Collaborative arrangements between schools and universities explored through a lens of organizing
Malin Benerdal1, Anna-Karin Westman2
1Umeå university, Sweden; 2Mid university, Sweden
Knowledge production in collaboration between academia and society has been put forward in governmental policies on research and development to an increasing extent over the last two decades (Jonsson et al., 2022; Skoglund, 2022) in the Nordics and beyond. This article focuses on one such effort, abbreviated ULF in Swedish, aiming at testing different models of collaboration between universities and school organizers in Sweden. It was initiated as a state-funded trial during the years 2017-2021. Drawing on an evaluation of the work at six participating universities, the aim of the paper is to analyze the organizing of the collaborative project focusing on university representative’s experienced efforts and challenges in relation to organizing the collaboration. The framework for analysis builds on literature of partial organization (Ahrne & Brunsson, 2011) and the analysis was conducted in two steps. First, we analyzed the material to determine which organizational elements were present and visible in the setup of the collaboration at the different universities. In the second step we focused on expressions and statements tied to the different elements focusing expressed efforts, solutions and difficulties in relation to the different elements of organization. The material consisted of transcripts from group interviews with 22 representatives from six universities and written responses from a survey.
The results indicate a partial organization where the elements of membership, hierarchy and rules being present. Different solutions were sought in relation to the universities and school organizers different contextual conditions, and different solutions to overcome hindrances was evident. The execution of the elements of organization were partly similar, but variation in prerequisites seems to have influenced the design. Thus, illustrating the importance of the contextual circumstances of both universities and schools. As the trial with ULF being prolonged and the previous government declared the intent of permanenting the initiative, the national organization is under reconstruction. It is therefore important to continue following the organizing and the consequences of collaborative initiatives such as ULF. As collaboration and partnerships between universities and school organizers is in demand, not at least from the political level in the Nordic countries, we need to further scrutinize how they are constructed and experienced not least from the outset of power dynamics in play and their consequences.
Ahrne, G., & Brunsson, N. (2011). Organization outside organizations: The significance of partial organization. Organization, 18(1), 83–104.
Jonsson, A., Grafström, M., & Klintman, M. (2022). Unboxing knowledge in collaboration between academia and society: A story about conceptions and epistemic uncertainty. Science and Public Policy, scac010.
Skoglund, K. N. (2022). Social interaction of leaders in partnerships between schools and universities: Tensions as support and counterbalance. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25(5), 747–766.
Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) 2023, Oslo, Norway, 15-17 mars, 2023