Palmstierna Einarsson compares two mainstay Swedish translations of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, namely, Göran O. and Lill-Inger Eriksson’s translation from 1954, and Magnus Hedlund’s re-translation from 1990. According to Palmstierna Einarsson, the differences between the two Swedish translations of Godot accentuate a number of issues pertinent to the transfer of Beckett’s iconic play to the cultural context of Sweden. Focusing on an article by Magnus Hedlund, the author argues that the process of translating Godot into a third language must negotiate the fact that there are (at least) two original texts, and that Beckett’s interventions as director into the processes of staging his work substantially altered the text, aspects which were not available to the first translators of Beckett’s work into Swedish.