n important constraint in wireless body area network (WBAN) is to maximise the energy-efficiency of wearabledevices due to their limited size and light weight. Two experimental scenarios;‘right wrist to right hip’and‘chest to righthip’with body posture of walking are considered. It is analyzed through extensive real-time data sets that due to largetemporal variations in the wireless channel, a constant transmission power and a typical conventional transmissionpower control (TPC) methods are not suitable choices for WBAN. To overcome these problems a novel energy-efficientadaptive power control (APC) algorithm is proposed that adaptively adjusts transmission power (TP) level based on thefeedback from base station. The main advantages of the proposed algorithm are saving more energy with acceptablepacket loss ratio (PLR) and lower complexity in implementation of desired tradeoff between energy savings and linkreliability. We adapt, optimise and theoretically analysethe required parameters to enhance the system performance.The proposed algorithm sequentially achieves significant higher energy savings of 40.9%, which is demonstrated byMonte Carlo simulations in MATLAB. However, the only limitation of proposed algorithm is a slightly higher PLR incomparison to conventional TPC such as Gao’s and Xiao’s methods. (PDF) Energy-efficient adaptive transmission power control for wireless body area networks. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291029401_Energy-efficient_adaptive_transmission_power_control_for_wireless_body_area_networks [accessed Aug 26 2021].