INTRODUCTION: At present, knowledge regarding energy contributions and pacing strategies during successive sprint time-trials (STTs) in cross-country (XC) skiing is limited and, therefore, the current study was designed to examine these parameters. The results shown have recently been published elsewhere (Andersson et al., 2016).METHODS: Ten well-trained male XC skiers performed four self-paced 1300-m STTs on a treadmill, separated by 45 min of recovery. The simulated STT course was divided into three flat (1°) sections (S1, S3 and S5) involving the double poling (DP) sub-technique interspersed with two uphill (7°) sections (S2 and S4) involving the diagonal stride (DS) sub-technique. Treadmill velocity and VO2 were monitored continuously and technique-specific gross efficiency (based on submaximal pre-tests) was used to estimate anaerobic energy production.RESULTS & DISCUSSION: The average STT performance time was 229 ± 9 s and the aerobic energy contribution was 82 ± 5%. A positive pacing strategy was used during all STTs, with 3-9% more time spent on the second half of the course (P < 0.05). In addition, the pacing strategy was regulated to the terrain, with substantially higher (~30%) metabolic rates, due to primarily higher anaerobic energy production, for uphill compared with flat skiing (P < 0.05). The individually fastest STT was more aggressively paced compared to the slowest STT (P < 0.05), which resulted in a higher O2 deficit rate (13 ± 4 versus 11 ± 4 mL/kg/min, P < 0.05), while the VO2 was similar (both 52 ± 3 mL/kg/min). These findings emphasise the importance of a fast start. The within-athlete coefficient of variation (CV) in performance time, VO2 and O2 deficit were 1.3 ± 0.4%, 1.4 ± 0.9% and 11.2 ± 4.9%, respectively, with the CV in O2 deficit explaining 69% of the CV in performance. The pacing strategies were highly consistent, with an average CV in speed of 3.4%.CONCLUSION: The fastest STT was characterized by more aggressive pacing and a greater anaerobic energy production. Although the individual performance time during the four STTs was highly consistent, the small within-athlete variability in performance was related to variations in anaerobic energy production.