This study aimed to determine whether English teachers in Egypt can enhance their classrooms’ learning process by using game-based learning. The study’s findings indicate that when gamebased learning was used in English teaching, the students achieved higher scores in their final assessments, although the difference was very slight, and further research would be needed to confirm this. According to the supplementary question in the student questionnaire, around 80% of the students believed that game-based learning motivates them in their studies (see Table 9). However, according to the survey, 15% did not agree (see Table 6). The students furthermore believed that participating in game-based learning was fun.
The findings in the study indicate that game-based learning assists students differently. Firstly, by giving the teacher the instrument to guide the students according to their needs, the teacher can elaborate with the content as he/she requires in these different platforms, such as Kahoot!, Quizlet and Quizizz. Finally, it can be an excellent tool for teachers to use rewards and consequences in the classroom, keeping them on track.
The original research question –” Does technology enhance the English language learning process for young students?” has therefore been partially answered. Game-based learning certainly seems to improve motivation and involvement in the learning process, but the present study has not shown that it improves English proficiency. A further study, using the modifications outlined above, might reach more reliable conclusions.
Godkänt datum 2021-03-28