The mixed bowling action is associated with injuries in the lumbar spine and has been shown to have no performance benefits over other bowling actions. The purpose of this study was to assess the mixed bowling action with reference to a more comprehensive classification system to facilitate the development of more targeted bowling action remediation programs. A total of 70 fast bowlers were tested using a three-dimensional motion analysis system (240 Hz). Kinematic data of the shoulders and pelvis were analysed with respect to a modified set of angle threshold criteria to classify bowling actions. It was found that the mixed action bowlers (49% of the sample) could be sub-divided into seven distinct mixed action types. The most common of these types were the mixed front-on bowlers with respect to shoulder counter-rotation (19%) and the mixed front-on bowlers with respect to both pelvis-shoulder separation angle and shoulder counter-rotation (14%). It is envisaged that a more comprehensive classification of bowling actions may assist researchers in the future to define mixed action types with a tighter domain of variables that are more indicative of lumbar injury risk. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
Export Date: 23 September 2015