Fibre/fibre joints were analysed using finite element analysis in order to characterise the influence of fibre and contact region properties on the stress strain behaviour of a single fibre/fibre cross. The output of the models was validated by comparison with experimental load deformation curves. The contact zone of the fibre/fibre joint was studied with respect to the appearance of the contact zone, the contact area, and the contact pattern; the work of adhesion of the contact areas was also considered. It was shown that the two-dimensional appearance of the contact zone had little influence on the stress strain behaviour of the fibre/fibre cross under tensile loading. The maximum stress and hence the fibre/fibre joint strength was, however, affected by the degree of contact. It was concluded that knowledge of the material behaviour of the contact zone (such as local plastic behaviour) and of chemical effects (such as work of adhesion) are needed to predict the fibre/fibre joint strength.