Practitioners who have trained in traditional CBTare often well versed in strategies designed tomodify cognitions, and often use these to goodeffect. Many CBT practitioners find the movetowards using defusion based strategieschallenging. Practitioners can get caught up inunhelpful ideas that to do ACT means you are notallowed to use reappraisal or modificationstrategies. This workshop is designed for peoplewho are relatively early on in their journey intoACT and CBS. Participants will learn how to makecognitive modification strategies more functional,practice using more explicit defusion basedstrategies and develop new methods for workingwith thinking in ways that serve the values of theirclients.
Educational Objectives:
1. Discuss when and how cognitive modificationstrategies can be used even within ACT, witha focus on workability.
2. Practice using a number of defusion basedstrategies in valued directions within roleplay/real play.
3. Demonstrate skill and confidence in workingwith thinking in a CBS consistent way.