The aim of this study was to estimate the aboveground carbon sequestration and the amountof CO2 emissions at logging operation in Hyrcanian forests of Iran. Required data, such as foreststanding stock, annual growth increment of trees, wood density and timber harvesting, werecollected from secondary sources. Allometric equation was used for estimating the carbon sequestration.The amount of CO2 emission was calculated. Results showed that the annual growthper hectare and the amount of carbon sequestration per growth were 3.37 m3·yr-1 and 1.14 t·ha-1,respectively. Results also indicated that the value of aboveground sequestrated carbon and itsnet present value were 71,217.63 (10,000 IRR∙ha-1) and 12,668.28 (10,000 IRR∙ha-1), respectively.Finally, the amount of carbon emission per hectare was calculated, as it was 0.01078 t∙ha-1 peryear. The results of emission and carbon sequestration per hectare of the forest show that notonly logging per hectare of forest will eliminate annual carbon sequestration, but also leads to anincrease in CO2 into the atmosphere due to harvest activity.