The sound source localization technology brings the possibility of mapping the sound source positions. Such researches can be very useful for industrial applications. In this project, angle-of-arrival (AOA) has been chosen as the method for achieving sound source localization in an indoor enclosed environment. However, the dynamic environment and reverberations brings a challenge for AOA-based systems for such applications. By the acknowledgement of microphone directionality, the cardioid-directional microphone systems have been chosen for the localization performance comparison with omni-directional microphone systems, using different array structures. To reduce the hardware complexity, the number of microphones used during the experiment has been limited to 4. An enhancement has been proposed and it consists of cross-correlation optimization and a weighting function. The comparison has been done for both types of microphones with three different array structures. The comparison shows that the cardioid-directional microphone system has an overall higher accuracy.