The on going research and school improvement project "The world's best regional education system" (2012-2015) will provide new knowledge about leadership and how school improvement is developing the school's results. One available focus in the project is to look more deeply into how one of the participating schools is working with school improvement and international collaboration from a school leader and school improvement perspective. How can we understand internationalization as school improvement and what significance does it have for the daily work at the school? How can one describe and understand the headmaster’s leadership and importance in relation to school development and internationalization?
The aim of the study is to describe and understand how a Swedish upper secondary school works with school improvement and international collaboration from a school leader and school improvement perspective.
The methodology used is a case study design in which aspects of school leadership, school improvement and the schools international collaborative ambitions are interwoven. The collected data consists of interviews and follow up interviews with principal, teachers and pupils, observations, logbook and texts concerning the participating school and the Swedish upper secondary school system. A theoretical framework will be used and an analytical instrument will be constructed for the analysis.
There are some preliminary tendencies we can see, but as it is still research in progress, we hope to give a more complete picture in our paper at the conference. Implications for further research will be considered. For Nordic educational research this is one essential matter as it can be seen as a contribution to valuable knowledge about key factors for development for school results and increased goal achievement.
Finansieras via MNU med medel från Jämtlands och Västernorrlands län, SCA mfl