Sustainable development in preschool - a qualitative study of three preschools. Catrin Nilsson & Rebecka Sjödin The study is based on qualitative interviews of nine preschool teachers and childcare workers in three preschools in a northern municipality. Two of the preschools are traditional and the third is a profiled pre-school Green Flag certification. We wanted to find out teachers' thoughts and opinions about sustainable development in preschool, and how they work with sustainable development in their business. The study shows that preschools are working very differently to sustainable development within the business. The profiled preschool had an environmental approach that pervaded the entire operation, and respondents who were working at the preschool had a personal commitment and interest in sustainable development. The traditional preschools felt it was important to work towards a sustainable future, but did not put as much emphasis on integrating it within their business.
Godkännande datum 2012-11-18