The project aims to explore the link between destination branding, tourism experiences, and the green transition of the tourism sector. It focuses on four key areas: a) investigating how visitors experience the sustainability of destination offerings; b) understanding how this experience impacts the perceived value of destination experience; c) examining how destination branding can encourage sustainable tourism behavior, thereby enhancing brand value and aiding the industry's green transition; d) exploring how tourism companies can leverage insights into drivers of tourist experience value to facilitate this transition. The project currently conducted in collaboration with Höga Kusten destination in Sweden seeks to extend the conceptual understanding of customer-based destination brand equity (CBDBE) by integrating the perceptions of sustainability value of destination brands. The background of the project concerns the challenges, which the tourism industry face in matching its green transition in relation to tourists' increasing and changing demand for sustainable destination experiences, tourists' acceptance of personal responsibility, actual behavior and perceived value of a sustainable tourism stay. To meet these challenges, companies and other destination actors need to understand the tourists' sustainable behavior, follow its changes and use the knowledge for building an attractive brand. In the current stage of the project, by utilizing brand and customer value theories, we design a web-based experiment to examine how perceptions of destination sustainability influence guest experiences. The projects’ main theoretical contribution relates to the extension of the CBDBE model by integrating the dimension of sustainability in experience value. The managerial implications of project findings can advance green transition in the tourism industry, enhance the understanding of the role, which destination brands play in encouraging sustainable behavior and fostering responsible guest practices. The activities in the project will also include the development of an evaluation tool and a concept sketch for a web-based app.