The Relevance of Science Education - Second (ROSES) is an international comparative research projectgathering empirical evidence on factors with importance for learning science and technology from astudent point of view. (Jidesjö, Oskarsson, & Westman, 2020; Oskarsson, Westman, & Jidesjö, 2019).ROSES uses a common questionnaire to students containing categories such as S&T content in andoutside school, future job, environmental challenges, social media, and informal S&T experiences.We will present comparisons between students opinion and willingness to engage in Science from awide range of countries. We will further present results from Sweden where a group of studentsbelieves it is important to learn about sustainability and that they can influence what happens. This alsoindicate some agency where students are willing to act as well as willing to sacrifice. Group of studentsin our material shows sign of Science Capital, a feeling of science being for them, (Archer et al 2015).
Paper presented at the 10th biannual GCES Symposium, 1-3 November 2023, Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.