This paper develops an analytical framework to assess information in planning for critical infrastructureprotection (CIP). Critical infrastructure concerns various societal functions that ensure the daily life,endurance and progress of societies. Thus, CIP involves a considerable number of actors in a multi-levelplanning that relies on inter-organisational information sharing. Based on a Swedish case of CIP, this studyaims to foster information assessment and management that bridge the inherent conflicts between informationsharing and information security in CIP. Analyses of the information alongside the Swedish STYREL processfirst exemplify crucial deficiencies in the inter-organisational, national emergency response planning and thenspecify a set of dimensions and attributes as baseline for assessing information and information processing inCIP. Four stages in the Swedish approach cause a filtering and altering of information that affect the qualityof decisions alongside the process and the emergency response plan that relies on them. By assessing theinformation basis in this large-scale approach, the paper contributes evidence-based foundations forinformation management in inter-organisational settings, such as the multi-level planning for CIP.