”Det kommer alltid att klia i händerna”: - En kvalitativ studie om samhällets roll i upphörandet av kriminalitet och individuella faktorers påverkan i förändringsprocessen
2019 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors which affect an individual to cease with their criminal lifestyle. And also to gain a greater understanding about how social interventions facilitate or prevent a person from undergoing this change. The study also puts focus on the changing process and how it appears to be felt by the individuals. The general questions for the following study are: “What factors affect an individual to cease with their criminal lifestyle?”, “Have social interventions had an impact on the termination?” and “How does the individual experience the process of change?” The questions are being answered by semistructured interviews with seven former criminals. The empirical data that was collected by the interviewees was divided into four themes which was “background”, “individual factors and the way out”, “social factors and the way out” and “the changing process”. The empirical data is being linked to the study's previous research and theoretical perspectives. The study shows that the way out of criminality is a complex process that indicates both individual factors as well as social interventions. What is common for all participants is that a cognitive transformation is highly needed to end a criminal lifestyle. What can indicate a change in thoughts can be aging, initiate a relationship, becoming a parent or traumatic events. With regard to the individual factors, social support is needed to succeed with a change. And all participants pointed out that they have not experienced any positive support from society in general. It is common to feel like a deviant in society as a former criminal.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 42
Keywords [en]
criminality, turning point, desistance, societal interventions, individual factors, social bonds
National Category
Social Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-37409OAI: oai:DiVA.org:miun-37409DiVA, id: diva2:1355329
Subject / course
Social work SS2
Educational program
Social Work Education - Bachelor of Science programme SSOCG 210 higher education credits
2019-09-272019-09-272019-09-27Bibliographically approved