The present study deals with the numerical simulation of softwood pulp flow in the rotating and non-rotating grooves in an aim to investigate the fluid flow and forces acting on a representative surface mounted in the groove. The viscosity of softwood pulp in different consistencies is available from the experimental measurements reported in the literature providing the opportunity to examine the effects of fiber consistency on the velocity and pressure distribution within the groove. The simulations are carried out in OpenFOAM for different values of gap thickness and angular velocity from which the pressure coefficient and shear forces values are obtained. It is found that the pressure increases at the stagnation point located at the gap entrance in the non-rotating groove due to tangential motion of the upper wall which induces the helical motion of the pulp flow in the groove’s cavity. However, such an effect is not observed in the rotating cavity close to the groove inlet. Meanwhile, by moving further along the channel length toward the outlet the helical motion is enhanced and an increase in the pressure is observed at the stagnation point. The shear forces over the representative surface are found to be independent of representative surface’s location and it is in the same level in the rotating and non-rotating grooves. In addition to the numerical simulations, an analytical discussion is also presented to provide a deeper understanding of pressure coefficient and shear forces variations with different parameters in the rotating and non-rotating grooves.