Background & Objectives
This study is part of a series of projects arising from an academic stakeholder partnership (ASP) to facilitate the identification and translation of credible research to support and sustain safe, psychologically healthy, inclusive and productive workplaces. Prior work identified modifiable risk factors contributing to work absence, followed by a synthesis of workplace interventions that targeted these factors based on systematic reviews published between 2000 – 2012. This knowledge synthesis and translation project updates these findings with a specific focus on workplace interventions targeting psychological health and organizational culture. All projects in this series is associated with the content population of the Health and Work Productivity Web-Portal.
Participatory action research approach (problem identification, problem clarification, problem resolution), the utilization of a modified PRECEDE-PROCEED Model (predisposing, enabling, reinforcing factors); snowball methodology to expand team participants; collaborative survey development, discussions, and minutes as working documents to identify high priority issues relevant to stakeholders, to create PICO and search strategy. Following literature search pairs of researchers independently reviewed titles. Work continues on review of abstracts and full papers against a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Particpatory methods led to creation of a revised PICO statement, refinement of keywords and changes in search parameters to better meet the needs of organizational partners. Given changes in prior search terms a new search was conducted from 2000 to present across Medline, Embase, CDSR, DARE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, TRIP, NARIC, REHAB+ resulting in identification of 5644 citations. Following duplicate removal and administrative review of titles 1046 citations remained for scientific review. Administrative removal based on removal of pharmaceutical, clinical, non-work-related titles only. In the first round of scientific review there was poor congruence of title selection which has led to the creation of checklist and guide currently being tested.
Participatory approaches to knowledge synthesis and its translation creates opportunities for learning for all participants. Stakeholder participation has led to a better understanding of high priority needs across different stakeholders which has led to refinement PICO, and search strategy. Discussions with stakeholders has increased awareness of the need for root cause analysis. Preliminary results of the knowledge synthesis will be reported.
CARWH 2016: Advancing Research to Improve Work and Health October 16-18, 2016, Toronto (ON) Canada