Periodic events are under constant threat of failure yet research onevent failure is limited – even if often highlighted as a researchpriority. The destination management organization in themountain resort of Åre sought to establish a new ChristmasMarket to increase the number of visitors in the winter pre-seasonbut the event was not a success and the destination failed in itsambition to establish a periodic event. The Market was studiedduring its first three years using action research, interviews anddirect observation and provided insights into the organization ofperiodic events. In order to understand the failure of the Market,empirical data were analyzed using concepts related to twodiscrete organizational types: permanent and temporary. Theresults show that the failure in Åre cannot be explained throughthe use of a single conceptual model, but can be understoodwhen both models are utilized. The conclusion is that periodicevents can be understood as phenomena that are characterizedby permanent as well as temporary organization.
Published online: 30 Nov 2015