expand the dialogue about the need for high ethical standards when using visual methods in health promotion research, to share experiences and to create contact between researchers within this field.

    There is growing body of research about visual methods in health promotion and the presenting researchers have, together and separately, used participatory visual methods for data collection and participatory action research. The authors have all experience with the PhotoVoice method, developed by Wang and Burris in the late 90th, as well as other visual methods, like cell philms and drawings and participatory research. Examples from different research projects are; non verbal language of drawings and photographs in participatory visual methods when aiming at understanding children’s life worlds, young girls' experiences of daily life at school and girls' views of sexual harassment. However alongside the many opportunities there are equal number of challenges when using nonverbal arts-based research methods in order to go beyond the limits of language to capture the meaning of lived experience in a multimodal and holistic way.

  • 33.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Snyder, Kristen
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education.
    Photovoice: An opportunity and challenge for students' genuine participation2013In: Health Promotion International, ISSN 0957-4824, E-ISSN 1460-2245, Vol. 28, no 3, p. 299-310Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    It has been highlighted that youth empowerment and participationare important principles for school health promotion.Despite this fact, children and youth are rarelygiven instruments to participate or to influence their situationsand the environments in their schools. Photovoice isa method to increased empowerment and participation.Originally it was created as a community action researchmethod based on Freire’s critical pedagogy and feministtheory. The purpose of this study was to explore challengesand opportunities for applying photovoice in aschool setting to support genuine participation. Togetherwith teachers and students in an upper secondary schoolin O ¨ stersund’s municipality in the north of Sweden, thephotovoice method was field tested and modified to aclassroom situation. The teachers and the students wereinterviewed about their experiences with the method. Theresults were interpreted by content analysis and showedthat the teachers’ capability to be facilitators and the students’possibility to make a difference for the school orthe municipality were the most important factors tosucceed with photovoice. The conclusions were thatphotovoice challenges schools and society to have a betterstructure for genuine participation if youth participation isseen as valuable.

  • 34.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Göransson, Karina
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Presentation IDE-projektet2024Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 35.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Göransson, Karina
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Natural Science, Design, and Sustainable Development (2023-).
    Dahlqvist, Heléne
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Participatory visual methods to engage young people with intellectual disabilities in decision-making.: What is possible within the photovoice framework?2024Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Young people with an intellectual disability (ID) generally have poorer opportunities to participate in society and to influence their own lives than other youth. The possibility to participate and have influence in social life is a fundamental human right.     

    Previous studies have measured factors such as e.g., how young people with ID manage to achieve goals in terms of participation in e.g. daily activities, problem solving and self-efficacy. Further research is needed to, through co-creation, find ways to investigate and supplement how participation can be made possible for young people with ID.  


    The purpose of this study was to investigate how participation and influence for young people with ID can be enhanced using the participatory visual method photovoice.   

    Participants were six students with severe to middle severe ID in a special high school in a municipality in northern Sweden and four of their teachers and resource personnel. The students participated in three photovoice workshops by taking and discussing photos. A focus group with school staff were conducted about their experiences of photovoice to enable student’s participation. Collected data were analyzed with content analysis.   


    The preliminary results show that participation and influence can be enabled for participants through photovoice if it is adapted to their cognitive skills and includes careful preparation and adaptations. The process of using photographs turned out to be significant. Photovoice might be used together with youth with ID as co-creators, but more preparation, repetition and time is needed than when photovoice is used with others.   

  • 36.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Pettersson, Karl
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering (2023-).
    Lundgren, Lena
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Communication, Quality Management, and Information Systems (2023-).
    Lif, Ulrika
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Supported Education som pedagogiskt stöd när studenters psykiska ohälsa ökar2024Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är den vanligaste formen av funktionsnedsättning eller ohälsa bland studenter (UHR, 2018). Mellan 2022 och 2023 har andelen kvinnor i åldern 16–29 år som upplever stress ökat från redan höga nivåer, medan den sjunkit för män (FHM, 2023). I denna ålder studerar många. Psykisk ohälsa kan leda till ökade problem att genomföra studierna, fortsatt psykisk ohälsa och långvarig marginalisering kopplat till oförmåga att etablera sig som självständig vuxen (Patel et al., 2007). Universitet och högskolor ska enligt högskolelagen och dess förordningar skapa likvärdiga villkor och arbeta i linje med krav på breddad rekrytering. Tidigare studier har visat att studenter som får stöd under sin studietid har förutsättningar att fullfölja studierna, men att det behövs flera olika insatser (Kim, Kathy & Anthony, 2010). Supported Education (SEd) är en metod som avser att stötta studenter med psykisk ohälsa att söka, erhålla och genomföra studier utifrån egna preferenser (Hofstra & Korevaar, 2016). Effektstudier pågår (Hofstra et al., 2021). Metoden har ursprungligen utvecklats för personer med allvarlig psykisksjukdom men har under senare tid avänts både preventivt och promotivt. Stödet ges ovillkorat till studenter som upplever problem att välja, skaffa och behålla utbildning. Mellan 2020 och 2023 har Supported Education prövats vid Mittuniversitetet med fokus på att behålla utbildning. Sedan hösten 2023 är metoden en permanent verksamhet vid universitetet.

    Syftet: Att presentera metoden Supported Education, vägen från projekt till permanent SEd-verksamhetvid Mittuniversitetet samt studenters syn på detta stöd.

    Metod: Data utgjordes av enkäter, minnesanteckningar, workshops och intervjuer. Deltagare var studenter och universitetspersonal. En kvalitativ analys genomfördes av utgångsläge, process och upplevelser.

    Resultat: Studenter som erhållit stöd via Supported Education upplever bättre struktur, ökad insikt om hinder, behov och resurser samt ökad känsla av sammanhang och trygghet i att stöd finns att få. Bred förankring, där representanter från fakulteterna, studenthälsan, studentkårerna och förvaltningen ingick, gav ett universitetsövergripande stöd för metoden. Verksamhetens placering i organisationen upplevdes som en utmanande process. SEd går emot gängse praxis om pedagogiskt stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning genom att ges utan krav på diagnosticering till dem som erfar stödbehov utifrån sin studiesituation. Detta upplevs positivt av både studenter och personal. SEd är en kostnadseffektiv metod som bidrar till att öka tillgängligheten till studier för fler och möjlighet att både fullfölja studier och må rimligt bra under tiden.

  • 37.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Siandinovic, Kristina
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Berman, Anne H
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Källmén, Håkan
    STAD, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Stockholm.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Risky consumption of alcohol and drugs among employees at ski resorts2017In: Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, ISSN 1455-0725, E-ISSN 1458-6126, Vol. 34, no 3, p. 201-216Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Aim: To evaluate risky consumption of alcohol and drugs among Swedish men and women who are employed at ski resorts. Methods: A cross-sectional sample of 611 employees in 48 small and medium-sized enterprises responded to a questionnaire covering alcohol and drug use, social aspects around work and working conditions. Consumption of alcohol and drugs in the study sample was compared to population data. Data were analysed using Mann–Whitney U-tests and logistic regression analyses. Results: Compared to the general population, the study group of ski resort employees had higher scores on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in all age groups except 35+ for men. Regarding the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) scores, only men in the 18–24 age group had higher scores compared to the general population. The prevalence of risky alcohol and drug use was higher among seasonally employed individuals; 82.9%, compared to 58.0% among other employees for alcohol; 8.3% compared to 2.8% for drugs. The regression analysis indicated that social aspects such as living together with colleagues and having co-workers/friends who are frequently inebriated were the most significant explanatory variables for explaining risk consumption of alcohol (OR 16.82 and OR 4.33). Risky use of drugs was associated with being younger (OR 0.15) and male (OR 0.86), as well as with having co-workers/friends who are frequently inebriated (OR 4.25). Conclusions: The study showed a high prevalence of risky alcohol consumption among ski resort employees compared to the general population, with higher risky drug consumption found only among younger men. Social aspects such as living with colleagues and having co-workers or friends who are often inebriated, were identified as important explanatory factors. Preventive measures should be introduced, targeting norms and work culture surrounding alcohol and drug use among ski resort employees. 

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  • 38.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Snyder, Kristen
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Adaptation and validation of a positive health scale for adolescents2014In: Social Indicators Research, ISSN 0303-8300, E-ISSN 1573-0921, Vol. 119, no 2, p. 1079-1093Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There is a demonstrated need to develop alternative approaches to measuring health from a positive health perspective in order to support systematic planning and evaluation of health promotion in schools. The Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale (SHIS) aims to measure health from a positive perspective, However, it has not been developed, or previously been tested, for use with adolescents between the ages of 12 and 16, at which age youth often exhibit a need for extra support in order to be successful in school and life. Inspired by the SHIS, we generated a Positive Health Scale (PHS) appropriate for 12-16-year-olds and determined its validity and reliability using principal component analysis (PCA). In the study, the scale was tested in a sample of 1,527 Grade 6-9 students, using PCA. The findings indicated the need to reduce the scale to nine items, which was then shown to be valid and reliable for use with both adolescent boys and adolescent girls. We conclude that the PHS can be used in systematic health promotion planning and evaluation. Communities and schools can use this scale to examine and improve health determinants in different adolescent settings.

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    Erratum to: Adaptaion and validation of a positive health scale for adolescents
  • 39.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Snyder, Kristen
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Quality Management and Mechanical Engineering.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Participation and support – associations with Swedish pupils’ positive health2017In: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, ISSN 1239-9736, E-ISSN 2242-3982, Vol. 76, no 1, article id 1373579Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    From the perspective of salutogenesis, schools have opportunities to create supportive environments for health and well-being, but there is a need for more knowledge about positive health determinants in the school setting. The aim of this study was to analyse adolescents’ self-reported positive health and its association with supportive factors in the school environment. Data was derived from a cross-sectional study in which pupils were aged 12–16 (n=1527). A positive health scale was used to examine the association of positive health with the following determinants: classroom participation; teacher support; peer support; parental support; and personal relative affluence. Data was analysed with multiple logistic regression. The results showed that positive health was associated with classroom participation and support from teachers and parents more commonly among boys than girls. All determinants were significantly associated with pupils’ positive health. The conclusion is that students’ positive health is strongly associated with support from the school. Classroom participation and support are major concerns for the health of pupils, and it is essential to develop these aspects of the school environment.

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  • 40.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Snyder, Kristen
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Promoting an Equal and Healthy Environment: Swedish Students' View of the Daily Life at School2013In: Qualitative Health Research, ISSN 1049-7323, E-ISSN 1552-7557, Vol. 23, no 10, p. 1354-1368Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Education is an important factor in health equity, but many students still do not complete high school. A focus on the school context rather than on individual problems might help to create a supportive environment for health and learning. In this study we explored factors that promote health and learning from the perspective of vocational and low-achieving high school students in Sweden. We used grounded theory with a constructivist orientation, informed and sensitized by the concept of salutogenesis. Students from a school in a mid-sized municipality in Sweden participated, and we collected data using the photovoice method and interviews. Students identified general factors as significant to their well-being and success in school. The main theme, "promoting driving forces for health and learning," emerged from the categories "longing to be seen by teachers," "longing for support," and "longing for recuperation."

  • 41.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Snyder, Kristen
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education.
    Gillander Gådin, Katja
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    The role of participation, teachers and peers in grades 6–9: A cross-sectional questionnaire study of factors associated with pupils’ positive health in Swedish schoolsManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The influence of the school environment on pupils’ health has more often been described in terms of health problems than health. From a perspective of health promotion and salutogenesis, schools have opportunities to create supportive environments for health. From this point of departure there is a need for more knowledge about positive health determinants in the school setting. The aim of this study was to analyze adolescents’ self-reported positive health and its association with supportive factors in the school environment. Data were derived from a cross-sectional study in which pupils aged 12–16 completed a questionnaire during school hours (n= 1527). The response rate was 80%). A new positive health scale was used to examine the association with the following determinants: classroom participation, school-related support, peer support, parent support and socioeconomic status. Data were analyzed with chi-squared tests and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that positive health, participation and support from teachers and parents were more common among boys than girls. All determinants except support with homework from the school were significantly associated with pupils’ positive health. The conclusion is that schools have a great potential to enable pupils’ health. The association between support from teachers and peers and participation is a major concern for pupils’ health and it is essential develop these aspects in the school environment.

  • 42.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    School staffs’ attitudes on pupils’ mental health before and after a mental health intervention in the Northern part of Sweden - a study protocol2021In: SHE ACADEMY 2021 Health Promotion: Call for Action. / [ed] Augusto, C., Duarte, A., Silva, M. J., Martins, S., Maia, A., Seelen, J., & Rosário, R., 2021Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 43.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Youth Aware of Mental Health – en intervention med utmaningar i den lokala kontexten: Utvärdering i Åre kommun utifrån personalens perspektiv2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Åre kommun har under 2019–2022 genomfört projektet Första hjälpen för psykisk hälsa för att öka den allmänna kompetensnivån i kommunen för att förstå och hantera psykisk ohälsa. I en del av projektet fick elever i årskurs 8 i kommunens skolor ta del av en intervention, Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM). Fyra YAM-instruktörer utbildades och genomförde interventionen som syftade till att öka elevernas kunskap om psykisk hälsa och utveckla deras färdigheter att möta livets svårigheter.

    Mittuniversitetet, institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, fick i uppdrag att utvärdera YAM, med avseende på skolpersonalens och centrala elevhälsans upplevelser av interventionens effekt på elevernas kunskaper och färdigheter om psykisk ohälsa, samt skolans kompetens att agera och hjälpa elever med psykisk ohälsa. Utvärderingen genomfördes med fokusgruppsintervjuer och individuella intervjuer av personal på kommunens skolor som arbetade med elever i årskurs 8, samt centrala elevhälsan. Datainsamling gjordes före interventionen med YAM (2019), och efter (2022), för att se om det skett någon förändring i personalens syn på frågeställningarna. Totalt deltog 23 personer före YAM och 20 personer efter YAM.

    Resultatet visade inte på några större skillnader i intervjupersonernas syn på elevernas kunskaper och färdigheter kring psykisk ohälsa eller personalens egen kompetens att agera för att hjälpa elever med psykisk ohälsa, före och efter YAM. Utvärderingen identifierade ett antal utmaningar i genomförandet av YAM i Åre kommun, vilka pekade på ett behov av att tydligare förankra YAM i verksamheten, och som väckte frågor om hur den manualbaserade interventionen bäst kan implementeras i en glesbygdskontext. Resultatet beskriver även intervjupersonernas reflektioner mer generellt, när det gäller elevernas kunskaper om psykisk ohälsa och skolans kompetens att agera för att hjälpa de elever som har psykisk ohälsa.

    Baserat på undersökningens resultat rekommenderas att en implementering av YAM involverar skola och centrala elevhälsan i en större utsträckning än vad som gjorts inom projektet, och att interventionen ses som en del i ett större arbete för att säkerställa att eleverna har förutsättningar att må bra och få stöd när de behöver det. Det är även önskvärt att interventionen följs upp. 

    Skolpersonal bör ges ytterligare stöd när det gäller kunskap om, och hantering av, elever med psykisk ohälsa. Det finns ett behov av en tydligare organisation och ansvarsfördelning mellan skolpersonal och centrala elevhälsan, och en större samsyn i att hälsa och lärande är varandras förutsättningar.


  • 44.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences (HOV).
    Youth Aware of Mental Health: a mental illness prevention program with challenges in the local context2023Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The suicide prevention program Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) has been developed and used as a universal school mental health program aimed at 14–16-year-olds. The purpose of YAM is to increase adolescents’ knowledge about mental health and develop skills to face life's difficulties. The program aims to promote the development of young peoples’ problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence.The purpose of the study was to evaluate a YAM intervention in a municipality in a rural area in the northern Sweden from the school -staffs’ and YAM instructors’ perspective.Methods: Interviews were made before and after the intervention with a total of 43 staff from three schools, the student health service, and the municipality. A thematic content analysis was conducted.Findings: The results show limited changes of using YAM on young peoples’ problem-solving skills. The developed themes were related to aspects on the rural context, the society, inability of the pupils to meet demands, school-staff mistrusting mental illness trends, role conflicts and unsecure responsibilities among the school-staff.Conclusion: For a rural area with small school units, YAM needs to be adapted to the local context and involve the schools to make them stakeholders, not just recipients of a top-down distributed intervention. It is also important to use YAM as part of a whole school approach in the work with school mental health. The work thus becomes more in line with a health-promoting approach.

  • 45.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Tirén, Lina
    Östersund Municipality, Children and Education Administration.
    Wall, Erika
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    On Time: A Qualitative Study of Swedish Students’, Parents’ and Teachers’ Views on School Attendance, with a Focus on Tardiness2020In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, ISSN 1661-7827, E-ISSN 1660-4601, Vol. 17, no 4, article id 1430Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Tardiness is a common problem in many schools. It can be understood as an individual risk for future problematic behavior leading to absenteeism, school dropout, exclusion and later health problems. Tardiness can also be examined in relation to a broader social-ecological perspective on health. The aim of this study was to analyze students’, school staff’s and parents’ views on students’ tardiness in two Swedish schools. A focus group interview design was used with 21 school personnel, 21 students in grade nine and two parents. The data were analyzed by using thematic content analysis. The results illustrated the main theme—It depends on . . . —regarding what will happen if a student arrives late to school lessons. This finding is further explained by the subthemes about teachers’ signals and reactions and the responses from teachers and students. The conclusion showed the importance of organizing the school day more predictably for the students. Late arrival is a sign of shortcomings in a school organization. It is necessary to develop guidelines related to how to handle students’ late arrival based on predictable viewpoints but even more so on how to promote students’ sense of belonging and their interest in and motivation for going to school.

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    On time
  • 46.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Alkohol och droger bland säsongsanställda på turistorter.: Medarbetares svar på frågor om alkohol, droger, anställningsvillkor, förebyggande arbete och hälsa2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En enkätstudie om riskkonsumtionen av alkohol och droger bland anställda i olika företag i Åre genomfördes våren 2014 av Avdelningen för Hälsovetenskap, Mittuniversitetet. Denna delrapport är framtagen till styrgruppen för projektet ”Trygg i Åre - arbetsgivare mot droger”. Projektet finansieras av Folkhälsomyndigheten och beräknas pågå under 2014-2016.


    Enkäten besvarades av 611 personer vilket motsvarar en svarsfrekvens på cirka 47 procent. Riskkonsumtion av alkohol mättes genom frågeformuläret AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). Gränsvärde för riskkonsumtion är 8 eller däröver för män och 6 eller däröver för kvinnor på en skala mellan 0-40. Drogbruk mättes genom DUDIT (Drog Use Disorders Identification Test). Gränsvärde för drogbruk för båda könen är 1 eller däröver.


    Resultatet visade att i gruppen 18-24 år fanns den högsta riskkonsumtionen av både alkohol och droger. I åldersgruppen 18-24 år fanns inga skillnader mellan könen när det gällde riskbruk av alkohol medan fler män än kvinnor visade sig ha ett drogbruk. När det gäller alkoholkonsumtionen i åldersgrupperna över 34 år är mönstret att männen i nästan dubbelt så hög grad har en riskkonsumtion i jämförelse med kvinnorna. Droganvändning förekom i stort sett inte bland dem som besvarat enkäten och var över 34 år.  


    Riskkonsumtionen av alkohol bland män och kvinnor visade sig vara associerat till:


    • Bo med kollegor/vänner
    • Ej vara fast boende i Åre
    • Ha vänner som dricker sig berusade ofta
    • Arbeta i högt tempo (endast män)
    • Om företaget inte använder slumpvisa utandningstester (endast män)

    Analysen av data visade ingen association mellan de undersökta faktorerna (boende, vänner som ofta dricker sig berusade, anställningsvillkor, riskkonsumtion av alkohol) och kvinnors bruk av droger. För männens del var bruk av droger associerat till:


    • Ha vänner som ofta dricker sig berusade
    • Bo med kollegor/vänner
    • Vara tillfälligt anställd
    • Ha en riskkonsumtion av alkohol

    Deltagarna i studien hade möjlighet att lämna förslag på vad de ansåg att arbetsgivaren skulle kunna göra ytterligare när det gällde det alkohol- och drogförebyggande arbetet. Fem områden identifierades:


    • Mer kontroller
    • Mer utbildning till anställda
    • Ett förändrat förhållningssätt till alkohol
    • Bättre hjälpinsatser om problem uppdagas
    • Det är bra som det är

    Enkäten innehöll även frågor om hälsa. Resultatet visade att en stor andel av de som svarat mår bra, mätt genom en positiv hälsoskala. Cirka 60 procent rör sig ordentligt en gång i veckan eller oftare. Merparten anser sig ha en meningsfull fritid.


    Den insamlade enkäten innehöll fler frågor och ytterligare analyser kommer att genomföras under projekttiden.

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  • 47.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Elefanten i rummet – ett interventionsprojekt med utmaningar2017Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Baggrund (kontekst, problembeskrivelse, problemstilling og formål)Alkohol och droger bland säsongsanställda på skidturistorter är ett problem som beskrivits i ringa omfattning. Studier visar att förekomsten av alkohol och droger är högre i denna grupp än i befolkningen generellt. Många säsongsanställda är unga och i dessa år är risken stor att en riskfylld konsumtion av alkohol och droger leder till hälsoproblem i framtiden. Arbetsgivare och företrädare för kommun och landsting uppmärksammade problemet och erhöll finansiering av Folkhälsomyndigheten 2014-2016 för att genomföra en intervention i syfte att minska alkohol och droger bland säsongsanställda. Till projektet knöts forskare på ett universitet som genom följeforskning skulle följa och utvärdera projektet. 

    Teoretisk ramme og metodeMed utgångspunkt i systemteoretiskt perspektiv, observationer och samtal under en intervention om alkohol och droger bland anställda, diskuteras aspekter av problemägande, makt, kommunikation och samarbete mellan forskare och projektägare. Vilka hinder och möjligheter finns för sammabete mellan forskning och praktik när en intervention genomförs inom ett område som också är en del av projektägarnas näringsverksamhet? 

    Hovedresultater og konklusionerProjektets olika aktörer har olika bakomliggande syften vilka ställs på sin spets när projektresultat kommuniceras externt. Forskningens akademiska frihet, att vara oberoende gentemot marknaden, kan skapa konflikt med andra aktörer som har ett ekonomiskt intresse vilket kan äventyras av att resultat publiceras. Tät kontakt mellan universitet och praktik kan till viss del minska konflikten men metoder behöver utvecklas för att i ett tidigt skede tydliggöra roller, ansvarsområden samt forskarnas akademiska frihet. 

    Betydning for videre forskning, policy eller praksisI allt större utsträckning sker en samverkan mellan forskning och praktik och universiteten får uppdrag från det omgivande samhället. Fördelen är att forskningen når ut snabbare i samhället och kan komma till användning men det behövs fler studier som visar de problem som detta samarbete också kan leda till.

  • 48.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Sun, snow, skiing, work and a lot of party – HR leaders and seasonal workers’ views on alcohol and alcohol prevention at a ski resort in Northern Sweden.2016In: Inkluderande och hållbart arbetsliv: Book of abstracts – FALF 2016, Östersund: Mittuniversitetet , 2016, p. 13-14Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Winter tourism hires thousands of young seasonal workers every year. Work, but mostly skiing and party attracts them to stay at the ski resort for four or five months.  Previous research shows that seasonal employment is associated with hazardous drinking and risk taking behaviors. Seasonal workers’ health and healthy working environment are important issues for the tourism sector. Between 2014 and 2016 the project “Safe in Åre – employer against drugs” is running with the purpose to reduce alcohol and drugs among seasonal employees.  

    A qualitative method was used to understand critical factors for alcohol prevention among seasonal workers. Twelve HR managers in tourism companies were interviewed about alcohol prevention and the role of alcohol in seasonal workers’ daily lives. The interviews were analyzed with content analysis together with one open ended questions about seasonal workers view of the companies’ alcohol- and drug prevention. The question was answered by 611 of 1313 employees.  

    The results shows that HR managers view on alcohol prevention was two-edged. They contribute to the preservation of existing alcohol norm but have policies to control soberness at work. Emerging themes were: Retention of existing alcohol norms and Alcohol-controlled working environment. But it was also a tendency of a preventive approach among some HR managers. 

    The results are in progress but the preliminary conclusion is that the double message from the manager to the seasonal workers with restrictions and control of alcohol use at work but invitations to drink in the evening is problematic and contribute to the norm of “party culture”.

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  • 49.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Wall, Erika
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Carlerby, Heidi
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Alcohol- and drug prevention among seasonal employees at a Swedish ski resort2018In: 10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research: Implementing Health Promotion in the Life Course - User Involvement in Practice and Research / [ed] Siw Tone Innstrand, Geir Arild Espnes and Bjarne Bruun Jensen, 2018Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Seasonal employees at ski resorts represent a high-risk population for the use of alcohol and drugs, as well as other negative lifestyle behaviours. These employees work and live in a context where the customers are on holiday and hence alcohol is used frequently. To our knowledge there is a gap in the literature regarding alcohol and drug consumption among seasonal employees. Particularly studies in the context of ski resorts are lacking. The overall purpose of our study was to evaluate a policy-based intervention at a ski resort area in Sweden. The intervention was led by a project leader together with managers from different tourism industries, the health sector, social service and police. Components in the intervention were e.g. policy development and implementation, education of managers and creation of a manager network.  In total, 48 enterprises participated. A questionnaire, concerning alcohol and drug use and social aspects, was distributed before and after the intervention. The firs questionnaire was answered by 611 (47%) respondents and 423 (34%) respondents the follow-up questionnaire after two years. In addition, five persons in the project group was interviewed after the intervention.  Based on survey data, comparisons before and after the intervention showed several positive results. The  results show a significant reduction of hazardous drinking and an  increased awareness of the companies’ alcohol- and drug policies among the employees. No significant effects on drug consumption were found. The project group reported better knowledge about alcohol and drugs. However, most important was the increased collaboration between managers in tourism industries. The intervention also resulted in new norm breaking ideas such as a sober end of the season instead of the traditional “drinking the bar dry” and managers taking employees out on hiking instead of going out for a beer.


    The conclusion is that seasonal tourism industries need to work with hazardous alcohol- and drug consumption from a “whole village perspective”. Successful health promotion work among seasonal employees, needs collaboration between private and public sector and should be related to cultural norms as well as working- and living conditions in the particular context, in this case the tourist resort.

  • 50.
    Warne, Maria
    et al.
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Wall, Erika
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Svensson, Åsa
    Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Sciences.
    Närvarande elever och positiv skolmiljö för ökat välbefinnande och måluppfyllelse i skolan: Slutrapport från forskarna i projekt Hälsofrämjande skolutveckling inom ramen för Skolverkets anslag för 2016-20172017Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Elevers närvaro i skolan är viktig både för deras kunskapsutveckling men även för deras hälsa och välmående idag och som vuxna. En betydelsefull faktor för närvaro är de sociala interaktioner som är en del av skolans vardag. Runt 20 000 elever hade 2015 olika formera av upprepad frånvaro och forskning visar att ströfrånvaro kan leda till långa perioder av frånvaro från skolan. Syftet med denna studie var att med utgångspunkt i ett pilotprojekt undersöka hur rutinerna kring rapportering och uppföljning av elevers frånvaro fungerade på två skolor i Östersunds kommun, en kommunal F–5-skola och en kommunal 6–9-skola, samt att identifiera hinder och framgångsfaktorer för elevers närvaro i skolmiljön. Erfarenheterna från projektet förväntades ge ökade kunskaper om orsaker till frånvaro och närvaro samt ge uppslag till interventioner som främjar närvaro och positiva sociala relationer i skolan. De metoder som användes var en analys av närvarorapporteringen och fokusgruppsintervjuer med elever i årskurs 9, vårdnadshavare, elevhälsopersonal på 6–9-skolan samt lärare på de två skolorna.Resultatet visar att det program som används för att rapportera närvaro på skolorna upplevs fungera bra men att det samtidigt skapar avstånd mellan vårdnadshavare och lärare. Sen ankomst och även när elever avviker från en lektion hanteras olika av olika lärare men även olika av samma lärare från gång till gång. Det finns en samstämmighet om ansvaret för elevers skolnärvaro, men eleverna upplever inte att skolan kan bidra med något om en elev inte vill gå till skolan. Det bedrivs enligt skolorna ett strukturerat arbete för likabehandling med elevhälsoplanen, och även andra strategier som syftar till ett närvarofrämjande arbete. Eleverna verkar dock inte så medvetna om det arbete som pågår utan behöver göras mer delaktiga. Relationerna mellan eleverna lyfts fram som viktiga för att främja närvaro i skolan av alla. Eleverna saknar dock en bättre relation mellan elever och lärare och ansvaret för dessa relationer kan inte ges till en annan yrkesgrupp, som till exempel fritidsledarna. Relationen mellan vårdnadshavare och skolpersonal upplevs ha brister och vårdnadshavare och skola verkar kommunicera mer digitalt än via personliga kontakter. Detta riskerar att fördjupa en frånvaroproblematik eller att tidiga signaler inte fångas upp. Också den fysiska miljön har betydelse för hur eleverna trivs på skolan. Slitna skolmiljöer och smutsiga toaletter sänder ut negativa signaler till eleverna och riskerar i sin tur att bidra till fortsatt förstörelse. Tillgång till en avkopplande miljö och återhämtning är viktiga faktorer för att främja närvaro. För ett fortsatta närvarofrämjande arbete behöver de sociala relationerna mellan framförallt elever och lärare förbättras liksom mellan vårdnadshavare och skola. Arbetet med strategier och bemötande kring sen ankomst och närvaro i klassrummet behöver utvecklas.

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