Fear of birth is a concern that requires evidence based treatment. The aim of this study is to present the protocol of a randomized controlled multi-center trial to compare internet-based cognitive therapy with counseling as standard care for pregnant women reporting fear of birth. Participants will be recruited in mid-pregnancy. Women who score 60 or above on the Fear of Birth Scale will be offered to participate in this study. Data will be collected by questionnaires including validated instruments at baseline and follow-ups at gestational weeks 30 and 36, two months and one year after birth. The primary outcome will be level of fear of birth measured with the Fear of Birth Scale at 36 weeks of gestation. Secondary outcome measures are level of fear of birth at two months and one year after giving birth, preferences for mode of birth, requests for elective cesarean section, compliance and satisfaction with treatment and birth outcomes. A power calculation based on a 20% reduction of fear implies that approximately 200 will be included in the trial. The study outlined in this protocol will be the first randomized controlled trial comparing internet-based cognitive therapy with counseling for women reporting fear of birth. An effective treatment may result in better overall health for women with fear of birth and a reduction in cesarean sections for non-medical reasons. Evidence regarding treatment options of fear of birth will also provide a greater choice for women.
Available online 15 June 2017