Purpose: To describe the development and testing of statements aiming at measuring sustainable development and a way ofextending an existing questionnaire intended to measure factors representing values and principles identified in qualitydevelopment theory.Methodology: A questionnaire is further developed from an earlier version. The new version consists of 45 different statements representing 15 different factors related to quality development, lean and sustainable development. The questionnaire was tested in one organisation, and the results were statistically analysed using SPSS.Findings: The results indicate that the developed questionnaire needs further development and more tests since the composition of the factors and statements did not reach an acceptable value for internal consistency reliability in the selectedorganisation. The need for development of measurements of organisational culture remains, including system view and longtermthinking. Sustainable development is complex with several different parts, which creates challenges when combined with quality development. Practical implications: Results from the measurement tools used can be inputs for organisational business strategies and goals and ultimately can affect organisational results. To put more focus on sustainability, the questionnaire can be that input for organisations.