The clergy of Uppsala referred to the site of their cathedral as the Mountain of theLord,monsDomini.Thisisacuriousplacename,anditraisesquestionsabouthowthe Uppsala clergy thought and talked about their church and its role in the Swedishnation. The name referred to the topographical fact that the church was built on aridgethatraiseditabovethesurroundingplains. But it was also a biblical topos–mons Domini was a synonym of Zion and thus a reference to a whole set of ideasabout the relations between God, man and human society. This chapter, however, sug-gests that the mons Domini place name wasonly one expression of a broader discur-sive development: in the self-fashioning of the Swedish archdiocese, two cities thatwere historically and geographically separated–Jerusalem and Uppsala–were be-coming discursively entangled.