Fabrication of paper-based packaging materials is increasing and the challenge is developing a sustainable process to manufacture the materials that can compete with plastics. Employing stronger fiber in production of fiber-based materials improves the efficiency of fabrication process by using a reduced amount of biomass. Cationic starch is a well-known polysaccharide that has been introduced to paper and paperboard fibers to improve the mechanical properties of lignocellulosic fibers. The polyelectrolyte (PE) multilayer method has been popularized as a new and interesting technique to enhance the adsorption of cationic starch on the fiber for improving the strength properties of chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP), chemical and kraft pulps. We have shown in our previous work that the synergistic combination of organocatalysis and PE complexes improved the mechanical properties of CTMP and TMP. In this work, we chose to expand this concept by integrating it with low-dose sulfite pretreatment of wood chips in preparation of CTMP. Thus, CTMP produced by initial sulfite pre-treatment was next surface engineered by synergistic combination of organocatalysis and PE complexes using organic acids as catalysts. The CTMP pulps, which contains 0.1-0.24 wt.% sulfur, produced by our novel pulp-engineering strategy shows a dramatic strength increase (Z- strength: up to 100 %) as compared to no surface engineering. While only sulfite pre-treatment and PE-complex surface engineering were able to improve the strength properties, it was only when the organic catalysts was present that the highest strength improvements were reached. Thus, a clear synergistic effect of the catalyst was observed.