So far, the Euro crisis has been analysed using the ‘varieties of capitalism’ concept, the growthmodel framework or ideational accounts. These approaches have generally been applied in isola-tion or in opposition to one another. There has been little cross-fertilization, due to the differentepistemological points of departure that emphasize either institutional rational efciency, materialdriving forces or ideational motives for the political economies during the crisis. This article in-stead applies the concept of cultural political economy to today’s socioeconomic tensions betweennorthern and southern member states. Cultural political economy offers a historical evolutionaryperspective showing how institutional, material and ideational motivations have co-evolved in Eu-ropean member states since the 1950s, contributing to the discrepancies that we witness today be-tween the northern and southern EU countries. The article exemplies the cultural politicaleconomy approach against the background of the German–Italian irritations that have sparkedthrough the crisis.