Hardware prototype for monitoring of dewatering pumps wirelessly with a HMI based on smart phones
2014 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The Master thesis work has been carried out at Xylem Water Solutions,Sundbyberg, Sweden in collaboration with MidSweden University,Department of Electronics Design. The work has been mainly focussedon implementing a working electronic circuitry prototype for monitor-‐‑ing of dewatering pumps wirelessly with HMI based on smart phonesand to check the possibility of wireless communication from inside apump.In order for pumps to keep its reliability high, various condition moni-‐‑toring tools should be employed with parameters such as the vibration,the wear, the flow, the pressure and the temperature to predict thehealth of any rotating machinery. The present state of art in the dewater-‐‑ing pumps at Xylem water solutions AB has different electronic circuit-‐‑ries for data logging with wired communication for monitoring, whichincreases system cost, installation cost and maintenance cost. The wiredcommunication does not provide flexibility and mobility to the opera-‐‑tors and needs physical work like opening pumps for monitoring. Toovercome those problems, low power wireless communication with anHMI based on Smart phones is a possible solution.For a proof of concept, a prototype electronic circuitry from Libelium“Waspmote” was selected for short range wireless communication andimplemented with classic Bluetooth protocol “Bluetooth 2.1+EDR”. Thedifferent methods of power supply to the prototype electronic circuitryand the future electronic circuitry was investigated. The energy storagedevice to the electronic circuitry for supplying power, when a pump isoffline was also investigated.As the pumps are made of metals, the possibilities of wireless communi-‐‑cation were tested from inside a pump. Tests were made for Bluetoothcommunication from inside a pump to an HMI based on xylem androidSmartphone application. The results of testing showed that two-‐‑waywireless communications is possible with the prototype electroniccircuitry from pumps. It was also found after testing that the signal iscoming out through cable gland, cable and rubber gasket between pumptop closing and there was no need for any changes in the pump top.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 88
Keywords [en]
Monitoring, Wireless Communication, Human-Machine-interaction, Smartphone
National Category
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-21865DOI: 88OAI: oai:DiVA.org:miun-21865DiVA, id: diva2:714280
External cooperation
Xylem Water Solutions AB
Educational program
International Master's Programme in Electronics Design TELAA 120 higher education credits
2014-01-22, Sundsvall, 11:00 (English)
2014-05-082014-04-252014-05-08Bibliographically approved