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Recidivism in Intimate Partner Violence Among Antisocial and Family-Only Perpetrators
Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Social Sciences. Örebro University.
Örebro University; Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
2017 (English)In: Criminal justice and behavior, ISSN 0093-8548, E-ISSN 1552-3594, Vol. 44, no 11, p. 1477-1495Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this study was to compare antisocial and family-only intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators in terms of IPV recidivism rates, type of recidivism crime, and time to recidivism. A total sample of 628 perpetrators was categorized as antisocial (n = 327) or family-only (n = 301) based on general criminality. Results demonstrated that antisocial perpetrators recidivated to a larger extent than family-only perpetrators (27.2% vs. 12.9%). Antisocial perpetrators were more prone to recidivate in both physical and nonphysical violence. Of the perpetrators who recidivated, the majority did so within the first year after their index crime. However, antisocial perpetrators recidivated more than family-only perpetrators after the first year. Key findings consisted of the subtypes’ differing propensity to reoffend and their different critical time periods for recidivism. These findings suggest the need for different risk management strategies depending on perpetrator subtype to prevent future violence.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2017. Vol. 44, no 11, p. 1477-1495
Keywords [en]
antisocial, family-only, intimate partner violence, perpetrators, recidivism
National Category
Other Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-32253DOI: 10.1177/0093854817719916ISI: 000418299300005Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85030320762OAI: oai:DiVA.org:miun-32253DiVA, id: diva2:1162690
Available from: 2017-12-05 Created: 2017-12-05 Last updated: 2020-04-22Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Identifying risk for recidivism among partner violent men reported to the Swedish police
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Identifying risk for recidivism among partner violent men reported to the Swedish police
2020 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a global public health issue, where every third woman has experienced such violence. Moreover, IPV recidivism rates are generally high. These figures indicate that the police need a better understanding of the risk factors related to those perpetrators who pose the highest risk of recidivating in IPV. To this end, research has found that IPV perpetrators who are violent towards their partner as well as others (referred to as the antisocial subtype) display more risk factors for IPV than those perpetrators who are violent only against their partner (referred to as the family-only subtype). However, there are still uncertainties whether these two subtypes differ in terms of characteristics related to recidivism (i.e., risk profile) and actual recidivism. Thus, this thesis aimed to examine differences in risk profiles and recidivism rates between the antisocial perpetrators and the family-only perpetrators. This thesis was based on a systematic literature review and three empirical studies. The empirical studies were based on data collected from the Swedish police and consisted of IPV risk assessments. The risk assessments were performed by the police using the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER). These empirical studies relied on a sample of 657 male perpetrators who had been reported to the police and subjected to a violence risk assessment for allegedly perpetrating IPV against a female partner. The results demonstrated that categorizing partner violent men as either antisocial or family-only can help identify the perpetrators most at risk to recidivate in IPV. As such, the antisocial perpetrators displayed a greater diversity as well as degree of risk factors for IPV, and were more likely to recidivate in IPV, despite legal interventions from the police. In contrast, the family-only perpetrators presented with fewer risk factors, were characterized as socially well-adjusted outside of the relationship, and less likely to recidivate in IPV. However, several family-only perpetrators recidivated in IPV, meaning that such perpetrators should not routinely be dismissed as low-risk perpetrators. In conclusion, the results of this thesis can be used to improve the ability of those assigned to assess risk for future IPV to identify those perpetrators most at risk to recidivate. In turn, this could enable a more informed and adequate response aiming to prevent, or at best reduce, this risk. 

Abstract [sv]

Mäns partnervåld mot kvinnor är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem där uppskattningsvis var tredje kvinna någon gång utsatts för sådant våld. Dessutom är återfall i partnervåld vanligt förekommande. Detta indikerar på att polisen behöver mer kunskap om vilka förövare som utgör den högsta risken för att återfalla i nytt partnervåld. Tidigare forskning visar på att de partnervåldsförövare som är generellt våldsamma (d.v.s. våldsamma både mot sin partner och mot andra) uppvisar fler riskfaktorer för återfall i partnervåld än de partnervåldsförövare som är våldsamma enbart mot sin partner. Dock finns det otillräcklig kunskap huruvida dessa förövare uppvisar olika riskprofiler (d.v.s. riskfaktorer och karaktäristika relaterade till återfall i partnervåld) och återfallsbenägenhet. Syftet med föreliggande avhandling var således att undersöka skillnader i riskprofiler och återfall i partnervåld mellan generellt våldsamma och icke generellt våldsamma partnervåldsförövare. Föreliggande avhandling utgjordes dels av en systematisk litteraturöversikt, dels av tre empiriska vetenskapliga studier. De empiriska studierna baserades på riskbedömningar utförda av polisen på misstänkta partnervåldsförövare. Dessa riskbedömningar utfördes med hjälp av riskbedömningsinstrumentet Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER). Urvalet för dessa empiriska studier bestod av 657 män som anmälts till polisen för partnervåld mot en kvinna. Resultaten påvisade att generellt våldsamma och icke generellt våldsamma partnervåldsförövare uppvisade olika riskprofiler och återfallsbenägenhet. Generellt våldsamma partnervåldsförövare uppvisade fler riskfaktorer för återfall i partnervåld och var mer benägna att återfalla i sådant våld. Icke generellt våldsamma partnervåldsförövare uppvisade färre riskfaktorer och återföll i mindre utsträckning. Dessa förövare var även mer socialt välanpassade utanför relationen. Dock fanns det flera icke generellt våldsamma partnervåldsförövare som återföll i partnervåld, vilket innebär att dessa förövare inte rutinmässigt bör betraktas som en låg-risk-grupp för återfall. Sammanfattningsvis kan möjligheten att identifiera de förövare som löper högst risk att återfalla i nytt partnervåld förbättras om hänsyn tas till huruvida dessa förövare är generellt eller icke generellt våldsamma. Detta kan i slutändan bidra till ökade möjligheter för polisen och övriga samhället att reducera de höga återfallssiffrorna och därmed förhindra partnervåld mot kvinnor. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University, 2020. p. 74
Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X ; 319
Intimate partner violence, perpetrators, recidivism, antisocial, family-only
National Category
Health Sciences
urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-38938 (URN)978-91-88947-44-4 (ISBN)
Public defence
2020-05-15, sal C306 Mittuniversitetet Sundsvall, och Hörsal L2 Örebro universitet, Sundsvall/Örebro, 10:00 (Swedish)

Seminariet kommer att hållas via videolänk (zoom). 

Available from: 2020-04-23 Created: 2020-04-22 Last updated: 2023-12-18Bibliographically approved

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