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Vad får män gentemot kvinnor för hat inom journalistik?: En kvantitativ studie om hat till kvinnliga och manliga journalister, på Twitter
Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Media and Communication Science.
Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Media and Communication Science.
Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Media and Communication Science.
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

What kind of hate does male compared to female journalists receive? - A quantitative study about hate towards male and female journalists, on Twitter. This study is done to see what kind of hate men compared to women journalists gets on Twitter. Another part of the study is to see what kind of hate journalists in general, both men and women, receive on Twitter. To be able to concretize and narrow this study down, so as not to be too broad, there are two questions at issue: What kind of hate do journalists get on their Twitter posts? Is there a difference in the hate that men in relations to women get?This is an important subject to study because according to previous studies, social media plays a larger and larger part in each person's life today. The hate that journalists has also been seen increasing and with the use of social media a new platform and new ways to hate other people has appeared. Some studies and articles suggest that hate is going to affect journalists and democracy, when it´s a risk that voices and opinions are going to be silenced by the negativity surrounding them.To perform this study a quantitative study was used in the form of collecting and analyzing the data from, five female journalists and five male journalists, twitter comments. The way to analyze the data was by manually coding every comment. The coding was done by sorting the comments in o certain types of hate: Ethnicity, Sexual harassment, Homo/transphobia, Work/prestation, Political Ideology, Threats, Appearance, and Other (which include personal offences, negative hints, rumors and slander).The data show that journalists infact received a lot of hate and a large part of these hate comments were work related. The majority of hate could be categorized as Other. The third most category hate could be categorized as political hate which also is the only category where women received a higher percentage of hate than men, who in most of the categorize received a lot more hate than women.In conclusion a parallel between feminism and sexism could be drawn to just a small part of the results in the data. One example of this was that because of sexism, which is the different treatment of females against males, the studie show a small difference because the women who received more hate on their political views while men received less hate on their politicsl work. This might indicate that while men are being criticized and taunted for their work, women are being criticized for their beliefs and political opinion and have them turned against them in the discourse on Twitter.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 38
Keywords [en]
Journalists, Hate, Twitter, Feminism, Gender
National Category
Media and Communications
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-46479OAI: oai:DiVA.org:miun-46479DiVA, id: diva2:1711974
Educational program
Journalistprogrammet SJUPG 180 GR
Available from: 2022-11-18 Created: 2022-11-18 Last updated: 2025-02-07Bibliographically approved

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Department of Media and Communication Science
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