We present the Swedish perspective of the research that aims to identify underlying ideologies and leadership practicesin early childhood education and care (ECEC). Research is based on the praxeology (Pascal and Bertram, 2012) and onpedagogical leadership where leadership needs to be (re) conceptualized as pedagogical praxis and “should not beviewed only as action(s) working with theory, but as an interplay of several contextually related factors (hexis) in anygiven situation”(Palaiologou and Male 2019: 30) as well as paying attention to the ecology of the community. TheAristotelian ideas and Freire’s notion of acting dialogically, we (re)conceptualize leadership in the pedagogy of ECEC aspraxis. The letter method was used for data collection (Berg 2003) with leaders in ECEC. EECERA ethical guidelines werefollowed and ethical approval given by the university. Participants were guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality andgiven the opportunity to cancel the participation and give feedback on the result. Leadership is described as bothmanagement and pedagogical leadership. Findings are the strive to be a role model and the importance of trust. Someof the informants stress the need to perform an explicit leadership role. Thus due to Pascal and Bertam (2012), we arguethat an awareness of the previous history of Swedish preschool could help principals to manage new sets on demandsupon preschool education, for example, the earlier culture of dialogical pedagogics build conflicts in relation to today’smission with education teaching and play in preschool.