We examined the extent, nature and 'determinants' of violence in a randomly selected sample of men from the general population (18-64 years, n = 520). The men were assessed on various factors (e.g. demographics). The design was cross-sectional and data were collected over eight consecutive weeks. About 68 per cent of the men reported experiencing violence at some point during their lifetime, and just over 14 per cent in the past 12 months. The violence occurred mainly in public and work settings, with threatening/aggressive language/physical assaults as the most common forms. The main perpetrators were strangers or clients. Sexual abuse was rare. Repeated/multiple abuses were common and injuries were sustained. The victims and non-victims were similar for many factors (e.g. alcohol use). Only younger age and being a blue-collar/low white-collar worker were risk factors for violence. Men's experiences of violence (e.g. physical assaults/multiple abuses) should be a source of concern as they can have profound negative effects. Extensive research on the impact of violence on men's health appears necessary in light of the present findings.