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lmprovement of head and neck surrogates with sensor systems for the experimental investigation of traumatic brain injuries
Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Quality Management and Mechanical Engineering.
2021 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of this thesis work was to enhance and improve the work previously done by previous students on the Instrumented Human Head Surrogate (IHHS), an innovative tool for the evaluation of helmet impact testing. This new device, designed and progressively improved <luring the long-lasting collaboration between the Mid Sweden University and the University of Padova, has been validated against cadaveric data. However, the system lacked in terms of biofidelity: the first design provided the assembly of the instrumented head with the Hybrid III neck, chosen as an affordable solution in the first steps of the project. The properties exhibited by this surrogate are far from the human ones; in fact, this product was barn for the crash-test field, where the human properties are partially neglected to assure robustness as well as certain repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements. The completely different environment for which the IHHS has been thought, mostly the simulation of impacts occuring in sports activity, pushed the stakeholders to develop a new neck prototype that exhibits a more biofidelic behaviour. The current research was aimed to further improve the neck prototype developed by Marin Leonardo and provide a miniaturized configuration of the brain multi-axial sensor cube (BMASC) made by [10]. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Consistent literature research was initially carried out regarding the human cervical spine anatomy, and also about impact tests run to investigate a relationship between the energy of the blow and possible traumatic brain injuries ( TEI). The manufacture privileged the availability of the Sports Tech Research Centre, where the entire work has been done. The use of 3D-printing technology hence resulted as a natural choice, combined with the use of the casting rubber, tested successfully several times <luring the project. Many new fundamental spinal units (FSUs) were realized and analyzed with the help of Rango Marco with the software Ansys Workbench through an hyper-elastic model, in order to find the best rubber and composition which could mimic the human neck. The research also focused on the insertion of new sensors in the neck, to better comprehend how the brain and the neck stiffness could influence each other; the first idea was to used some wires made of rubber and carbon fibers. Lastly the stakeholders agreed to develop an alternative configuration of the BMASC (which involved 9 sensors), using only 3 pressure sensors (PSs) at the beginning (hence the name Triad), and then adding an accelerometer in the middle. RESULTS: The first Triad was realized embedding individually each sensor,but it turned out to be too bulky, therefore a new smaller configuration was studied and realized, the two versions were tested in a pressurized bottle in order to calibrate and verify the correct functioning and linear behaviour of the systems. Lastly two identical Triads were realized with a new rubber and the smaller configuration. CONCLUSION: The aim of the thesis was achieved. The new surrogates showed good resistance to failure and properties doser to human behaviour than the Hybrid III neck; moreover, the bending stiffness was demonstrated to be easily settable thanks to the add­ins*. Further developments must deepen the influence of these new devices to the overall head-neck system, that was just started to be investigated in this thesis. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 45
National Category
Other Mechanical Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-44114DOI: MT-VT21-A2-001OAI: oai:DiVA.org:miun-44114DiVA, id: diva2:1631763
External cooperation
Universita Degli Studi di Padova
Subject / course
Mechanical Engineering MT1

Credits 2021-06-06

Available from: 2022-01-25 Created: 2022-01-25 Last updated: 2022-01-25Bibliographically approved

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