This study reports liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) and liquid–liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLLE) data for binary (phenol + n-dodecane, or n-hexadecane) and ternary (water + phenol + n-dodecane, or n-hexadecane) systems measured under atmospheric pressure. The compositions of coexisting phases were determined with analytical and cloud point methods at temperatures 298 K – 353 K. The Non–Random Two–Liquid (NRTL) excess Gibbs energy model was employed to correlate the measured systems. The binary interaction parameters were regressed using analytical LLE and cloud point data. In addition, the parameters were also calculated using the binary LLE data combined with the isothermal vapor–liquid data from the literature applying the NRTL–RK (Redlich–Kwong) property method. The average absolute deviations in liquid mole fraction obtained with the NRTL model (using six adjusted parameters) for the LLE and VLE experimental data were 0.006 and 0.014 respectively. The phase equilibria of binary phenol + hydrocarbon (n-dodecane or n-hexadecane) systems were modeled at the temperature range of 313 K – 573 K.