Globally, a great number of development projects are continuously going on in order to improve human economic and living con-ditions. During those pro-jects immense multi-tudes of valuable know-ledge, in-sights, and experiences are created. The problem, however, is that that knowledge will disintegrate and disappear as soon as the project has come to its end. Hence, the next project has to restart from zero without any possibility of taking advan-tage of the experiences already achieved. In other words, we will just have learning on a local and temporal basis but no global learning for improving the total de-velopment endeavour. However, the situation may be improved with the help of Multi-modal Knowledge Modelling as a tool for identifying and organising knowledge, Talkative Knowledge Gathering as a procedure for gathering knowledge and also as a trigger of thinking and knowledge intensification. Other proposed tools and procedures include Systemic Knowledge Instruments and Questionnaires, Process Simulation Seminaries, and Dissemination Courses. The proposals are based on several years of empirical and pragmatic work with gathering, improving, and dissemination of knowledge