Gender equality is about all people, regardless of gender, having the same power to shape society and their own lives (Wittbom 2018; Holgersson et al. 2011). Sweden is often seen as a pioneer country, with a number of laws and policies to control gender equality work, but despite this there are major problems in Swedish society originating in the notion of gender. In this study I have researched how Yvonne Hirdman's (1988) principles of separation and hierarchy are made in the institutional framework and how it is expressed in everyday practices. Where the purpose of the paper was to study how the Swedish Armed Forces problematised gender equality and how it is done in action plans and everyday practices. The qualitative text analysis based on the institutional ethnography has been used as a method in the study. Through this, Ihave seen how the gender equality problem is presented in policies and how they are then translated into everyday practices. The result suggests that there is a separation between the gender within the Armed Forces that helps to maintain the man as the norm in the institutional framework, but which is also translated into everyday practice.