Relational Destination Development: Case Studies on the Significance of Tourism Networks
2017 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Destination development has turned into a key issue in local and regional development. Not least many governments recognize the in-dustry’s potential for fostering economic growth and development. The tourist destination is often conceptualized as a complex network with several levels of interaction – both networks of actors within the destination, but also networks linking it to its surrounding environment with potential and actual customers, other destinations, government bodies and so on. It is hence the assumption here that we cannot fully understand destination development in a particular community unless we have a good understanding of how the key stakeholders interact.
By applying different network approaches that are united by and based upon a relational economic geography perspective to the study of destination development, we can widen our understanding of why some destinations struggle to survive and often decline, others maintain a threshold of success as tourist visiting areas, whereas there are still others, which exhibit a high level of competitiveness with local entrepreneurial milieus characterized by growth and long-term development.
More generally, this thesis deals with a traditional core issue in economic geography, i.e., to explain what it is that makes a place or region characterized by growth and devlopment. This thesis explores this issue, and expands our knowledge on the links between various kinds of network structures and growth in a destination context. This is conducted by case studies, foremost based on the Swedish mountain resort of Åre, but one also focusing on Icehotel in northern Sweden - to explore relational destination development and the significance of tourism networks.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Uppsala: Department of Social and Economic Geography , 2017. , p. 107
Geographica, ISSN 0431-2023 ; 17
Keywords [en]
economic geography, tourism geography, local development, desti-nation, tourism, networks, social capital, destination governance, clusters, tourism innovation, evolution, Åre Sweden, Icehotel.
National Category
Human Geography
URN: urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-31356ISBN: 978-91-506-2648-3 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1130334
Public defence
2017-09-22, Gustavianum, Uppsala, 10:00 (Swedish)
2017-09-152017-08-092017-11-20Bibliographically approved