Var finns barnen, grabbar?: En granskning av far-sonrelationer i några romaner från millennieskiftet.
2021 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
Novels written by men about their childhood and fathers are common in literature in many countries. But why are there so few novels about a man and his close relation to his child in modern time, was my question in the beginning of the new millennium 2000. Especially in Sweden where we since the middle of 1970 have new rules for fathers, giving them economical possibilities to share parental leave with the mother of their child. Should not literature reflect our age?
I choosed two novels popular in Sweden, written by male writers, to examine their description of father-son relations. I compared them with two novels written by female authors about the same time, the millennium shift.
The subject in the novels were about men having or taking care of a child. The four novels all brought up questions and discussions of the time about marriage, family life, divorces, parent’s responsibilities for their children and how to keep relations strong and durable in a modern lifestyle, with both parents working and a new kind of family life. But I did not find descriptions of a close relation between a father and his son in the novels written by men. Even if the stories seemed to concern the father and son relation still most focus was on the lack of it and the man’s relation to women, marriage, work and his own father.
In the novels written by female writers I found more focus on children as individuals and the child’s relation to his father. This was also confirmed by the work of reference I found. Male authors more often write about their own childhood and their fathers, while female writers write about father and child in general. This had not changed irrespective of the new possibilities for men in the beginning of our new millennium.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 23
National Category
General Literature Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-42588OAI:, id: diva2:1578133
Subject / course
Comparative Literature LV1
Godkänt datum 2021-06-01