Since tourism destination branding was introduced in the early 2000s, destination brand equity measurement and tracking has become one of the main research streams in the field of destination marketing (Pike, 2009). However, from a theoretical point of view, the concept of brand equity, which is a measure of the power of the brand and the link between marketing efforts and future destination performance, remains insufficiently elaborated, especially for the tourism destination context (Gartner, 2009).More specifically, tourism destination brand equity studies mainly attempt to directly transfer conceptualization and measurement approaches, which have been developed and tested for product brands, especially consumer packaged goods (Christodoulides and de Chernatony, 2010). Particularly, the majority of tourism destination brand equity studies (e.g., Boo et al., 2009; Konecnik and Gartner, 2007; Pike et al., 2010) adopt Aaker’s (1991) and Keller’s (1993) conceptualization of customer-based brand equity (CBBE), which derives from the field of cognitive psychology and focuses on multi-dimensional memory structures, such as awareness, image, quality, value and loyalty (Christodoulides and de Chernatony, 2010).