Objective: School transitions are often difficult times for children andfacilitating successful transitions requires attention to be given to thefactors impacting children’s self-reported-health (SRH) during thesetransitions.This will allow support to be directed towards any positive factors.The Health Dialogue concept (HD) is an approach used by Swedish school nurses to identify health factors with impact on schoolchildren’s positive SRH during transitions. This long-term prospectivepopulation study aimed to explore student self-reported-health during three school transitions: pre-school to elementary school (6-10y); elementary school to junior high school (10-13 y), and junior high28school to upper secondary school/high school (13-16 y).Method: A longitudinal study with data from 6693 HD’s conducted inSweden during 2007-2012 with school children aged between 6-16years old. Logistic regression, odds ratios and OR were analyzed.Results: Several significant factors were identified which had apositive impact for SRH among children of 6-16 y; not feeling sad ordepressed, not feeling afraid or worried, having a positive school environment, not being bullied, getting good sleep, daily physical activityand having an ability to concentrate.The relative importance of these factors differed according to genderand age.Conclusion: Application of the HD concept during school transitionscould provide new information on the factors impacting positive selfreported health among school children. Several significant healthfactors were identified which differed according to age and gender.Thus providing valuable information for school staff, parents andschool children, and raising the possibility of providing targeted support and assistance when required.