As digital technologies have spread rapidly through all parts of society, these technologies have been slower to gain foothold in schools. The uptake and use of digital technologies and the conditions for technology enhanced learning and school development were studied in the research project Unos Umeå, a joint One-to-One (1:1) research project between Umeå University and the municipality of Umeå in Sweden. In two schools, an upper-secondary school and a compulsory school, the work with digital technologies in practice in the classroom was studied for a period of three years from the student, teacher, school leader and school perspectives. This paper will provide further insight into this work, by providing the parent perspective of this 1:1 initiative. Using the Ecology of Resources Model (Luckin, 2010) for analysis, possibilities were seen in using the laptop as a pedagogical tool for structure and support in learning activities, responsibility for school work, and issues of digital equality. Challenges regarded increased laptop use, difficulties in monitoring schoolwork and students’ focus on schoolwork in the classroom environment. It is concluded that the parent perspective provides important insights for teachers and schools leaders which may help in supporting students’ learning through the use of digital technologies in the classroom.