Mid Sweden University

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Håkansson, M., Kronlid, D. O. & Östman, L. (2019). Searching for the political dimension in education for sustainable development: Socially critical, social learning and radical democratic approaches. Environmental Education Research, 25(1), 6-32
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Searching for the political dimension in education for sustainable development: Socially critical, social learning and radical democratic approaches
2019 (English)In: Environmental Education Research, ISSN 1350-4622, E-ISSN 1469-5871, Vol. 25, no 1, p. 6-32Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

By means of a narrative research synthesis, the aim of this article is to explore how the political dimension can or should be staged as a teaching and learning content in education for sustainable development (ESD). The study is limited to research literature dealing with the political dimension in relation to the phenomenon of conflict. Three approaches to the topic are identified: a socially critical approach (SCA), a social learning approach (SLA) and a radical democratic approach (RDA). Notably, SCA and SLA are already established in the research field, whereas RDA is a result of our synthesis. The scope of the synthesis is limited to these three approaches. We follow up the narrative research synthesis by comparing the three approaches to discern how the political dimension emerges as an educational content by using conflict as part of the teaching and learning activities. The main results are that all three approaches tend to downplay the political and produce political sameness. The article ends by suggesting possible directions for further research that would fruitfully translate the idea of the political dimension into educational settings and enrich the political dimension as a concept in ESD in both practice and research.

Sustainable development, political dimension, conflict, kwowledge overview
National Category
Research subject
Curriculum Studies
urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-47952 (URN)10.1080/13504622.2017.1408056 (DOI)000464582800002 ()2-s2.0-85038030472 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2017-12-11 Created: 2023-03-23 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Kronlid, D., Sandell, K., Svennbeck, M., Öhman, J. & Östman, L. (2015). Inledning. In: Leif Östman (Ed.), Naturmötespraktiker och miljömoraliskt lärande: (pp. 9-20). Uppsala University
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2015 (Swedish)In: Naturmötespraktiker och miljömoraliskt lärande / [ed] Leif Östman, Uppsala University , 2015, p. 9-20Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Uppsala University, 2015
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-47940 (URN)978-91-554-8611-2 (ISBN)
Available from: 2018-10-10 Created: 2023-03-23 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Hansson, P., Kronlid, D. O. & Östman, L. (2014). Encountering Nature on the Move. A transactional analysis of Jenny Diski's Travelogue Daydreaming and Smoking around America with interruptions.. In: Steven Hartman (Ed.), Counter Nature(s): . Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Encountering Nature on the Move. A transactional analysis of Jenny Diski's Travelogue Daydreaming and Smoking around America with interruptions.
2014 (English)In: Counter Nature(s) / [ed] Steven Hartman, Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi , 2014Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2014
Studies in Environmental Humanities
nature writing, Dewey, mobility, transaction
National Category
Research subject
Curriculum Studies
urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-47979 (URN)
Available from: 2014-01-10 Created: 2023-03-23 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Almqvist, J., Kronlid, D., Quennerstedt, M., Öhman, J., Öhman, M. & Östman, L. (2008). Pragmatiska studier av meningsskapande. Utbildning och Demokrati, 17(3), 11-24
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2008 (Swedish)In: Utbildning och Demokrati, ISSN 1102-6472, E-ISSN 2001-7316, Vol. 17, no 3, p. 11-24Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The overall aim of the article is to present a pragmatic approach for studies of meaning-making used in the articles of this issue. The approach, which is developed within the SMEDgroup (Studies of Meaning-making in Educational Discourses), mainly builds on the writings of John Dewey, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Michel Foucault. A common ambition for the researchers in SMED is to enable studies and discussions on questions concerning how meanings are made in people’s actions. Another ambition is to carry out these studies beyond assumptions of dualism, essentialism, causality and determinism. In this perspective learning and socialization are viewed in a communicative perspective. We argue in the article that our approach makes it possible, and important, to study meaning-making in action in different kinds of educational practices.

meaning-making, pragmatism, sociocultural, transaction, discourse analysis, socialization
National Category
urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-47975 (URN)
Available from: 2023-03-23 Created: 2023-03-23 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
The network for research on literacy practices [2008-05070_VR]; Uppsala UniversityTeaching and learning processes concerning argumentation within Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) [2010-05162_VR]; Uppsala UniversityManners of teaching about controversial sustainability issues and students learning [2017-03662_VR]; Uppsala UniversityThe public role of education in democratic sustainability transitions [2019-04819_VR]; Uppsala UniversityTeaching and Learning The Embedded Economy [2023-05334_VR]; Uppsala University
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-0404-3601

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