Nowadays humans struggle to supply and attain longer and more appropriate life time.
Introducing new technologies, which, speeded up by modernization and industrialization, is the
main subject in many branches of science to improve the human’s life; but this rate of innovation
is not always pleasurable. As seen in many cases, side effects of using new technology come up
as warning signs, and lead to huge environmental and humanitarian disaster with irreversible
impact. Moreover, most of these technologies might be applied in different kinds of warfare
where nations use high-Tech as tools to reach other’s resources and raise their economic
benefits. As in most wars that happened in the world, updated technologies have been applied to
overcome the combatant, which finally shows up as damages on the environment, economy,
civilians and soldiers. In this study we reviewed the reasons of shaping warfare and its
consequences in different aspects of environment, civilians, soldiers and economy. The questions
I followed to answer were: What are those main factors that induced by technology to form
different kinds of warfare? And, can technology be altered as a tool to make a war more
environmentally friendly? To answer these two main questions, we need to know reasons for
shaping warfare a) Economy, b) Ideological/religious, and c) Power/pride/love which raise many
theories such as Economic, Behavioural, Evolutionary, Demographic, Rational, and Political
science theory. In 1990 members of the committee of environmental issue discussed
development of technology in the future which should follow by consideration of global
environmental issue. Therefore, new technology should bring solution to environmental
problems. Nowadays technology creates some kind of competition, not only in combat, but also
in cold war. According to reviews of many studies, the harshness of war increases and the
aftermath becomes more severe on the environment and societies, consequently irreversible
rehabilitation in short and long term. Applied technologies in some warfare have been considered
by their impact on natural and human environment. As a case study I considered the recent war
in Libya and its consequences, not only in the country, but also its impact on other nations and
neighbours as well. Strict international laws is needed to explicit and declare the rights of each
individual and nation to prevent and ban any activities in the term of war crime. Also groups of
authentic authorities should set up to conduct an investigation into each activity in countries and
survey on introduced technologies to ensure them about their result and consequences. Finally
some reviews were released about how international committees and conventions, declarations
and agreement has been set to prevent and prohibit crime in wars, and some international laws
has been brought to guide nations about their rights and responsibility against each other.