Inks and toners used for printing contain materials, such as polyester, with strong triboelectric properties to enhance the binding effects, making wastepaper, such as magazines and newspapers, good candidates for triboelectric materials. Herein, high-output power triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) that utilize wastepaper as triboelectric layers (wastepaper-based triboelectric nanogenerators (WP–TENGs)) are reported. Journal paper and office copy paper wastes are investigated. The results show that the maximum power densities of the WP–TENGs reach 43.5 W m−2, which is approximately 250 times the previously reported output of the TENG with a recycled triboelectric layer made from wastepaper. The maximum open circuit voltage (V OC) and short circuit current (I SC) are 774 V and 3.92 mA (784 mA m−2), respectively. These findings can be applied to extend the life cycle of printed papers for energy harvesting, and they can later be applied for materials recycling to enhance the sustainable development of our society.