Every day, the world consumes tremendous amount of energy. Most of this energy is generatedfrom fossil fuels, the resource of fossil fuels are finite but the amount of energy produced fromrenewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and tidal is also increased greatly over past twodecades. These renewable resources are emission-free, but its energy output varies accordingto the accessibility of its resource. To make optimum use of these energy sources, we need moreefficient energy-storage systems to store surplus energy that can be used in periods of lowproduction or high demand.The rechargeable lithium ion batteries have been the most attractive energy storagesystems because of their high energy density, excellent environmental compatibility, low self-discharge rate and been widely applied in mobile applications and so on. Lithium-ion batteriesare primary energy storage devices in various sectors transportation, communications andrenewable energy sectors such as photovoltaic plants, solar energy plants and wind turbines. 1–3Current lithium-ion batteries are not viable because of their limited storage capacity and shortcycle life. Traditional lithium-ion batteries use graphite as anode material which has maximumtheoretical capacity of 372 mAhg -1 and poor capacity retention at high current density. 4Therefore, they are unable to fulfil ever growing energy demands of today’s world. Hence, thereis a need to develop lithium-ion batteries with light weight, large capacity, and long cycle life.Among various anode materials, silicon has been considered as one of the most promisinganode materials due to its high specific capacity (~4200 mA h g -1 ) which is 10 times more thantraditional graphite anodes. 5 The discharging potential of silicon is low (0.2~0.6 V againstLi/Li + ) compared to other anode materials which leads to a higher energy density. Furthermore,silicon is abundant, cheap and environmentally friendly which makes it to be the most attractiveanode materials for lithium-ion batteries. 6–105Despite of these many advantages, silicon also has some drawbacks that limits the use ofsilicon in commercial batteries. The major limitations associated with silicon as an anodematerial are volume expansion, cracking of silicon particles, formation of Solid ElectrolyteLayer (SEI).These are explained comprehensively in subsequent chapter.In this thesis, we are planning to overcome these limitations associated with silicon byintroducing novel cost efficient synthesis method to prepare silicon-nanographite composite. Iffurther optimization is performed, this method has potential for future large-scale productionof high-performance anodes for lithium-ion batteries.