Today, with the use of information technology, we are experiencing a rapid growth in the travel industry online, while traditional channels of selling appear to be in decline. The convenience of booking online and saving on agents‘ fees can influence potential travellers to skip the service of a travel intermediary. Especially in the MICE industry, this phenomenon is quite under-researched. Previous research has shown particularly that the incentive segment has been the fastest growing of the MICE-sector since 2009. This study focuses on incentive planning with trips to Barcelona and the shift in booking behaviour due to a global explosion in information flows. The aim was to reveal specific reasons for incentive planners to book travel directly with various tourism suppliers instead of taking advantage of a destination management company (DMC) and its services. Since a big issue for DMCs is the loss of business clients, leading to lower turnovers, it is necessary to study this problem. After obtaining a better understanding of incentive planners‘ behaviour, the study offers suggestions of how the marketing strategies of business travel intermediaries can be further developed. Particularly, one of the biggest business centres in Europe, Barcelona, will be in the focus of the study. At the end of this study, based on interviews with 6 DMC managers, results are presented and an analysis of the current situation on the incentive market is made. As an outcome of my study, solutions for the challenges from the research are discussed and concluded. Thanks to them, DMCs in Barcelona can better adapt their marketing strategies on incentive markets.